GuidanceMgr - Settings (CPIK Libraries)
Overview | |
Description | A class containing static methods for obtaining navigational information such as location, road info, and the location of road safety cameras. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Class |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getCurrentRoad() |
Road | Gets information about the current road. |
getRouteCoordinates(boolean, double, double) |
ArrayList<Coordinate> | Retrieves a list of latitude / longitude coordinates for the current route. |
getRouteTmcCodes() |
ArrayList<String> | Retrieves a list of TMC location codes along the current route. |
getRouteTmcCodes(boolean) |
ArrayList<String> | Retrieves a list of TMC location codes along the current route. |
getTurnInstruction (boolean) |
TurnInstruction | Gets the upcoming turn instruction. |
getLaneAssist() |
LaneAssistInfo | Gets the current lane assist information. |
getCurrentSafetyCamera() |
SafetyCamera | Gets safety camera information. |
getGPSDevice() |
GPSDevice | Gets the CoPilot GPS Device to manually push GPS coordinates or NMEA sentences. |
getCurrentPosition() |
PositionInfo | Obtains a variety of data pertaining to CoPilot’s current or last known position including. |
getETA() |
Date | Obtains the current Estimated Time of Arrival for the first destination of the trip. |
getDistanceToDestination() |
Double | Gets the distance from CoPilot’s current position (map-snapped) to its destination. |
enableEarlyTurnWarning() |
Void | Enables/Disables the turn warning at 2 KM or 2 Miles. |
disableEarlyTurnWarning() |
Void | Enables/disables early turn warning. |
isEarlyTurnWarningEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether the 2 KM or 2 Mile turn warning is enabled. |
enableFarTurnWarning() |
Void | Enables/Disables the turn warning at 1 KM or 1 Mile. |
isFarTurnWarningEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether the 1 KM or 1 Mile turn warning is enabled. |
enableNearTurnWarning() |
Void | Enables/Disables the turn warning at .5 KM or .5 Mile. |
isNearTurnWarningEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether the .5 KM or .5 Mile turn warning is enabled. |
enableTurnRestrictions(boolean) |
Void | Sets whether turn restrictions will be displayed during navigation. |
enableClearTurnView(boolean) |
Void | Sets whether clear turn view is enabled only on highways. |
enableClearTurnViewOnlyHighways(boolean) |
Void | Sets whether clear turn view is enabled only on highways. |
setClearTurnInstructionDrawDistance(int) |
Void | Sets when clear turn instructions will be drawn in 1/10 KM/Miles. |
setClearTurnInstructionDrawDistance(int) |
Void | Sets when clear turn instructions will be drawn in 1/10 KM/Miles. |
setClearTurnInstructionHideDistance(int) |
Void | Sets when clear turn instructions will be hidden in 1/10 KM/Miles. |
showTurnAfterNext(boolean) |
Void | Sets whether the second turn ahead on the trip will be drawn. |
isTurnRestrictionEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether turn restrictions will display during navigation. |
isClearTurnViewEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether clear turn view is enabled. |
isClearTurnViewEnabledOnlyForHighways() |
Boolean | Returns whether clear turn view is enabled only on highways. |
getClearTurnInstructionDrawDistance() |
Int | Returns the distance at which clear turns are displayed in 1/10 KM/Miles. |
getClearTurnInstructionHideDistance() |
Int | Returns the distance at which clear turns are hidden in 1/10 KM/Miles. |
isTurnAfterNextEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether the second turn ahead on the trip will be drawn. |
suspendNavigation(Boolean) |
Void | Suspends navigation. When this API is called, the position on the map will not update and guidance will stop until re-enabled. |
Overview | |
Description | Exception thrown when there has been a Geocoding error. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Description |
GeocodingException() | A default constructor. |
GeocodingException(String detailMessage, List | Overloading constructor with different error type parameters. |
GeocodingException(String detailMessage, Throwable throwable) | Overloading constructor with different parameters. |
GeocodingException(String detailMessage) | Overloading constructor with single string parameters. |
GeocodingException(Throwable throwable) | Overloading constructor with single throwable parameters. |
Overview | |
Description | Exception thrown when there has been an error executing Guidance operations such as turn warnings. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Description |
GuidanceException() | A default constructor. |
GuidanceException(String detailMessage, Throwable throwable) | Overloading constructor with different parameters. |
GuidanceException(String detailMessage) | Overloading constructor with single string parameters. |
GuidanceException (Throwable throwable) | Overloading constructor with single throwable parameters. |
Overview | |
Description | Class that contains ways to edit and retrieve CoPilot settings related to Guidance. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Class |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
isSpeedAlertEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not an alert should appear when the driver is exceeding the speed limit by a given threshold. |
setSpeedAlert(boolean) |
Void | Sets whether or not an alert should appear when the driver is exceeding the speed limit by a given threshold. |
isSpeedAlertAudioEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not an audio alert is played when the driver is exceeding the speed limit by a given threshold. |
setSpeedAlertAudio(boolean) |
Void | Sets whether or not an audio alert is played when the driver is exceeding the speed limit by a given threshold. |
isSpeedLimitOnMap() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not the speed limit is being shown on the map. |
setSpeedLimitOnMap(boolean) |
Void | Sets whether or not to show the speed limit on the map. |
getSpeedLimitThreshold() |
SpeedThreshold | Gets the amount over the speed limit the driver can travel before receiving a speed limit warning. |
setThreshold(SpeedThreshold) |
Void | Sets when speed limit warnings appear. |
isSafetyCameraAlertEnabled() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not safety camera alerts are enabled. |
setSafetyCameraAlert(boolean) |
Void | Enables or disables safety camera alerts. |
getSafetyCameraAlertRange() |
SafetyCamera AlertRange | Gets how far in advance a driver is warned about an approaching safety camera. |
setSafetyCameraAlertRange(SafetyCameraAlertRange) |
Void | Sets how far in advance a driver is warned about an approaching safety camera |
getMapMode() |
MapMode | Gets the current day-night mode of the map. |
setMapMode(MapMode) |
Void | Sets CoPilot’s map scheme to selected background. The map is refreshed. |
setDistanceToSayTurnNow(int) |
Void | Sets the distance ahead of the turn where CoPilot should speak its “Turn Now” announcement. |
getDistanceToSayTurnNow() |
int | Gets the currently set distance ahead of a turn at which CoPilot will speak its “Turn Now” announcement. |
Overview | |
Description | Returns whether or not an alert should appear when the driver is exceeding the speed limit by a given threshold. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Return Value
Boolean - True if enabled, false if disabled.
Sample Code
Overview | |
Description | Toggles whether or not alerts will appear when the driver is exceeding the speed limit by a given threshold. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Platforms Supported | Android, Linux |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
static void enableSpeedLimitAlert(boolean)
boolean speedAlertEnabled - True to enable, false to disable.
Return Value
Sample Code
Related APIs
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedAlertEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedAlertAudioEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedAlertAudio()
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedLimitOnMap()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedLimitOnMap()
- GuidanceSettings.getSpeedLimitThreshold()
- GuidanceSettings.setThreshold()
Overview | |
Description | Returns whether or not an audio alert should play when the driver is exceeding the speed limit by a given threshold. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
static boolean getSpeedLimitAudioAlertEnabled()
Return Value
boolean - True if enabled, false if disabled.
Sample Code
Overview | |
Description | Toggles whether or not to play an audio alert when the driver is exceeding the speed limit by a given threshold. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Platforms Supported | Android, Linux |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
void enableSpeedLimitAudioAlert(boolean)
boolean alertEnabled - True to enable, false to disable.
Sample Code
Overview | |
Description | Returns whether or not the speed limit is being shown on the map. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
static boolean isSpeedLimitOnMap()
Return Value
boolean - True if shown, false if hidden
Sample Code
Related APIs
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedAlertEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedAlert()
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedAlertAudioEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedAlertAudio()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedLimitOnMap()
- GuidanceSettings.getSpeedLimitThreshold()
- GuidanceSettings.setThreshold()
Overview | |
Description | Sets whether or not to show the speed limit on the map. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
void enableShowSpeedLimitOnMap(boolean)
boolean showSpeedLimitOnMap - True to show, false to hide.
Return Value
Sample Code
Overview | |
Description | Returns the speed the driver must exceed before a speed limit warning appears in CoPilot. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
static SpeedLimitWarningThreshold getSpeedLimitWarningThreshold()
Return Value
SpeedLimitWarningThreshold – An Enum indicating the speed which must be reached in miles per hour before the speed limit warning is provided.
Sample Code
Related APIs
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedAlertEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedAlert()
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedAlertAudioEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedAlertAudio()
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedLimitOnMap()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedLimitOnMap()
- GuidanceSettings.setThreshold()
- GuidanceSettings.setThreshold()
Overview | |
Description | Sets how fast a driver can be over the speed limit before a warning appears in CoPilot. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
void setThreshold(SpeedThreshold threshold)
Threshold - How fast a driver can be over the speed limit before receiving a speed limit warning.
Return Value
Sample Code
Related APIs
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedAlertEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedAlert()
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedAlertAudioEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedAlertAudio()
- GuidanceSettings.isSpeedLimitOnMap()
- GuidanceSettings.setSpeedLimitOnMap()
- GuidanceSettings.getSpeedLimitThreshold()
Overview | |
Description | Returns whether or not safety camera alerts are enabled. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Platforms Supported | Android, Linux |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
boolean areSafetyCamerasEnabled()
Return Value
Boolean - True if enabled, false if disabled.
Sample Code
Overview | |
Description | Enables or disables visual safety camera alerts. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
void enableSafetyCameraAlerts(boolean)
boolean cameraEnabled - True to enable, false to disable.
Sample Code
Overview | |
Description | Returns how far in advance a driver will be warned about a safety camera. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
SafetyCameraAlertRange getSafetyCameraLookaheadLevel()
Return Value
SafetyCameraAlertRange - An AlertRange object that represents how far in advance a driver should be warned about a safety camera.
Sample Code
Related APIs
- GuidanceSettings.isSafetyCameraAlertEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSafetyCameraAlert()
- GuidanceSettings.setSafetyCameraAlertRange()
Overview | |
Description | Sets how far in advance a driver will be warned about a safety camera. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Platforms Supported | Android, Linux |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
void setSafetyCameraLookaheadLevel(AlertRange)
AlertRange – An enum that represents how far in advance a driver should be warned about a safety camera.
Return Value
Sample Code
Related APIs
- GuidanceSettings.isSafetyCameraAlertEnabled()
- GuidanceSettings.setSafetyCameraAlert()
- GuidanceSettings.getSafetyCameraAlertRange()
Overview | |
Description | Sets the current map scheme to the selected day-night background. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
void setMapMode(MapMode)
Mode - MapMode to be set.
Sample Code
Related APIs
- Guidance.getMapMode
Overview | |
Description | Gets the current day-night mode of the map. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
MapMode getMapMode()
Return Value
Returns the MapMode object being used with CoPilot.
Sample Code
Related APIs
- Guidance.serMapMode
Overview | |
Description | Sets the distance ahead of the turn at which CoPilot should tell the driver to turn. If CoPilot is set to use metric, the distance will be interpreted as meters. Otherwise, the distance is interpreted in yards. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
void setDistanceToSayTurnNow(distanceForTurnNow)
distanceForTurnNow - The distance where CoPilot should speak its “Turn Now” announcement in yards or meters.
Sample Code
Related APIs
- Guidance.getDistanceToSayTurnNow
Overview | |
Description | Gets the distance ahead of the turn at which CoPilot should tell the driver to turn. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Method |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Static int getDistanceToSayTurnNow
Return Value
Integer value indicating the current setting. If getUnitsOfMeasure() returns metric then the returned value will be in meters. Otherwise, the return value will be in yards.
Sample Code
Related APIs
- Guidance.setDistanceToSayTurnNow
Overview | |
Description | An enum that corresponds to how much a speed limit has been exceeded. The units of this value are either km/h if CoPilot is set to metric, or mph if CoPilot is set to imperial. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Enum |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Value | Description |
LEVEL_0 | Exceed the speed limit by 5 units |
LEVEL_1 | Exceed the speed limit by 10 units |
LEVEL_2 | Exceed the speed limit by 15 units |
LEVEL_3 | Exceed the speed limit by 20 units |
LEVEL_4 | Exceed the speed limit by 25 units |
LEVEL_5 | Exceed the speed limit by 30 units |
Overview | |
Description | An enum of all available ranges at which a safety camera alert can be triggered. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Enum |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Value | Description |
SHORT | This value sets the alert range to the shortest possible distance. This is currently set at 250 yards/meters. |
MEDIUM | This value sets the alert range to the middle distance available. This is currently set to 500 yards/meters. |
LONG | This value sets the alert range to the longest distance available. This is currently set to 1000 yards/meters. |
Overview | |
Description | An enum of all the different map background styles. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Enum |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Value | Description |
DAY | Map has a lighter background |
NIGHT | Map has a dark background |
AUTO | Lets CoPilot decide whether the map background should be light or dark |
Overview | |
Description | An instance of this class represents a latitude and longitude. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Class |
Package | com.alk.cpik |
Method Name | Description |
Coordinate() | Creates a new latitude/longitude pair at 0.0N, 0.0E. (0.0N, 0.0E) is typically used as an error value for GPS positions. |
Coordinate(double dLat, double dLon) | Creates a new latitude/longitude pair using the values provided. |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getLatitude() |
double | Gets decimal representation of the stop’s latitude. |
getLongitude() |
double | Gets decimal representation of the stop’s longitude. |
setLatitude(double latitude) |
void | Sets latitude of a location. |
setLongitude(double longitude) |
void | Sets longitude of a location. |
Sample Code
Example Output
Coordinates: 50.85N, 4.35E
Overview | |
Description | An object that contains information about the current position. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Details |
getPosition() |
Coordinate | Gets position - absolute. |
getSnappedPosition() |
Coordinate | Gets position - snapped to the nearest road. |
getSpeed() |
double | Gets speed in either mph or km/h depending on CoPilot’s unit setting. |
getHeading() |
double | Gets heading in degrees. |
getAltitude() |
double | Gets altitude in feet. |
getTimeStamp() |
Date | Gets time in UTC. |
getGpsFixQuality() |
GPSFixQuality | Gets the quality of a GPS lock. |
getNumSatellites() |
int | Gets number of satellites contributing fix information to CoPilot’s best know position. |
getNumTrackedSatellites() |
int | Gets number of satellites being tracked. |
Overview | |
Description | An enum whose values represent the possible quality of a GPS lock. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Enum |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Value | Description |
FIX_2D | A two-dimensional |
AUTO | Let CoPilot decide whether the map background should be light or dark. |
Overview | |
Description | Container object for information about the current position |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Property Name | Type |
coordinate | Coordinate |
altitude | Double |
heading | double |
speed | double |
timestamp | NSDate* |
fixQuality | CPGpsState |
numSatellites | short |
Overview | |
Description | Enum whose values represent the possible quality of a GPS lock |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Enum |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Value | Description |
GpsFix_None | No GPS Fix |
GpsFix_2D | A two-dimensional |
GpsFix_3D | Lets CoPilot identify if the day or night map style should be used |
Overview | |
Description | An object that is created and populated by CoPilot on a getCurrentRoadInfo call. The information in the road object only pertains to the portion of the road corresponding to the current GPS position. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getMinimumAddress() |
int | Gets the lowest address number on this link. |
getMaximumAddress() |
int | Gets the highest address number on this link. |
getRoadName() |
String | Gets the name of the road that the link is a part of. |
getRegion() |
String | Gets the region that this road is located in. |
getCountryInfo() | Country | Gets information about the country where the link is located. |
getState() |
String | Gets the name of the state where the link is located. |
getSpeedLimit() |
int | Gets the speed limit of this link. |
getTruckSpeedLimit() |
int | Gets the truck speed limit. If there is no truck specific speed limit, it will be 0. |
hasToll() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not a toll must be paid to access this link. |
isUrban() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not this road is in an urban area. Urban roads are prone to congestion and should be avoided by through traffic. |
getRouteNumbers() |
List<String> | Gets the list of route numbers that are associated with this road. |
getAllowedVehicles() |
List<AllowedVehicleType> | Gets an array of specifying which vehicle types which are allowed to access this road. |
getCity() |
String | Gets the city that this road is located in. |
getZip() |
String | Gets the ZIP/postal code that this road is located in. |
isInNationalNetwork() |
Boolean | Returns whether this road is part of the National Network is a government-designed system of highways. |
isCommercialProhibited() |
Boolean | Returns whether this road is Commercial Prohibited, which designates a road that cannot be driven on by a truck under any circumstances |
isTruckDesignated() |
Boolean | Returns whether this road is Truck Designated - a high-quality, rural highway, usually divided, that is not limited access but lacks congestion and has few stoplights. |
isStateOversized() |
Boolean | Returns whether this road is State Oversized – state-designated oversized highways that are similar to highways in the National Network. |
isPropaneRestricted() |
Boolean | Returns whether propane is restricted on this road. |
isForbiddenToTrailers() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not trailers are forbidden on this road. |
hasOversizedAccess |
Boolean | Returns true if the road has oversized access. |
isOvertakingProhibited() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not overtaking (passing) is prohibited on this road. |
isUnnamedRoad() |
Boolean | Returns whether or not the current road is unnamed. |
getHazmatRestrictions() |
List<HazmatRestrictions> | Denotes the hazmat restrictions of this road. |
getDimensionRestrictions() |
RestrictedDimensions | Outlines what are the truck restrictions on this road. |
getRoadClass() |
RoadClass | Return this road’s class. |
getRoadSubClass() |
RoadSubClass | Return this road’s subclass. |
Example Output
Minimum address: 12; Maximum address: 206; Route numbers: [560, 49]; Road name: Church Lane; Region: Europe; Country: United Kingdom
Overview | |
Description | An enum of all of the possible road classes. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | Android, Linux |
Type | Enum |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Value | Description |
NONE | No road class data available for this particular link |
COMMERCIAL_PROHIBITED | Commercial vehicles are prohibited |
TRUCK_DESIGNATED | Designated for use by trucks |
TRUCK_RESTRICTED | Restricted for use by trucks |
CLOSED | Closed |
INTERSTATE | Highway |
DIVIDED_HIGHWAY | Divided Highway |
PRIMARY | Primary Road |
FERRY | Ferry route |
SECONDARY | Secondary road |
RAMP | Ramp, such as a highway exit |
LOCAL | Local road, such as residential roads. |
Overview | |
Description | An object containing information about a specific safety camera. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
isShowing() |
boolean | Returns whether or not the safety camera alert is showing on the navigation dialog. |
distance() |
Double | Returns the distance between the current position and the safety camera. |
speedLimit() |
Int | Returns the maximum speed that will not trigger the camera. |
id() |
String | Returns the unique string identifier for this specific instance of a safety camera. |
Overview | |
Description | A class containing methods that can edit or retrieve traffic-related settings. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 9.6 |
Type | Class |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
setTrafficMaxDistance(int) |
Void | Sets the FlowRouteLookaheadMiles value as part of the FlowTraffic configuration. |
setTrafficAlertEnabled(boolean) |
Void | Sets whether traffic is enabled or disabled. |
setTrafficRequestTimer(int) |
Void | Sets RouteRerequestSecs as part of the FlowTraffic configuration. |
setTrafficMinutesToAlert(int) |
Void | Sets SignificantETTDeltaMins as part of the FlowTraffic configuration. |
getTrafficMaxDistance() |
Int | Returns the FlowTraffic configuration’s FlowRouteLookaheadMiles. |
getTrafficAlertEnabled() |
boolean | Returns whether FlowTraffic configuration is active. |
getTrafficRequestTimer() |
Int | Returns the FlowTraffic configuration’s RouteRerequestSecs. |
getTrafficMinutesToAlert() |
Int | Returns the FlowTraffic configuration’s SignificantETTDeltaMins. |
Overview | |
Description | An object that contains information about a country. This object provides the user with information detailing the country name in both local and set language, country code, drive side, currency, unit of measurement and also the language(s) spoken in that country. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getCountryName() |
String | Returns the name of the country. |
getCountryNameInCurrentLanguage() |
String | Returns the name of the country in CoPilot’s current language. |
getCountryCode() |
String | Returns the country code of the country. |
getDriveSide() |
DriveSide | Returns the side of the road on which the country drives. |
getCurrency() |
String | Returns the currency used in the country. |
getUnitsOfMeasure() |
UnitsOfMeasure | Returns the distance units used in the country. |
getLanguages() |
ArrayList<String> | Returns a list of the languages spoken in the country. |
getSpeedInfo() |
String | Returns the speed info used in the country. |
Overview | |
Description | An object that contains a list of lanes associated with a lane assist event. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getLanes() |
List<Lane> | Gets the current lanes. The first lane in the array is the left-most lane on the road. |
Overview | |
Description | Contains information about a lane, returned by getLaneAssist. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getTurnCode() |
TurnCode | Returns the turning code. i.e. STRAIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, SHARP_LEFT, SHARP_RIGHT, UTURN, WAYPOINT etc. |
getLaneMarker() |
LaneMarker | Returns the LaneMarker, DASHED and SOLID. |
isValid() |
boolean | Returns true if the lane is valid. |
Overview | |
Description | An object that contains information related to the speed limit exceeded event. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getSpeedLimit() | Int | Returns the current speed limit of the road on which the user is traveling. |
getCurrentSpeed() | Int | Returns the current speed the user is traveling. |
getIsTruck() |
boolean | Returns whether or not this is a truck speed limit. (This is applicable for Europe only.) |
Overview | |
Description | An object that contains information associated with truck warnings, such as turn restrictions, sharp curves and notifications of fuel stops ahead. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getWarningType() | TruckWarningType | Returns truck warning type of this event. |
Overview | |
Description | An enum whose values represent various types of truck warnings. These warnings are available in Europe only. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Type | Enum |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Value | Description |
NO_UTURN | A no U-turn restriction on the road. |
NO_LEFT | A no left turn restriction on the road. |
NO_RIGHT | A no right turn restriction on the road. |
PROTECTED_OVERTAKING_EXTRA_LANE | Overtaking extra lane is protected. |
PROTECTED_OVERTAKING_EXTRA_LANE_RIGHTSIDE | Overtaking extra lane on the right side is protected. |
PROTECTED_OVERTAKING_EXTRA_LANE_LEFTSIDE | Overtaking extra lane on the left side is protected. |
ROAD_NARROWS | This road narrows ahead. |
SHARP_CURVE_RIGHT | There is a sharp right turn. |
SHARP_CURVE_LEFT | There is a sharp left turn. |
STEEP_HILL_UPWARDS | There is a steep hill upward direction. |
STEEP_HILL_DOWNWARDS | There is a steep hill downward direction. |
LATERAL_WIND | There is a risk of high winds blowing lateral. |
RISK_OF_GROUNDING | There is a risk of grounding ahead. |
TREE_OVERHANG | There are overhanging trees ahead. |
Overview | |
Description | An object that contains information related to turn-by-turn guidance instructions. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getGuidanceInstruction() |
String | Retrieves the next guidance instruction. |
getExitNumber() |
String | Retrieves the exit number. |
getExitRoadName() |
String | Retrieves the name of the road on which the driver will exit. |
getStreetNameForNextTurn() |
String | Retrieves the name of the street that the driver should turn onto next. |
getDistanceToNextTurn() |
String | Retrieves the distance until the approaching turn. |
getDistanceToTurnAfterNext() |
String | Retrieves the distance until the next (not the approaching) turn. If the driver is supposed to turn onto Street A and then Street B, this will return the distance until Street B. |
getTurnIconForNextTurn() | TurnArrowImage | Retrieves the turn icon ID for the upcoming turn. |
getTurnIconForTurnAfterNext() | TurnArrowImage | Retrieves the turn icon ID for the turn after the approaching turn. If the driver is supposed to turn onto Street A and then Street B, this will return the icon ID for the turn onto Street B. |
isUnnamedRoad() |
boolean | Returns whether or not the the street to be turned onto is unnamed. |
isRoundAbout() |
boolean | Designates whether or not the upcoming turn occurs on a round about. |
getRoundAboutExitNumber() | Int | Retrieves which exit number on the roundabout a turn is to be made. If the turn is not on a roundabout, this value will be zero. |
Overview | |
Description | An object that contains data related to a trip’s itinerary. This information, provided by CoPilot, includes turn instructions, turn images and distances. |
Supported on Android Since Version | |
Supported on iOS Since Version | 10.9 |
Type | Object |
Package | com.alk.cpik.guidance |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
getInstruction() |
String | Gets turns instructions. |
getDistanceOnSegment() |
String | Gets distance on the current trip segment. |
getTurnIconForNextTurn() | TurnArrowImage | An enum of turn arrow images. |
Hooks and Callbacks
Hooks and Callbacks related to Guidance can be found below.
GuidanceListener | |
onArrivedAtStop | |
onTruckWarningUpdate | |
onOverSpeedLimitEvent | |
onCrossedCountryBorder | |
onSafetyCamUpdate | |
onShowLaneAssist | |
onHideLaneAssist | |
onETAChanged | |
onEstimatedTravelTimeUpdated | |
onDistanceToDestinationUpdated | |
onPositionUpdate | |
onTurnInstructionEvent | |
onTrafficInfoProcessedForCurrentRoute | |
onTrafficInforProcessedForAlternateRoute | |
onSpeedLimitChanged | |
onItineraryUpdated |