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Safety Cameras


Available in Certain Regions Only

Safety (speed) camera warnings are disabled by default within CoPilot and can be enabled through the settings screen. Once enabled, users can select how far in advance they wish to be notified that they are approaching a safety camera. This will default to warning users 1,000 yards ahead, but can be reduced to either 250 or 500 yards depending on your preference.

The user will be warned of an approaching safety camera together with their current speed. If the speed limit data of the camera is known, it will also be displayed. If it is not displayed, it does not indicate that there is no limit, only that the value is not known.

CoPilot does not warn of specific camera types. Users are reminded to pay attention to local road signs for features specific to different safety cameras.

Regions Covered

CoPilot includes safety cameras for a number of regions including:

  • Australia & New Zealand
  • Europe (except France and Switzerland for legal reasons)
  • South Africa
  • UK and Ireland
  • Brazil
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE

A full list of regions can be found here.

How to update Safety Cameras

Safety cameras are updated within the application, via MyCoPilot > News & Updates. When new safety cameras are available in the database, they will be highlighted within the application for users to download.

Last updated October 17, 2023.