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Vehicle Routing Profiles


CoPilot uses a Vehicle Routing Profile to generate an optimal route by considering the type of vehicle that you are driving, as well as your preferences for how that vehicle should be routed. For example, if you are driving a truck, CoPilot will calculate a route that considers:

  • Physical restrictions, such as low or weak bridges.
  • Legal restrictions, such as the maximum dimensions, weight, and speed that apply to the vehicle.
  • Whether you are carrying a hazardous cargo.
  • The need to avoid lower classes of roads and U-turns.

The routing profile affects not only the route CoPilot selects, but also related results such as the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA).

CoPilot includes a selection of default Vehicle Routing Profiles for various types of vehicles. It is possible via the CoPilot user interface, Account Manager, and either of the CoPilot integration tools, SDK App or CPIK libraries, to modify the routing profile. However, we recommend that you do not amend the default settings without fully testing the impact on routing and ETA to ensure the changes are positive for your implementation.

Default Vehicle Routing Profiles

Available in CoPilot 10.14 and Later

The Vehicle Routing Profiles available in CoPilot vary based on your worldwide region and licensing. (Truck and school bus profiles, for example, are licensed separately.) The tables below can help you select the profile that’s most appropriate for your vehicles.

North America

North America Routing Profiles

Note: The Default Rating profile is available with North America map data starting in Q2 2020. It is used to generate mileage for rating in PC*Miler and is not recommended for use in CoPilot navigation.


Europe Routing Profiles


Oceania Routing Profiles

Notes on School Bus Profiles

Available in North America Only

School Bus is a separately licensed routing profile with special attributes to generate safer routing for students. It permits routing along local and residential roads that might otherwise be restricted for commercial vehicles, while still avoiding roads that are not suitable for a school bus because of its size.

The bus routing profile also includes by default two safety related settings:

  • It maintains the bus’s heading at each stop. Bus routes avoid potentially unsafe U-turns and instead leave each stop in the same direction the bus entered it.
  • It strongly adheres to side-of-street routing. This helps ensure the bus is on the correct side of the street at each stop so students don’t have to cross the road to get on the bus.
Last updated July 2, 2024.