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Maps Toolbox Overview

The Trimble Maps Toolbox is a web application for creating custom maps. You can use the Toolbox to upload, manage, and access custom tilesets and styles.

  • Tilesets allow you to upload custom data to be displayed on a map. This can include anything from a company’s locations or customer locations to business-specific geographic boundaries not included in standard Trimble Maps data.
  • Styles allow you to define how to display data on a map. You create a style by making custom selections for which map layers should be displayed, and how they should be display (things such as icons, colors and fonts.)

To access the Toolbox, please contact our Support Team.

Homepage features

Tileset Top

  1. Toggle between the Tilesets and Styles screens.
  2. Request a chat with the Trimble Maps support team.
  3. Open the Maps Toolbox user guide.
  4. Access your other licensed Trimble Maps web tools.
Last updated September 5, 2023.