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Sample Applications


CoPilot can be integrated in two different ways, the first is using the CoPilot SDK and the other using the CoPilot Integration Kit (CPIK). For more information on the difference between these two integration types can be found within our integration options page.

There are a number of APIs that allow integration to meet different use cases. Technical documentation is available for the SDK App and CPIK libraries. To demonstrate how these APIs can be used and best practices on how implementation should be carried out within each build, we provide some different sample applications. The source code for each of these is included within the build for reference. Two different types of sample applications can be found within the different builds; Skeleton Application and Fragment/Core Applications.

Builds can be found on the Partner Portal site use your login information to access the builds that you need for your integration.

Skeleton Applications

Skeleton sample applications have been created specifically for developers, these demonstrate a simple set up and integration, specifically useful for anyone new to the coding language or new to CoPilot integration. They provide only an overview of the basic CoPilot functionality such as launching, activating, downloading maps, geocoding, displaying CoPilot and exiting the application.

Skeleton applications are available for the following integrations:

  • Android SDK App
  • Android CPIK Libraries
  • Xamarin CPIK Libraries
  • React Native CPIK Libraries (CoPilot 10.14 and Later)

Fragment/Core Applications

Fragment/Core Applications are available for all integration types and platforms. These applications offer a more thorough demonstration of the integration capabilities. They have been designed for use by developers who are looking at more advanced integration and functionality—maybe those who have already started an integration with the basic functionality but are looking to expand the current capabilities. Within these applications, almost all supported APIs are demonstrated. They include the same basic functionality as the Skeleton applications but also more advanced features such as creating routing profiles, changing settings, creating geofences, or implementing Advanced Optimization.

CPIK Libraries

Android CPIK libraries sample application demonstrates CoPilot as a window within third party application, this has been set up in a fragment view. This application displays in a landscape view, with CoPilot in the right half of the screen and the integrated APIs available on the left hand side. These APIs are split into different groups:

  • Getting Started
  • Basic Functions
  • Settings
  • Advanced Functions

By displaying CPIK libraries within this fragment view it illustrates the affect of each API on CoPilot. Toast messages are available for the different callbacks available.

A help button is available within the application providing information on the APIs demonstrated on the current screen. These APIs are also mapped to the different UI components. This provides a reference to the different UI components and the API used before further details can be found within the API documentation site.


The SDK application is a stand alone application which integrates with CoPilot, to utilize this application you will need to install a CoPilot application and activate with the appropriate license key. The SDK app is also split into four core sections:

  • Getting Started
  • Basic Functions
  • Settings
  • Advanced Functions

First Run

Please note when starting CoPilot on first run the EULA and privacy policy must be accepted through the CoPilot UI. If these are not accepted full functionality may not be available despite the license being activated. A contractual change is necessary if you would like to remove the requirement to accept these agreements. Please contact for more information.

Last updated July 2, 2024.