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Export Information


Order Information Outbound to ERP/WMS/OMS

Solution Export to ERP/WMS/OMS

When a routing solution has been completed, the results can be exported from our software applications to your ERP/WMS/OMS for processing. The primary options used to retrieve this data are

  1. Web Services Automatically pull order and account information from our software applications in real time or in a daily/batch process.
  2. XML File A simple, standard text file to share specific data with your ERP/WMS/OMS, on the web, or anywhere else the files can be read.
  3. Legacy Upload File (UPL) Export Using our on-premises software application (DirectRoute) to create an Upload File (UPL) in standard text format, with customizable selection of data to share with your ERP/WMS/OMS.
Solution Export to ERP/WMS/OMS

1. Web Services Export

Appian can accept web service pushes or calls for data regarding orders, accounts, routes and other data.

Benefits of using web services include:

  • Seamless account level data and order import with no user interaction.
  • Near real time data exchange.
  • Ability to receive info captured by mobile devices, including pictures and signatures (device specific).
  • Web service pushes or calls can be scheduled to occur automatically on a recurring basis.

All requests include your unique Web Service Client Identifier and are authenticated with GetAuthenticationToken, which validates User identification info with our Billing and Licensing system. Each return response includes status error codes and warnings, when applicable.

2. XML File Export

Appian’s DirectRoute can produce an XML File export that contains a specific set of data fields. This simple text file enables sharing pertinent information that multiple interchanges can read.

Benefits of using an XML File Export:

  • Allows communication that is easily consumed by most applications.
  • Contains a fixed set of data fields, including order, account and route information.

3. Legacy Upload File (UPL) Export

DirectRoute can also create a UPL Upload File that is customizable and easily shared with your ERP/WMS/OMS.

Benefits of using Legacy Upload File (UPL) Export:

  • Can be customized to include only desired data fields, while omitting data not needed.
  • Can be created/saved in various file formats, including XLS, CSV, TXT, and XML.
  • Basic text format is easily read by most applications.

When planning to use either the XML File export or UPL Upload method, a little prep work will be need to be done. DirectRoute Preference settings will need to be amended to specify filenames, paths, and other pertinent information. Additionally, if using the UPL Upload method, a URP Format File will need to be created for use with the UPL Upload File.

Export Preference Settings

DirectRoute Preference settings will need to be amended for the use of any export method. The following fields should be reviewed and updated, when necessary.

  • Upload Consolidated – By default, the UPL file will list each order separately, regardless if Consolidate Stops (Load tab) is chosen. If Upload Consolidated = TRUE, the orders/stops will be passed in a consolidated format in the UPL file. This is most useful when you do not require each order to be listed separately.
  • Upload Displayed Only – Set this option to TRUE to write the Upload File (UPL) with only those routes that are displayed (locked) on the map. If set to FALSE, the file will include all routes for that routing session.
  • Upload Header Record – Places a header row at top of the Upload File (UPL) with the number of routed orders.
  • Upload Starting Terminal – If set to TRUE, the starting terminal/distribution center will pass in the Upload File (UPL).
  • Upload Ending Terminal – If set to TRUE, the ending terminal/distribution center will pass in the Upload File (UPL).
  • Upload Date Format – Select the date format to be used (ex. MM/DD/YYYY).
  • Upload Day Format – Select how the day of the week should be displayed (ex. Monday, Mon, or Mo).
  • Upload Format File (.URP) – Enter the path and file name of the Upload Format File (URP) that will be used. When this field is used, the software will not ask for a URP File name during the upload process, it will only ask for the file name. (Leave blank if using the XML upload file option)
  • Upload File Name – The default file name is RTUPLOAD. Use the drop down arrow to select another name for the file; the file name can be changed after it has been created.
  • Upload File Path – Enter the location (path) to save the Upload File (UPL), if different than the current data folder location.
  • Upload File Type – Choose the upload file type you would like created (UPL, XML, CVS, XLS or TXT).
  • Upload XML Version – The XML version number (2, or 5).
  • Upload Sequence – If set to TRUE, the Upload File (UPL) will display orders by route and stop sequence numerically, same as it is displayed in the Route Book.
  • OBC Upload – Enables Onboard Computer System Upload File (OBC Upload File) format for PeopleNet, XATA, etc.
  • OBC Folder Path – Path to the OBC File.
  • OBC Upload File Name – OBC Upload File name.
  • Upload Time Format – Select the time format to be used (ex. H:mm).
  • V8 Compatible – Select TRUE to enable backwards compatibility with DirectRoute Version 8, otherwise select FALSE.
  • Display Arrival and Departure Time on Consolidated Order – When set to TRUE, will display the same Arrival/Departure Date for each order on the same stop on Consolidated Orders.
  • Display Miles on Consolidated Order – When set to TRUE, will display the same Miles for each individual order on the same stop on Consolidated Orders.
  • Display Unload Time on Consolidated Order – When set to TRUE, will display the same Unload Time for each individual order on the same stop on Consolidated Orders.
  • Ignore Terminal in .XML Upload – When set to TRUE, will ignore the Terminal and only display orders.
  • Display Drive and Work Time on Consolidation – When set to TRUE, will display Drive Time and Work Time on Consolidated Orders.
  • Abbreviate Rt Violation – When set to TRUE, will abbreviate all route violations.
  • Display Total Distance on Consolidated Orders – When set to TRUE, will display the Total Distance on Consolidated Orders.

Create an URP Format File

The URP Format File is a text formatted file created to tell the software which data fields to include and/or omit when creating an Upload File (UPL). It requires a specific header line, (Detail section) and below that, the data fields for the file are entered in the order they should appear in the Upload File, separated by a comma with no spaces. Each field represents one piece of data from the routing project. The URP Field Names Table lists all data fields that are available to use.

The URP Format File can be created in Notepad or other similar TXT program, and then saved in the Appian Data folder in DirectRoute.

  • Open/create a new Notepad file.
  • Type or copy the data fields desired from the URP Field Names Table.
    • Field names must be capitalized (all letters).
    • The first and second entries reflect the starting Column and Position of the data.
    • The third entry is the Number of Characters used for data in the field.
    • The fifth position is for Text Justification within the cell (L = Left, R = Right).
    • The last entry number is the Number of Decimals allowed to follow any given number in the field.
  • Once the all entries have been added, save the file as a URP File in the Appian Data folder in DirectRoute.
  • Ensure DirectRoute Preference settings (File→Preferences→Upload) are updated with the file name and path/location.

Create a Legacy Upload File (UPL) Export

An Upload File (UPL) is created while in the routing mode, after the routing project has been completed and saved. The data fields passed in the file are determined by the fields selected when creating the URP Format File, which must be completed prior to creating an Upload File (UPL).

  • With the Route Book open, select File→Run Post Process from the menu. If you did not previously enter a file name/path in the Upload section of Preferences, you will be prompted to select enter a a file name/path now, then click Save. You may also be asked if you want to upload displayed routes only (versus all routes in the Route Book) if not previously selected in Upload Preferences. When the file has been created successfully, an info box will appear with the new saved file name and location. If a previously produced Upload File already exists with the same name in the same location, the info box that appears will ask if you want to overwrite it.

Create an XML File Export

An XML File Export is created while in the routing mode, after the routing project has been completed and saved. The data fields passed in the file is a set group, and cannot be customized.

  • With the Route Book open, select File→Run Post Process from the menu. If you did not previously enter a file name/path in the Upload section of Preferences, you will be prompted to select enter a a file name/path now, then click Save. When the file has been created successfully, an info box will appear with the new saved file name and location. If a previously produced Upload File already exists with the same name in the same location, the info box that appears will ask if you want to overwrite it.

Reviewing Export Files

When creating export files for the first time, it’s import to review for any potential errors. Simply locate the file in the Appian Data folder, and open to review. A few potential errors to look for:

  • Header information should not be passed in the upload information.
  • If there are ### in a field, there was an error in the processing; check the URP File.
  • Ensure a period was not used in place of a comma in the parameters.
  • If there are *** in the Upload File, the fields are too small to hold the requested data.
Last updated August 20, 2024.