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Maps SDK Release Notes


Maps v3.21.0

November 2024

When you drag and drop the route path on the map to create a new stop to a Place (custom or public), the placeId of that place is now passed in routePath and routeReport requests.

Drag Custom Place

Maps v3.20.0

October 2024

  • IMPROVED Updated the available categories in the Traffic Incident map control.

Traffic Incident

  • IMPROVED Improved the visibility of border lines between states.

Border line

  • IMPROVED Updated waypoint icons.

  • FIXED Fixed the display of building polygons and the opacity of 3D buildings on mobile devices.

Maps v3.19.0

October 2024

  • IMPROVED Added the PlaceClickControl to the Trimble Maps declaration file.
  • FIXED Fixed an Uncaught TypeError when performing a location search with coordinates in certain regions.

Maps v3.18.0

August 2024

  • IMPROVED The error message for an Invalid LngLat now includes the incorrect value to help you identify and correct it.
  • FIXED Fixed the time labels in a Vehicle Average Dwell Time chart.
  • FIXED Fixed console errors when 16 or more routes are added to map.

Maps v3.17.0

May 2024

  • FIXED Fixed the display of truck restrictions in metric units.
  • FIXED Fixed the display of add-on controls to show the full panel.
  • FIXED Fixed the coloring of the Weather Alerts display in dark mode.

Single Search v1.1.5

May 2024

  • IMPROVED Improved accessibility support for screen readers using ARIA labels.

Route Modifiers v1.0.4

May 2024

  • IMPROVED The update adds the ability to catch errors from the modifier control and handle them in the application.


myMap.on('rmerrors', (e) => {
  // gets the routeModifiers errors.

Allows the application to listen for modifier specific errors and handle them appropriately.

Maps v3.16.0

April 2024

  • FIXED Removed unwanted unit conversions when not using the setUnit parameter.
  • FIXED Fixed the CalendarDate option of EstimatedTimeOpts for Route Path and Route Report requests so that the format is MM/DD/YYYY for all regions.
  • FIXED Fixed the display of basic places in Europe.

Maps v3.15.0

March 2024

  • FIXED Removed Scrollbar Global Style from the CSS

  • NEW For web apps with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP), CSP JS and Worker JS files are now available.

Custom Places v1.0.6

February 2024

  • FIXED Fixed an issue preventing the Custom Place details pop-up from displaying.

Maps v3.14.0

February 2024

  • IMPROVED Made performance and stability improvements to traffic layers including traffic incidents and traffic cameras.

  • IMPROVED When hubRouting is enabled, the route path and stop icons are now displayed in the same color.

  • FIXED Changed the border radius for map controls to 4 pixels from 2 pixels.

Maps v3.13.0

January 2024

  • IMPROVED Improved the drag route feature to provide users with more visual feedback on the map when dragging a route.

  • IMPROVED Additional details are now included in the clickpopupcontentload event. These details can be used to customize standard pop-ups in the SDK.

  • IMPROVED Added an option in the SDK to set size and distance units to METRIC or ENGLISH.

  • FIXED Fixed the display of pop-up controls in dark mode.

  • FIXED Fixed issues with the weather alert filter control that occurred when changing map styles.

  • FIXED Fixed errors that occurred when more than 16 routes were added to a map. Note: The SDK won’t automatically assign new route colors for more than 16 routes; a default color will be used unless a routeColor is provided in route options.

Custom Places v1.0.5

December 2023

  • IMPROVED Added a search filter and search progress icon to the custom places pop-up.

Maps v3.12.0

November 2023

  • NEW Dwell time data can now be displayed in a Place pop-up if that data is available for a location. (Requires additional licensing)

Dwell time

  • IMPROVED When routing to a Trimble Place or a Custom Place, the route line is drawn on the map directly to the place, rather than to the nearest road link.

Places Route Line

  • IMPROVED A new showPopup option was added to the click controls. It allows you to prevent a pop-up from being displayed but still retrieve the pop-up’s data (place data, road restriction data, etc.) and build it into your own custom pop-up.

  • IMPROVED Filters were enhanced in map controls.

Custom Places v1.0.4

November 2023

  • IMPROVED Enhancements were made to the styling of the Custom Places map control as well as to how place sets are displayed within the control.

Map Menus v1.0.6

November 2023

  • IMPROVED The weather layers control was updated to include new content ranging from Doppler radar to wind speeds and direction.

Weather layers

Route Modifiers v1.0.3

November 2023

  • IMPROVED Enhancements were made to the styling of the Route Modifiers map control as well as to how modifiers can be filtered within the control.

Single Search v1.1.3

November 2023

  • IMPROVED The Single Search control now includes a spinning search progress indicator and a message if no results are found.

Maps v3.11.0

September 2023

  • IMPROVED Various styling changes were made to allow the display of maps, pop-ups, and controls in dark mode.

  • IMPROVED Additional display options were added to the Weather Radar layer, including temperatures and wind speeds.

  • FIXED Fixed an issue that could prevent the Trimble Places pop-up from being displayed on the map.

  • FIXED Fixed an issue where the map would automatically zoom in or zoom out after changing the map style.

Custom Places v1.0.3

September 2023

  • IMPROVED The custom places layer can now be shown without the built-in map control.
  • IMPROVED In the control panel, custom place sets can now all be turned off by default, and the user can select only the individual sets they want to display.

Custom Places Control

Maps v3.10.0

June 2023

  • IMPROVED A profileId parameter was added to the RouteOptions object as a way to select the Vehicle Routing Profile used to create a route. A routing profile is a preset collection of vehicle dimensions and other routing options that ensure the routing algorithm knows the type of vehicle being driven so it can generate a safe, efficient, and legal route.

  • FIXED Fixed an issue that caused console errors when dragging a route.

Maps v3.9.0

April 2023

  • NEW A pop-up can now be displayed when a user clicks a Trimble Maps Place on the map. The pop-up provides details about that place, which may include its address, hours of operation, services, and contact information. Trimble Maps maintains an ever-growing Places database that includes millions of commercial locations across North America that serve the transportation industry.

Places Pop-up Example

  • NEW Hub routing was added to the optional RouteOptions when creating a route. Hub Routing generates routes from a single starting place (origin) to multiple destinations. By default, the hub will be green with a label H, and destinations will be red and numbered.

Hub Routing Example

  • IMPROVED Improvements were made to the styling of route lines displayed on the map.

  • IMPROVED A style change event is now triggered whenever the map style changes.

  • IMPROVED An isVisible setting is now available as an initial option for route and content layers.

Maps v3.8.0

February 2023

  • IMPROVED Adjusted the way cities are displayed on the map at each zoom level in order to: - More evenly distribute the cities that are displayed. - Continue to give preference to displaying larger cities at higher zoom levels.

  • IMPROVED Increased the number of Trimble Maps Places available in the and enhanced the styling of how they are displayed on the map. Places are commercial locations across North America that serve the transportation industry, ranging from distribution centers and manufacturing facilities to truck stops and rest areas. They include a boundary polygon that can be used to determine when a truck route enters or exits that place.

Places Example

Examples of Places with shaded boundary polygons

Maps v3.7.0

September 2022

  • NEW Added three new methods related to the display of routes on the map: setVisibility, isVisible, and toggleVisibility.

  • IMPROVED Added a new, premium option to display curated satellite images on the map.

  • IMPROVED Added Road to the types of reports available. A Road report provides a distance breakdown by road category for each leg of the route.

  • FIXED Fixed an error caused when adding a stopOptions object.

Maps v3.6.0

August 2022

Map Styles

Map Styles

Content Layers

Content Layers

  • IMPROVED Several improvements were made to the way commercial vehicle routes can be created and displayed on the map. You can now:

    • Select a vehicle routing profile by name.
    • Filter the display of truck restrictions on the map based on any of the following truck attributes: Vehicle Type (Truck, Light Truck, or Car), Height, Length, Width, Weight, Axles, and Multiple Trailer.
    • Include more details about each stop on a route, including a name, ID, and cost details.
  • IMPROVED Improved the interaction between map controls and content layers for better visibility.

  • IMPROVED Improved the amount of detail provided with routing error messages.

  • IMPROVED Improved city name translations.

  • FIXED Fixed an error that was triggered when hiding stop icons.

Maps v3.5.0

June 2022

  • NEW Single Search Geocoding is now an option for all geocoding calls when mapping locations or drawing routes on the map. You can also add a search text box for map end users with the Single Search Add-on.

  • NEW A listener can now be created to determine when a map user is clicking on or hovering over an origin icon, destination icon, or intermediate stop icon for a route drawn on a map.

  • IMPROVED Map styles and assets were updated for improved visualization.

  • IMPROVED Waypoints created by dragging a route on the map can now be deleted by hovering over the waypoint and right-clicking while pressing the Alt key.

  • FIXED Improved the accuracy of “snapping” a route to a nearby road when the route is dragged to a new location on the map.

  • FIXED Changed the default text font setting to ['Open Sans Regular', 'Noto Sans Regular'].

  • FIXED Fixed an error that caused a layer to be re-added to the map even when its visibility was set to false.

  • FIXED Fixed an issue that could produce an error when calling myRoute.remove().

Maps v3.4.0

January 2022


Maps v3.3.0

November 2021

  • IMPROVED The styling of how exit ramp names are displayed has been improved.

  • IMPROVED Several enhancements were made to the drag routes feature, which allows you to edit a route path directly on the map:

    • Dragging can be limited so that routes only snap to roads visible at the map’s current zoom level. This new feature can be turned off completely or controlled (turned on or off) by holding a specified modifier key while dragging the route. (Shift is the default key.)
    • When dragging and snapping a route, a nearby road segment is highlighted. If there is no road nearby, the cursor turns to a “not-allowed” state and if the mouse button is released, the drag is cancelled.

Drag Route

Maps v3.2.0

October 2021

  • NEW Route modifiers, which are roads that should be avoided or favored, can now be applied to a route using one of two new parameters:

    • afSetIDs - The IDs of the Route Modifier (avoid/favor) sets that should be applied to the route.
    • afSetNames - The names of the Route Modifier sets that should be applied to the route. Default is an empty set.
  • NEW Basic Dark and Transportation Dark map styles are now available.

  • NEW Arrows can now be added to the map to indicate the direction of travel along the route.

  • NEW A new frameOptions setting allows you to change the default behavior of shifting and zooming to frame a route on the map.

  • IMPROVED Additional options are now available that customize the way a route is generated based on the type of vehicle being driven, as well as a fleet’s preferences for how that vehicle should be routed. The options match those available in our Routing APIs.

Maps v3.1.0

September 2021

  • NEW The following new map layers were added: - A traffic camera layer that allows you to display current traffic cameras and images within given bounds. - A traffic incident layer that allows you to display current traffic incidents.

  • NEW The following optional parameters were added to RouteOptions: - hazMatTypes allows you to select an array of hazardous materials types to be applied to a route request. - useTraffic indicates whether to use traffic when calculating trip transit times. - frameRoute prevents the route from being framed on the map if set to false. - classOverride allows you to select whether a truck with a 48’ or shorter trailer should still adhere to routing for larger (53’) trucks on the State/National Network. Trucks over 48’ are automatically routed on the State/National Network. (U.S. only)

  • FIXED Fixed bugs in the routing layer relating to zooming and flow problems.

  • FIXED Fixed an issue that prevented WeatherAlertFilterControl from updating.

Maps v3.0.0

July 2021

  • NEW The JavaScript Maps SDK v3 incorporates a wide range of enhancements in how maps are rendered using the latest version of Mapbox GLJS (v1.12). It includes enhanced map controls, styling, 3D capabilities, and other features for a high level of detail and customization.

    Highlights of the release include:

    • Custom 3D layers. With a custom style layer using three.js, you can add 3D models to the map, including Trimble-owned content from the SketchUp team.

    • Improved gesture support on desktop and mobile. Three new touch gestures have been added: two-finger swipe to adjust pitch, two-finger double tap to zoom out, and tap and drag to adjust zoom with one finger.

    • New events to track map rendering. A new idle event fires when no further rendering is expected.

    • New map initialization options (bounding box). New bounds and fitBoundsOptions map constructor options can be used to indicate the initial map view in place of center and zoom.

    • Improved popups. New features include an option to set maxWidth, which defaults to 240px, and the option for closeOnMove which, when set to true, closes the popup when the map’s position changes.

    • Updated clustering and data sources. This includes a clusterProperties option for aggregated cluster properties, and methods for changing a vector tile source dynamically (e.g. setTiles, setUrl)

    Existing users can upgrade to the latest version by updating the version number in the JavaScript and CSS files in the <head> of your HTML file. Contact us if you are not a licensed Maps user and would like to learn more.

Last updated November 26, 2024.