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Route Services


Route Path

Given a list of stop coordinates and route options, the route path service will return a list of coordinates that make up the route. The service can be consumed using the getRoutePath function, on the ALKMaps.Map class. The parameters are laid out in the table below.

Parameter Type Description
ioformat Object

Used to specify the input and output formats

Parameter Type Description
input Number

Specifies the input format of the stops property.

  • Default - "lon,lat;...;lon,lat"
  • 1 - Array<ALKMaps.LonLat>
  • 2 - [[lon,lat], ...,[lon,lat]]
output Number

Specifies the output format of the return array/object.

  • Default - [[lon,lat],[lon,lat], ... , [lon,lat], [lon,lat]]
  • 1 - Array<ALKMaps.Geometry.Point>
  • 2 - ALKMaps.Geometry.MultiLineString
stops [String|Array] A list of the route stop's coordinates.
options Object See routing layer page for a list of available options.
var stops = [
  new ALKMaps.LonLat(-75.339368, 40.11442),
  new ALKMaps.LonLat(-74.911539, 40.159933),
  new ALKMaps.LonLat(-74.885531, 39.993483),
  new ALKMaps.LonLat(-75.191123, 39.802326)
stops = ALKMaps.LonLat.transformArray(
  new ALKMaps.Projection("EPSG:4326"),

  stops: stops,
  ioformat: {
    input: 1,
    output: 1 //this output format tells the service to return and array of ALKMaps.Geometry.Point objects.
  options: {
    vehicleType: "Truck",
    routingType: "Practical",
    routeOptimization: 1,
    highwayOnly: false,
    distanceUnits: "Miles",
    tollDiscourage: true

The function returns a list of coordinates in the format specified by the ioformat.output parameter or in the format [[lon,lat],[lon,lat], ... , [lon,lat], [lon,lat]] by default.

Route Path with POST Request

Alternatively, you can use the ALKMaps.Services.postRoutePath to retrieve list of coordinates that make up the route by sending a POST request.

When there are too many parameters, it’s recommended to use POST request as IE Trident and Edge have request length limitations on HTTP GET method.

For a full documentation of request body, please visit API documentation page under Services section.

  request: request,
  dataset: 0,
  success: function(resp) {},
  failure: function(resp) {}

Derived Route Path

Given a list of ping coordinates and route options, the derived route path service will return a list of derived route points. This service can be consumed using the getDerivedRoutePath function of the ALKMaps.Map class. The parameters are essentially the exact same as the getRoutePath function, aside from the fact that the parameter for the input coordinates is called pings instead of stops.

var pings = [
  new ALKMaps.LonLat(-75.339368, 40.11442),
  new ALKMaps.LonLat(-74.911539, 40.159933),
  new ALKMaps.LonLat(-74.885531, 39.993483)
pings = ALKMaps.LonLat.transformArray(
  new ALKMaps.Projection("EPSG:4326"),

  pings: [
    [pings[0].lon, pings[0].lat],
    [pings[1].lon, pings[1].lat],
    [pings[2].lon, pings[2].lat]
  ioformat: {
    input: 2,
    output: 2 //this output format tells the service to return a ALKMaps.Geometry.MultiLineString object.
  options: {
    vehicleType: "Truck",
    routingType: "Practical",
    routeOptimization: 1,
    highwayOnly: false,
    distanceUnits: "Miles",
    tollDiscourage: true

Derived Route Path with POST Request

Alternatively, you can use the ALKMaps.Services.postDerivedRoutePath to get a list of derived route points by sending a POST request.

When there are too many parameters, it’s recommended to use POST request as IE Trident and Edge have request length limitations on HTTP GET method.

For a full documentation of request body, please visit API documentation page under Services section.

  request: request,
  dataset: 0,
  success: function(resp) {},
  failure: function(resp) {}
Last updated October 4, 2022.