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Order Import Service


The Order Import Service automates the process of inserting daily order files into our software. (Requires Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.8 or higher.) The service polls a user defined folder within your network for an order file (CSV or EXT) that has been exported from an ERP/WMS/OMS. The file is then processed by the service and automatically pushed to the database using web services. There are several benefits of using the Order Import Service, including:

  • Reduction of resources needed to engage in a full integration project.
  • The ability to deploy route and dispatch tools quickly.
  • No limit to the number of orders that can be sent in one call.
Order Import Service (OIS):
Import orders in batch from a text file (CSV or EXT) created by the ERP/WMS/OMS
Batch Inbound Order Process Chart

Order Import Service Data Elements

The use of ‘Required’ data fields is necessary ensure proper identification of records. The use of ‘Optional’ data fields improve the efficiency of the software’s reporting capabilities.

  • Required Fields:
    • Account Number
    • Order Number
  • Optional Fields:
    • Branch
    • Action – Add, Modify, Delete, and Delete All
    • Estimated Ship Date – If empty, default to current date with an option to offset days
    • Quantity and/or Volume (User Defined Volume Type)
    • User field(s) – (User Defined)
    • Line Number – If empty, default to Order Number
    • Address, Address2, City, State, Zip Code, and Lat/Long
    • Time Window, EQCode, Fixed Time, EarlyBuffer, LateBuffer, EarliestDate, LatestDate, Penalty Cost, Zone

XML Order Import Table

The XML Order Import Table contains data for finalized routes that can be retrieved for use in ERP/WMS/OMS, and is laid out as follows:

  1. Field Name
  2. Field Type – Enumeration, String, Numeric, Duration, Date, Time, Boolean
  3. Field Width - Number of characters
  4. Required/Optional Field (R, O)
  5. Field Description
  6. Sample Field Value

DRVolumeFields Data

1 2 3 4 5 6
No N R ID A number increment from 1
Name S 25 R Name of the Qty Field. Weight, Cube, Pallet
Volume N R The amount of material to be delivered to this stop 2000
UnldRate N R The amount of time it will take to unload material per hour. It will take 2 hours to deliver 2000 units at an unld rate of 1000 units/hr
(Pass 0 to ignore unload rates) 1000.
Note: Service Time at delivery locations are calculated based upon Fixed Time and UnldRate (time). Setting the UnldRate to 0 will make the Fixed Time be the total service time.

DRUserFields Data

1 2 3 4 5 6
No N R ID A number incremented from 1
Name S 25 R Name of the UserField SalesPerson
Value S 255 R Value of the UserField Bob
Last updated August 21, 2023.