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File Import


The File Import from DirectRoute allows data exchange using TXT or XLS files. Benefits of this import type include:

  • Little to no IT involvement needed.
  • Simple TXT or XLS file format.
  • Typically used for routing only deployments with a third-party dispatch/execution system.

The Order File generated can contain as much, or as little, information as the ERP/WMS/OMS is capable of sending. At a minimum, the file should include Account Number, Ship To Address, Order Number, Order Volume/Weight, Delivery Address, and any special instructions. Any missing information will be completed from an Account Master File, which can reside locally in a stored file or database. Orders for new accounts will automatically create a new record in the Account Master File. Behind the scenes, the system is automatically generating an XML File for import into DRTrack.

Legacy / Flat File

The Order File generated can contain as much or as little information as the ERP/WMS/OMS is capable of sending. Any missing information will be completed from the Account Master File, stored in a local file or database.

Account Master Data

Field Name Description Required
Name The name of the Customer/Stop to be delivered. Required
Contact The name of a contact at the Customer/Stop. Optional
Phone Telephone number at the stop location. If the Area Code is included, The Legacy application (DirectRoute) can use it for geocoding. Optional
ID1 Primary unique identifier for Customer/Stop (user defined field in Preferences/Config settings) used in the extract process.
Example: Account or Customer number.
ID2 Secondary unique identifier for the Customer/Stop (user defined field in Preferences/Config settings).
Example: Store or Stop number.
ID3 Tertiary unique identifier for the Customer/Stop (user defined field in Preferences/Config settings). Example: Line Item or SKU. Optional
Address Street Address for the Customer. Address, along with City, State, and Zip Code are used to geocode by Address. Required
Address2 Additional Address Information.
Example: Suite, building, Door, or Dock number.
City Name of the City (Address). Can be used in conjunction with the Distance File to determine distances and Drive Time. (Required to geocode). Required
State 2 letter State (Address) abbreviation.
Example: WA, CA, OR. (Required to geocode).
Zip Zip Code (Address). Can be used for geocoding in conjunction with the Address field, or geocoding by 5- or 9-Digit Zip. Required
Longitude The Longitude and Latitude fields are coordinates that define where a Customer is located. Geocoding is the process used to identify these coordinates. Required
Latitude See Longitude. Required
FixedTime Used to identify a required/mandatory time that all vehicles must spend at a stop (in addition to Unload Rate/Time). Can be used to account for completing required paperwork. Input Fixed Time time in minutes; may be different for each customer.
Example: An entry of 15 would require the truck to be at the stop for 15 minutes, in addition to the time calculated by the UnldRate. Total time at the stop will be calculated by The Legacy application, by adding these two fields together.
SzRestriction Size Restriction will inform The Legacy application that this is the maximum size or volume for a vehicle that may deliver to this stop. Using a size restriction will limit which truck size the customer load can be put on.
Example: A quantity of 20,000 = load could only be put on trucks with a capacity of 20,000 or less in (Volume1 field) the Truck File.
EqCode An alphanumeric code (unlimited number of characters) used to designate special equipment or requirements for a stop (lift gate, refrigerated compartment, etc.). Corresponding Truck File field: SpE. When EqCodes are used, The Legacy application will only load the stops on a vehicle with a matching SpEq code listed in the Truck File.
Example: If a stop requires a lift gate in order to complete delivery, place a code in the EqCode field that designates lift gate, and use the same code in the SpEq field on a truck in the Truck File. Can combine multiple codes (i.e. AJ-BH-HH-XX).
Note: There are also special EqCodes that can be utilized for Back Hauls, prioritizing and sequencing of stops, territory codes and exclusion codes.
UnldRate Identifies the amount of time it takes to unload the volume1 value, in hours. Note: If Volume = cases, the field appears in the Stop File as ‘UnldCases’.
Example: It takes one hour to unload 1000 cases. A truck that carries 2000 cases would have an unload rate of 2 (2000 ÷ 1000/per hr.).
Open1 Earliest time of day s customer will accept delivery. Military Time format (0000-2400). Multiple Time Windows can be used (up to ten), defined as Open1, Close1, Pattern1; Open2, Close2, Pattern2.
Example: Customer can receive deliveries between 800 and 1130 on Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Enter Open1=0800, Close1=1130, and Pattern1=SWA.
Close1 Latest time of day that customer will accept delivery. See Open1 for additional info. Required
Pattern1 Days of the week when the customer will accept deliveries. Each letter corresponds to the days of the week, beginning with Sunday (SMTWRFA).
Example: Pattern1 = SWA; the customer can receive deliveries on Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
EarlyBuffer EarlyBuffer is used to activate the Soft TimeWindows function within The Legacy application, allowing stops to be loaded before the actual Open1 time window. A penalty cost is added if the buffer is engaged. (MM/DD/YY) Used in conjunction with EarliestDate; determines the latest date the stop may be serviced. May be the same date as EarliestDate if there is only one day in which the stop may be serviced. Optional
LateBuffer LateBuffer is used to activate the Soft Time Windows function within The Legacy application, allowing stops to be loaded after the actual Close1 time window. A penalty cost is added if the buffer is engaged.EarlyBuffer is used to activate the Soft TimeWindows function within The Legacy application, allowing stops to be loaded before the actual Open1 time window. A penalty cost is added if the buffer is engaged. Optional
MaxSplits Max Number of Splits Allowed for a Stop Optional
PenaltyCost The PenaltyCost (dollar amount per hour) is used in conjunction with the EarlyBuffer and LateBuffer to calculate and apply a penalty cost to stops that use the buffers, when engaged. During the Optimization process, The Legacy application will try to move a stop with a penalty cost to another route in an attempt to eliminate the penalty (calculated per hour). Optional
Rt The Route # on which the customer is normally serviced. When pre-populated, The Legacy application will place the stop on this Route. If left blank, The Legacy application will determine which Route will service the stop.Max Number of Splits Allowed for a Stop Optional
Seq The delivery position of the stop on the Route. If pre-populated, The Legacy application will place the stop in this position. If left blank, The Legacy application will determine the position during the routing process.
Example: A value of 3 indicates the customer is the third stop on the route.Max Number of Splits Allowed for a Stop

Order File Data

Because the account master exists in the database, data elements that are required for routing aren’t necessarily required in the order file. Any information missing from the data will automatically populate from account master information. The order file can contain simply order summary data or be as detailed as line level data.

Field Name Description Required?
Name The name of the customer/business (stop) to be delivered. Optional
Contact The name of a contact at the customer stop. Optional
Phone Telephone number at the stop location. If the Area code is included, the software can use it for geocoding. Optional
ID1 Primary unique identifier for the customer/stop (Acct#, Customer#). User defined (Preferences→Configuration) used in extract process. Required
ID2 Secondary unique identifier for the customer/stop. Example: Store#, Stop#. User defined field in Preferences→Configuration. Required
ID3 Tertiary unique identifier for the customer/stop. Example: Line Item, SKU. User defined field in Preferences→Configuration. Optional
Address Street Address for the customer. Address, along with City, State, and Zip are used to geocode by address. Also used by Address Cleanup. Optional
Address2 Additional Address information. Example: Suite#, building#, Door#, Dock#. Optional
City Name of the city (Address). This field can be used in conjunction with the Distance File to determine distances and drive time. Required to geocode. Optional
State 2 letter state (Address) abbreviation. Example: WA, CA, OR. Required to geocode. Optional
Zip The zip code (Address). Can be used for geocoding in conjunction with the Address field, or geocoding by 5-Digit or 9-Digit Zip. Optional
FixedTime Used to identify a required/mandatory time that all vehicles must spend at the stop (in addition to unload rate/time). Can be used to account for completing required paperwork. Input Fixed Time in minutes; may be different for each customer. Example: An entry of 15 would require the truck to be at the stop for 15 minutes, in addition to the time calculated by the UnldRate. Total time at the stop will be calculated by the software by adding these two fields together. Note: DR will route without this field, but in practice a Fixed Time is needed as the truck will have to stop for certain amount of time to unload (and perform other activities). Typical range is 15-45 (15 to 45 minutes). Enter number in minutes. Optional
SzRestriction Size Restriction will inform the software that this is the maximum size or volume for a vehicle that may deliver to this stop. Using a size restriction will limit which truck size the customer load can be put on. Example: A quantity of 20,000 would mean that the customer load could only be put on trucks with a capacity of 20,000 or less in (Volume 1 field) the Truck File. Optional
EqCode An alphanumeric code (unlimited number of characters) used to designate special equipment or requirements for a stop (lift gate, refrigerated compartment, etc.). Corresponding Truck File field: SpE. When EqCodes are used, the software will only load the stops on a vehicle with a matching SpEq code listed in the Truck File. Example: If a stop requires a lift gate in order to complete delivery, place a code in the EqCode field that designates lift gate, and use the same code in the SpEq field on a truck in the Truck File. It is possible to combine the use of several EqCodes, but each code should be separated by a dash (i.e. AJ-BH-HH-XX). If there are no special requirements for a stop, this field should be blank. Note: There are also special EqCodes that can be utilized for Back Hauls, prioritizing and sequencing of stops, territory codes and exclusion codes. Optional
Qty Fields The volume to be delivered; user defined field (Preferences→Configuration) can be any quantity type (weight, cube, pallets, cases, etc.). If no volume type is entered, the software will load all stops on one route, or until it reaches the maximum stops per route, as defined by the user. The capacity fields in the Truck File correspond to the volume fields in the Stop File. Example: Volume used is Cases; the column heading appears in the Stop File as Cases. Capacity 1 column heading in the Truck File will also appear as Cases. Note: Must be at least one (1) volume field in use, even if left blank. Required
UnldRate (UnldQty) Identifies the amount of time it takes to unload Volume1 value, in hrs. Example: Volume1 = Cases. The field appears in the Stop File as UnldCases. it takes one hour to unload 1000 cases. A truck that carries 2000 cases would have an unload rate of 2 (2000 ÷ 1000/per hr.). The UnldRate time is added to the Fixed Time. The UnldRate heading will mirror the volume name defined in the Preferences→ Configuration→Volumes (Weight = UnldWeight, Cases = UnldCases). Optional
CloseTW TRUE or FALSE. When this option is set to TRUE, a vehicle must reach the stop, deliver and complete unloading before the Time Window closes (including Fixed Time plus UnldRate). Optional
Zone A percentage adjustment to the drive time. Default is 100 = normal rate of speed. An increase to the drive time will lower speed; a decrease to drive time will increase speed. Zone is hardcoded to eight miles. Example: If rush hour distance is set to 30 miles, it will apply to the truck for a 30 mile radius from the depot. If it is set on the customer in the Stop File, it will be a 30 mile radius from the customer. Example (Truck File): A value of 110 would increase the drive time by 10%, hence lowering the speed by 10%. A value of 90 would decrease drive time by 10%, increasing speed by 10%. The speed adjustment is only applied to the first 8 miles of each route segment (from Depot). Example (Stop File): If all customers in downtown Chicago have a value of 110 in this field, the software will increase drive time for the stops in downtown Chicago (within the 8 mile radius), while lowering the speed of travel. Optional
AMStart Set AM start time to adjust speed to account for heavier/lighter traffic. Optional
AMEnd Set AM end time to adjust speed to account for heavier/lighter traffic. Optional
AMAdj Set drive time adjustment for AMStart and AMEnd. AM/PM Adjust works the same as Zone; increase the number (110) to increase the drive time by 10 percent. In turn the speed is decreased by 10 percent. The radius is based on the rush hour distance setting (Preferences→Routing→General). Zone is hardcoded to eight miles, while AM/PM Adjust is based on the rush hour distance. Example: If rush hour distance is set to 30 miles, it will apply to the truck for a 30 mile radius from the depot. If it is set on the customer in the Stop File, it will be a 30 mile radius from the customer. Optional
PMStart Set PMStart to adjust speed to account for heavier or lighter traffic. Optional
PMEnd Set PMEnd to adjust speed to account for heavier or lighter traffic. Optional
PMAdj Set drive time adjustment for PMStart and PMEnd. See AMAdj for additional info. Optional
Open1 Earliest time of day delivery can be made. Using Military Time format (0000-2400), delivery time windows are entered in the Open1 and Close1 fields. Multiple Time Windows can be established (up to ten), and are defined as Open1, Close1, Pattern1; Open2, Close2, Pattern2; Open3, Close3, Pattern3 and so forth. Example: Customer can receive deliveries between 800 and 1130 on Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday. This corresponds to Open1=0800, Close1=1130, and Pattern1=SWA. Optional
Close1 Latest time a delivery can be made. See Open1 for additional info. Optional
Pattern1 Days of the week when the customer will accept deliveries. Time Windows are entered as patterns of opening and closing times and days of the week (SMTWRFA) that define when the customer will accept deliveries. Example: Customer can receive deliveries between 800 and 1130 on Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday. This corresponds to Open1=0800, Close1=1130, and Pattern1=SWA. S=Sunday, M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, A=Saturday Optional
EarliestDate (MM/DD/YY). May be used to ensure that a stop is not serviced before a specific date, or when used in combination with LatestDate, used to ensure the stop is delivered within a specific time window, and can allow multi-day/week deliveries based on date versus time window only. If this column is blank, it will be ignored. Optional
LatestDate (MM/DD/YY) Used in conjunction with EarliestDate; determines the latest the date that the stop may be serviced. May be the same date as EarliestDate if there is only one day in which the stop may be serviced. If this column is blank it will be ignored. Optional
EarlyBuffer Used to activate the Soft TimeWindows function within the software, allowing stops to be loaded before the hard time window. A penalty cost is counted against the uses of the buffers. Note: EarlyBuffers and LateBuffers are used to expand time windows. Optional
LateBuffer Used to activate the Soft Time Windows function within the software. allowing stops to be loaded after the hard time windows. A penalty cost is counted against the use of the buffers. Note: EarlyBuffers and LateBuffers are used to expand time windows. Optional
PenaltyCost Used in conjunction with the EarlyBuffer and LateBuffer, is used to calculate and apply a penalty cost to stops that use the buffers. During the Optimization process, the software will try to move a stop with a penalty cost to another route in an attempt to eliminate the penalty (calculated per hour). Enter dollar amount per hour. Optional

Upload Fields and Descriptions

RFARV_DATE Arrival date at delivery location
RFARV_DAY Arrival day at delivery location
RFARV_TIME Arrival time at delivery location
RFBREAKTM Break time for driver
RFCUM_DRV_TM Cumulative drive time
RFCUM_WRK_TM Cumulative work time on route
RFCUMQTY001 Cumulative Quantity1 of Order
RFCUMQTY002 Cumulative Quantity2 of Order
RFCUMQTY003 Cumulative Quantity3 of Order
RFCUMQTY004 Cumulative Quantity4 of Order
RFCUMQTY005 Cumulative Quantity5 of Order
RFCUMQTY006 Cumulative Quantity6 of Order
RFCUMQTY007 Cumulative Quantity7 of Order
RFCUMQTY008 Cumulative Quantity8 of Order
RFCUMQTY009 Cumulative Quantity9 of Order
RFCUMQTY010 Cumulative Quantity10 of Order
RFDEPDAY Day of departure/dispatch day
RFDEPT_DATE Route departure date
RFDEPT_TIME Time of route departure
RFDIST_TO_PREV_STOP Distance from previous stop
RFINCR_COST Incremental cost of a stop; calculates difference in miles, drvtm; if a stop is added, applies mileage and hr cost
RFLAYOVER_TM Overnight layover time within a route
RFREMAINCAP001 Remaining Capacity1
RFREMAINCAP002 Remaining Capacity2
RFREMAINCAP003 Remaining Capacity3
RFREMAINCAP004 Remaining Capacity4
RFREMAINCAP005 Remaining Capacity5
RFREMAINCAP006 Remaining Capacity6
RFREMAINCAP007 Remaining Capacity7
RFREMAINCAP008 Remaining Capacity8
RFREMAINCAP009 Remaining Capacity9
RFREMAINCAP010 Remaining Capacity10
RFSEQ_NO Sequence number of stop within a route
RFTIME_TO_PREV_STOP Time to Previous Stop
RFWAIT_TM_AT_STOP Wait time at stop
RT_NUM Route Number
RT%_ABSCAP001_USED Absolute value of Qty1 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2 (pickup, delivery)
RT%_ABSCAP002_USED Absolute value of Qty2 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_ABSCAP003_USED Absolute value of Qty3 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_ABSCAP004_USED Absolute value of Qty4 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_ABSCAP005_USED Absolute value of Qty5 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_ABSCAP006_USED Absolute value of Qty6 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_ABSCAP007_USED Absolute value of Qty7 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_ABSCAP008_USED Absolute value of Qty8 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_ABSCAP009_USED Absolute value of Qty9 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_ABSCAP010_USED Absolute value of Qty10 for each stop on route divided by Trk capacity * 2
RT%_CAP001_USED Percent of cap1 used on route (10 cap fields avail)
RT%_CAP002_USED Percent of cap2 used on route
RT%_CAP003_USED Percent of cap3 used on route
RT%_CAP004_USED Percent of cap4 used on route
RT%_CAP005_USED Percent of cap5 used on route
RT%_CAP006_USED Percent of cap6 used on route
RT%_CAP007_USED Percent of cap7 used on route
RT%_CAP008_USED Percent of cap8 used on route
RT%_CAP009_USED Percent of cap9 used on route (
RT%_CAP010_USED Percent of cap10 used on route
RTCAP001_USED Route capacity1 used (10 cap fields avail)
RTCAP002_USED Route capacity2 used
RTCAP003_USED Route capacity3 used
RTCAP004_USED Route capacity4 used
RTCAP005_USED Route capacity5 used
RTCAP006_USED Route capacity6 used
RTCAP007_USED Route capacity7 used
RTCAP008_USED Route capacity8 used
RTCAP009_USED Route capacity9 used
RTCAP010_USED Route capacity10 used
RTBACKHAUL001 Backhaul1
RTBACKHAUL002 Backhaul2
RTBACKHAUL003 Backhaul3
RTBACKHAUL004 Backhaul4
RTBACKHAUL005 Backhaul5
RTBACKHAUL006 Backhaul6
RTBACKHAUL007 Backhaul7
RTBACKHAUL008 Backhaul8
RTBACKHAUL009 Backhaul9
RTBACKHAUL010 Backhaul10
RTDEL001 Total value of Qty1 delivered (Non negative quantities and excludes backhauls)
RTDEL002 Total value of Qty2 delivered
RTDEL003 Total value of Qty3 delivered
RTDEL004 Total value of Qty4 delivered
RTDEL005 Total value of Qty5 delivered
RTDEL006 Total value of Qty6 delivered
RTDEL007 Total value of Qty7 delivered
RTDEL008 Total value of Qty8 delivered
RTDEL009 Total value of Qty9 delivered
RTDEL010 Total value of Qty10 delivered
RTCOSTPERQTY001 Cost per Quantity1
RTCOSTPERQTY002 Cost per Quantity2
RTCOSTPERQTY003 Cost per Quantity3
RTCOSTPERQTY004 Cost per Quantity4
RTCOSTPERQTY005 Cost per Quantity5
RTCOSTPERQTY006 Cost per Quantity6
RTCOSTPERQTY007 Cost per Quantity7
RTCOSTPERQTY008 Cost per Quantity8
RTCOSTPERQTY009 Cost per Quantity9
RTCOSTPERQTY010 Cost per Quantity10
RTEARLIESTLATEDATE Shows the critical latest delivery date when Earliest/Latest Date is used.
RTENDDATE End date of route
RTENDDAY End day of route
RTENDTIME Time route ends
RTSTARTDATE Date route starts
RTSTART_DAY Day route starts
RTSTARTTIME Time route starts
RTFARTHESTSTOP Distance to the farthest stop on the route
RTJULIANPLUSRT Used to generate rt # for peoplenet day of year +Rt# (ex. 050012 is rt 12 on the 50th day of the year)
RTNONSTEMDIST None Stem distance
RTPICKUP001 Total value of Qty1 delivered (shown as negative quantities)
RTPICKUP002 Total value of Qty2 delivered
RTPICKUP003 Total value of Qty3 delivered
RTPICKUP004 Total value of Qty4 delivered
RTPICKUP005 Total value of Qty5 delivered
RTPICKUP006 Total value of Qty6 delivered
RTPICKUP007 Total value of Qty7 delivered
RTPICKUP008 Total value of Qty8 delivered
RTPICKUP009 Total value of Qty9 delivered
RTPICKUP010 Total value of Qty10 delivered
RTQTYPERHR001 Quantity1 per hour
RTQTYPERHR002 Quantity2 per hour
RTQTYPERHR003 Quantity3 per hour
RTQTYPERHR004 Quantity4 per hour
RTQTYPERHR005 Quantity5 per hour
RTQTYPERHR006 Quantity6 per hour
RTQTYPERHR007 Quantity7 per hour
RTQTYPERHR008 Quantity8 per hour
RTQTYPERHR009 Quantity9 per hour
RTQTYPERHR010 Quantity10 per hour
RTQTYPERMI001 Quantity1 per mile
RTQTYPERMI002 Quantity2 per mile
RTQTYPERMI003 Quantity3 per mile
RTQTYPERMI004 Quantity4 per mile
RTQTYPERMI005 Quantity5 per mile
RTQTYPERMI006 Quantity6 per mile
RTQTYPERMI007 Quantity7 per mile
RTQTYPERMI008 Quantity8 per mile
RTQTYPERMI009 Quantity9 per mile
RTQTYPERMI010 Quantity10 per mile
RTSTEMDIST Route stem distance
RTSTOPSPERHR Stops per hour on route
RTSTOPSPERMI Stops per mile on route
RTTOAT_UNLD_TM Route total unload time
RTTOT_DAYS Total number of days on a route
RTTOT_DIST Total distance of a route
RTTOT_DROPCOST Total drop cost of a route
RTTOT_ELAPSED_TIME Total elapsed time of a route
RTTOT_FIXEDCOST Total fixed cost of a route
RTTOT_HRCOST Total hourly pay cost of route
RTTOT_LAYOVERCOST Total cost of layovers on a route
RTTOT_MICOST Total mileage cost of a route
RTTOT_OTCOST Total overtime cost of a route
RTTOT_PREPOST Total pre and post time for a route
RTTOT_UNITCOST Total unit cost on a route
RTTOT_UNLDHRCOST Total unload hour cost on a route
RTTOT_WAITHRCOST Total wait hour cost of a route
RTTOTAL_COST Total cost of a route
RTTOTAL_DRV_TM Total drive time
RTTOTAL_STOPS Total stops serviced
RTTOTAL_WAIT_TM Total wait time on a route
RTTOTAL_WRK_TM Total work time on a route
RTVIOLATIONSYN Violations yes or no
RTVIOLATIONSFULL Violations (equip/capacity) on a route-Full
RTVIOLATIONSBRIEF Violations (equip/capacity) on a route-Brief
RTTOTAL_HOURS_PERROUTEDAY Total hours per route day
RTTOT_LAYOVERTIME Total layover time of a route
RTTOTAL_MILES_PERROUTEDAY Total miles per route day
RTTOT_LAYOVERS Total no of layovers on a route
RTTOLLCOST Toll cost per route
RTQTY001 Total Qty1 per route
RTQTY002 Total Qty2 per route
RTMILESPERQTY001 Route miles per QTY1
RTMILESPERQTY002 Route miles per QTY2
Stop Fields Description of Field Info
SFADDRESS Address of stop
SFADDRESS2 Extra address information
SFAMADJ AM Rush Hour Speed Adjustment
RFBUFFERUSED Total untilized buffer time
SFCITY City the stop is located in
SFCOLOR Color of stop displayed on the map
SFCONTACT Contact name for stop
SFOPEN1 Earliest time for 1st delivery Time Window
SFCLOSE1 Latest time for 1st delivery Time Window
SFPATTERN1 Avail Del Days for first set of Time Windows
SFOPEN2 Earliest time for 2nd delivery Time Window
SFCLOSE2 Latest time for 2nd delivery Time Window
SFPATTERN2 Avail Del Days for 2nd set of Time Windows
SFDELQTY001 Quantity1 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY002 Quantity2 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY003 Quantity3 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY004 Quantity4 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY005 Quantity5 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY006 Quantity6 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY007 Quantity7 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY008 Quantity8 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY009 Quantity9 delivered to stop
SFDELQTY010 Quantity10 delivered to stop
SFEQCODE Equipment code
SFFIXEDTIME Fixed time for stop
SFEARLIESTDATE EarliestDate for stop
SFID1 First Identifier for Customer/Acct (Account#)
SFID2 Second Identifier for Customer/Acct (Order#)
SFID3 Third Identifier for Customer/Acct (LineItem)
SFLATITUDE Latitude coordinates of stop
SFLONGITUDE Longitude coordinates of stop
SFNAME Customer name
SFOUTPFROUTECOST Out of Route cost for Stop
SFPHONE Customer phone number
RFPENALTYCOST Cost incurred for utilizing Early/Late Buffer
SFPICKUPQTY001 Pickup quantity1 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY002 Pickup quantity2 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY003 Pickup quantity3 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY004 Pickup quantity4 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY005 Pickup quantity5 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY006 Pickup quantity6 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY007 Pickup quantity7 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY008 Pickup quantity8 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY009 Pickup quantity9 (negative number)
SFPICKUPQTY010 Pickup quantity10 (negative number)
SFQTY001 Quantity1 of order
SFQTY002 Quantity2 of order
SFQTY003 Quantity3 of order
SFQTY004 Quantity4 of order
SFQTY005 Quantity5 of order
SFQTY006 Quantity6 of order
SFQTY007 Quantity7 of order
SFQTY008 Quantity8 of order
SFQTY009 Quantity9 of order
SFQTY010 Quantity10 of order
SFROW Row # in the spreadsheet for the stop
SFRT Route number
SFRTONLY Displays only the Rt#, not Rt and Leg
SFSELECTED Stop selected
SFSEQ Sequence number of stop
SFSIZE Size restriction
SFSTATE State where stop is located
SFSYMBOL Symbol assigned to the Stop
SFUNLDRATE001 Unload rate1
SFUNLDRATE002 Unload rate2
SFUNLDRATE003 Unload rate3
SFUNLDRATE004 Unload rate4
SFUNLDRATE005 Unload rate5
SFUNLDRATE006 Unload rate6
SFUNLDRATE007 Unload rate7
SFUNLDRATE008 Unload rate8
SFUNLDRATE009 Unload rate9
SFUNLDRATE010 Unload rate10
SFUSERFLD001 Stop File user field1 (20 fields available)
SFUSERFLD002 Stop File user field2
SFUSERFLD003 Stop File user field3
SFUSERFLD004 Stop File user field4
SFUSERFLD005 Stop File user field5
SFUSERFLD006 Stop File user field6
SFUSERFLD007 Stop File user field7
SFUSERFLD008 Stop File user field8
SFUSERFLD009 Stop File user field9
SFUSERFLD010 Stop File user field10
SFUSERFLD011 Stop File user field11
SFUSERFLD012 Stop File user field12
SFUSERFLD013 Stop File user field13
SFUSERFLD014 Stop File user field14
SFUSERFLD015 Stop File user field15
SFUSERFLD016 Stop File user field16
SFUSERFLD017 Stop File user field17
SFUSERFLD018 Stop File user field18
SFUSERFLD019 Stop File user field19
SFUSERFLD020 Stop File user field20
SFZIP Zip code where stop is located
SFZONE user defined zone of stop
SPDISTTODEPOT dist from stop to depot
SPDISTTODEPOTSUM sum of distance from stops to depot
SFFREQUENCY Frequency for stop
SFGEORESULT Geocode results
SFLEG Leg number for stop
SFLTLCOST LTL cost for the stop
SFMAXSPLITS Max number of splits allowed per stop
SFAMSTART Specifies start time of AM rush hour
SFAMEND Specifies end time of AM rush hour
SFPMSTART Specifies start time of PM rush hour
SFPMEND Specifies end time of PM rush hour
SFPMADJ Amount to adjust PM drive time
SFAMADJ Amount to adjust AM drive time
RFTOLLCOST Cost of toll for a stop
TW_GRAPH Time window graph
RFCAPUSED001 Capacity1 used per stop (10 cap fields avail)
RFCAPUSED002 Capacity2 used per stop
RFCAPUSED003 Capacity3 used per stop
RFCAPUSED004 Capacity4 used per stop
RFCAPUSED005 Capacity5 used per stop
RFCAPUSED006 Capacity6 used per stop
RFCAPUSED007 Capacity7 used per stop
RFCAPUSED008 Capacity8 used per stop
RFCAPUSED009 Capacity9 used per stop
RFCAPUSED010 Capacity10 used per stop
Truck Fields Description of Field Info
TFCAP001 Vehicle capacity1
TFCAP002 Vehicle capacity2
TFCAP003 Vehicle capacity3
TFCAP004 Vehicle capacity4
TFCAP005 Vehicle capacity5
TFCAP006 Vehicle capacity6
TFCAP007 Vehicle capacity7
TFCAP008 Vehicle capacity8
TFCAP009 Vehicle capacity9
TFCAP010 Vehicle capacity10
TFEARSTART Earliest time vehicle can be dispatched
TFEDATE Earliest date vehicle may be dispatched
TFFIXEDCOST Fixed cost for operating vehicle
TFHRCOST Cost per hour to operate the vehicle
TFLATFINISH Latest time vehicle can finish the route
TFLAYOVERCOST Cost per layover of vehicle
TFLDATE Latest date vehicle may be dispatched
TFLOCK Lock route
TFMAXDRIVETM Maximum drive time for the vehicle/driver
TFMAXLAYOVER Maximum layover allowed
TFMAXWORKTM Maximum work time for vehicle/driver
TFMICOST Cost per mile to operate the vehicle
TFMINLAYOVER Minimum layover required
TFOTCOST Over time cost
TFSPEQ Special equipment identifier (corresponds to equipment code in Stop File)
TFSTATUS Vehicle utilized (Y or N)
TFTRKID Unique identifier for vehicle
TFUNITCOST Cost per unit on vehicle
TFUSERFLD001 user defined field1
TFUSERFLD002 user defined field2
TFUSERFLD003 user defined field3
TFUSERFLD004 user defined field4
TFUSERFLD005 user defined field5
TFUSERFLD006 user defined field6
TFUSERFLD007 user defined field7
TFUSERFLD008 user defined field8
TFUSERFLD009 user defined field9
TFUSERFLD010 user defined field10
TFUNLDHRCOST Unload hour cost
TFWAITHRCOST Wait time cost per hour
TFBREAKTM Break time for driver
TRDIST Total distance driven (all routes)
TRDROPCOST Total drop cost
TRDRV_TM Total drive time
TRELAPSED_TIME Total elapsed time
TRFIXEDCOST Total fixed cost
TRHRCOST Total hourly pay cost
TRLAYOVERCOST Total layover cost
TRMICOST Total mileage cost
TROTCOST Total over time cost
TRSTOPS Total stops serviced
TRTOTCOST Total overall cost
TRTOTTM Total time used
TRUNITCOST Total unit costs
TRUNLD_TM Total unload time
TRUNLDHRCOST Total unload hour cost
TRWAIT_TM Total wait time
TRWAITHRCOST Total wait time cost
TRWRK_TM Total work time
TFCITY City the truck is located in
TFLATITUDE Truck latitude
TFLONGITUDE Truck longitude
TFUNLDPERF Unload performance
ResourcePro Fields Description of Field Info
RPDRIVER Driver assigned to route in ResourcePro
RPTRUCK Truck assigned in ResourcePro
RPTRAILER Trailer assigned in ResourcePro
RPSTARTINGDRIVETIME Drive Time Start in ResourcePro
RPSTARTINGWORKTIME Work Time Start in ResourcePro
RPWORKHOURSBEFORE Work Hrs before next route (Hrs between routes)
Last updated June 11, 2024.