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CPIK Libraries (Native and Xamarin)

This site is for developers looking for technical information on how to integrate with CoPilot Integration Kit (CPIK) libraries. It explains how to set up the sample application and import the CoPilot Navigation library into your project, as well as how to import into Android Studio. Please note:

  • The CoPilot Navigation Library requires Android 7 or later.
  • Following the first install of CoPilot, we recommended you restart the application once the licensing and map data has been processed. This is best practice and ensures full CoPilot functionality is available following the initial install.
  • A Xamarin interface is available for Android and iOS. This interface results in all Android or iOS compatible APIs being supported within Xamarin. The documentation does not note whether individual APIs are compatible on Xamarin. It is always true, unless stated otherwise.
  • Starting with CoPilot 10.14, we introduced a new CPIK libraries React Native module, which allows you integrate CoPilot with applications written in JavaScript.
Last updated January 10, 2024.