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Energy Layers Add-on


Energy Data

The Energy Layers add-on provides boundaries and labels for land divisions that are particularly (but not uniquely) useful to energy sector industry. The add-on includes boundaries and labels for:

  • NTS (National Topographic System)
  • DLS (Dominion Land Survey)
  • PLSS (Public Land Survey System)
  • OTLS (Original Texas Land Survey)

It also provides point data for wells and other energy facilities. These land divisions are not exclusively used by but are particularly useful for energy sector industry

The Energy Add-on adds a control to the map that allows the user to turn on and off the various layers included with the add-on

Energy Data Control

CDN Example

View a working demo and follow the steps below to create your own.

<script src=""></script>
<!-- Energy addon reference JS -->
  rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- Energy addon reference CSS -->

const map = ( = new TrimbleMaps.Map({
  container: "map",
  zoom: 9,
  center: new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-113.2086, 52.1549),

const ctrl = new TrimbleMapsControl.EnergyControl();

// Map#addControl takes an optional second argument to set the position of the control.
// If no position is specified the control defaults to `top-right`.

map.addControl(ctrl, "top-left");

Module Bundler Example

Install the npm package.

npm install --save @trimblemaps/trimblemaps-energy

Make sure the CSS file is included in the page either by adding it to the <head> of your HTML file or importing it with your bundler.

Next, import and use the JS module in your code.

Note: Since the multiple add-ons are published in separate packages, the modules in each package are exported individually. You will import each module directly rather than using a single namespace variable of TrimbleMapsControl shown above in the CDN example.

import TrimbleMaps from "@trimblemaps/trimblemaps-js";
import EnergyControl from "@trimblemaps/trimblemaps-energy";

TrimbleMaps.APIKey = "YOUR_KEY_HERE";

const map = new TrimbleMaps.Map({
  container: "map",
  zoom: 9,
  center: new TrimbleMaps.LngLat(-113.2086, 52.1549)

const ctrl = new EnergyControl();

map.addControl(ctrl, "top-left");
Last updated November 27, 2023.