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3D Buildings


The Mobile Maps SDK examples require that you first complete the initial project set-up.

The Mobile Maps SDK can display buildings in 3D to give users a sense of the topography in urban areas.

3D Buildings


<FrameLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_width="match_parent">

<com.trimblemaps.mapsdk.maps.MapView android:id="@+id/mapView" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/>

<Button android:id="@+id/btn_toggle3DBuildings" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:text="Toggle 3D Buildings"/>


Sample Code

Before running the Java or Kotlin code, the theme needs to be set in the Theme.xml file as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="Theme.AsyncAcctInit" parent="Theme.AppCompat" />
Last updated August 30, 2024.