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Text To Speech (TTS) API

To use this API please send a request to for more information on the API naming convention used. For licensing reasons Trimble Maps needs to correctly report the integrations using this capability as it is opening access to third party software.

This API is used to send the request to CoPilot to speak the TTS message through CoPilot. For this to work CoPilot should have TTS voices selected.

Supported Since Minimum Operating System
CoPilot 9.2.0 Windows 10, Android 4.1

Syntax (Prototyped in alkmsg.h)

long Msg_ (const char* pString);


Parameter Description
pString String to be spoken. For Example “Welcome to CoPilot”

Return Value

  • -1 or less than 0 - Error
  • Greater than zero - Successful in sending the request to CoPilot.

Related APIs

  • Msg_TTSRequestCallback - Used to set the callback and receive notification about when the message is being played.

Note: The requested voice can be interrupted if there is another high priority message to be played such as Turn Instruction.


This API is used to set callback to receive notifications when requesting a TTS message to be played by CoPilot.

Supported Since Minimum Operating System
CoPilot 9.2.0 Windows 10, Android 4.1

Syntax (Prototyped in alkmsg.h)

long Msg_TTSRequestCallback(void* fnProcessMsg, callingConvention convention =


Parameter Description
fnProcessMsg Type call back function of the following type. typedef void (*MsgFlexTtsCallback) (char* cName, char* cStr, int iResponse);
Convention Calling convention – Managed Apps should use convention_stdcall

For Android and using JNI layer

Syntax (Prototyped in

long Msg_TTSRequestCallback(String callbackFunctionName,
   int convention,
   Object callBackObj);


Parameter Description
callbackFunctionName callback function name of type MsgFlexTtsCallback
convention Calling convention. Should use convention_default.
callBackObj Pass the object of the class which implemented CallbackFunctionName method so JNI layer will call this method once message arrived.

Return Value

  • 1


The requested voice can be interrupted if there is another high priority message to be played such as Turn Instruction.


enum callingConvention



Function definition of the callback function when setting a callback using Msg_TTSRequestCallback.

Supported Since Minimum Operating System
CoPilot 9.2.0 Windows 10, Android 4.1

Syntax (Prototyped in alkmsg.h)

typedef void (*MsgFlexTtsCallback) (char* cName, char* cStr, int iResponse);

For Android and using JNI layer

Syntax (Prototyped in

void MsgFlexTtsCallback (String cName,
                         String cStr,
                         int iResponse);


Parameter Description
cName Flex message name, client application can ignore it.
cStr String requested to be played
iResponse 0,1,2 Corresponding to following Enum enum ETtsEvent { ENoTts = 0, EPlaying, EInterrupted }; ENoTts – TTS voice is not enabled in CoPilot EPlaying – About to play the requested string EInterrupted – Interrupting the requested string (cStr) to play the higher priority message (Turn Instruction)

Return Value

  • 1
Last updated January 10, 2024.