
Trimble Maps engineers share their expertise

Experimenting With LangChain AI

| By Ganesan Senthilvel

My recent experiences working with LangChain technology.

New Frameworks Provide New Ways to Create Cross Platform, Cross Mobile Applications

| By Ganesan Senthilvel

My recent experiences working with Flutter and Capacitor.

How to Help Guide Developers Through Your API Documentation

| By Chris Johnson

Tips on how to go beyond just documenting API endpoints and parameters.

How We Improved the Performance of Our Vector Maps

| By Ganesan Senthilvel

The changes we made to give our customers a better experience with our vector maps.

How We Converted a Huge SVN Repo to Git

| By Jonathan Koppenhaver

A step-by-step guide to how Trimble Maps transitioned its code repo to Git from Subversion.

Everything We Did to Make This Site Fast

| By Christian Oliff

A detailed rundown on the tools and techniques we used to optimize page-load performance.

All Aboard With MassTransit

| By Stephen Darlington

Creating a simple geocoding program using MassTransit.

Customizing Swagger Responses for Better API Documentation

| By Stephen Darlington

How to configure custom example responses for Swagger API Docs

Tracing Distributed Systems Using AWS X-Ray

| By Ganesan Senthilvel

Tracing Distributed Systems using AWS X-Ray

Getting Started With AWS Big Data — How to Query Data in S3 Using Glue and Athena

| By Matthew Harper

A step-by-step tutorial to quickly build and test a data analytics service in AWS using S3, Glue, and Athena.

API-First Development and OpenAPI

| By Casey Lutz

A frank rambling on the needs for and the pitfalls of API first development.

Brief Intro to NetTopology in .NET Core

| By Aizeem Paroya

Can’t find SqlGeography in .NET Core? You’ll want to use NetTopologySuite instead; here’s a brief intro.

Postman - API Testing Made Easy

| By Akila Rajkanth

Tips to help you get the most out of your automated tests using Postman.

Moving Toward CI / CD

| By Josh Nassar

“The most powerful tool we have as developers is automation.”

Become a 31% Better SQL Developer in Minutes

| By George Lutz

Sometimes application developers write SQL. This is dangerous.

Performance Profiling & Optimizing: How to Get the Most Out of Your Software Design

| By Hugo Jimenez

Performance Profiling & Optimizing: How to get the most out of your software design

Testing Application Communications

| By George Lutz

Network analysis must be a part of the test plan for any connected application.