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Error Codes

Error Code Enum Error Code Value Legacy Error Code Value Description Error Type
SUCCESS 0 0 Indicates a success. None
LEGACY_ERROR 1 Indicates an error code from a legacy PC*Miler web service version 18-25. Routing (Versions 18-25 only)
INTRNL_FAIL 2 100 Indicates an internal failure. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_PROFILE_VER 3 296 Indicates that user's profile level only allow baseline data version. Routing
TRIP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 4 298 Indicates that the user exceeded maximum number of trips allowed. Routing
INVLD_LOGIN 5 300 Indicates invalid login information.
LOGIN_DISABLED 6 310 Indicates that the user's account has been disabled.
INVLD_PROFILE 7 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to functionality requested. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_PROFILE_ARRAY 8 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow batch reporting. Routing
INVLD_PROFILE_CANADIAN 9 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow Canadian postal codes. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_PROFILE_DETAIL 10 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to detailed report. Routing
INVLD_PROFILE_COND 11 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to condense directions report functionality. Routing
INVLD_PROFILE_DIRECTIONS 12 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to directions report functionality. Routing
INVLD_PROFILE_ROAD 13 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to road report functionality. Routing
INVLD_PROFILE_STATE 14 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to state report functionality. Routing
INVLD_PROFILE_HUB 16 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to hub routing. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_PROFILE_SPLC 17 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to SPLC code functionality. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_PROFILE_PLACE_NAME 18 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to custom places. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_PROFILE_STREETS 19 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to anything but highway routing. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_PROFILE_STREETS_GEO 20 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to street address functionality. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_PROFILE_FASTEST 21 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to fastest routing. Routing
INVLD_PROFILE_TRK_CFG 22 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to truck configuration. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_PROFILE_TOLLDATA 23 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to toll data. Routing
INVLD_PROFILE_VEHICLE_TYPE 24 330 Indicates that the user's profile level does not allow access to setting vehicle type. Routing
INVLD_ADDR 25 400 Indicates an invalid address, address not found or insufficient location input information. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
CITY_STATE_ZIP_MISMATCH 26 410 Indicates that city and state do not match zip code. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_ZIP 27 420 Indicates an invalid zip/postal code. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_STATE 28 420 Indicates an invalid state for supplied data region. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_CITY_JURIS 29 430 Indicates that the city and state do not reside within the provided jurisdiction. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_PLACE_NAME 30 440 Indicates an invalid custom place name. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
NO_CITY_ZIP 31 440 Reserved for future use.
INVLD_CITY 32 450 Indicates that the supplied city was not found. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_STATE_ABBR 33 450 Indicates that an invalid state abbreviation was specified. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
PO_BOX_NO_ALLOWED 34 460 Indicates that the specified zip code is a PO Box zip code and is not suitable for routing. Routing, Distance Matrix
FIND_MTCH_FAILED 35 500 Reserved for future use.
MISSING_TRIP_ORIGIN 36 500 Indicates that the trip's origin was not specified. Routing
MISSING_TRIP_DEST 37 500 Indicates that the trip's destination was not specified. Routing
MISSING_VARIABLE 38 500 Indicates that a required property value is missing. Routing
INVLD_AF_TYPE 39 510 Indicates that an avoid favor to be saved had its AFType set to both Avoid and Favor.
INVLD_ROUTE_NAME 40 510 Indicates an invalid route name was specified when saving an AvoidFavor.
INVLD_CITE_INT 41 510 Indicates that the cite interval was not specified or invalid when requesting a geotunneling report.
INVLD_DEPART_TIME 43 510 Indicates an invalid departure time was specified in TimeCosts. Routing
INVLD_INT 44 510 Indicates an invalid integer value was specified; generally the integer value should be greater than or equal to 0. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_DBL 45 Indicates an invalid floating point value was specified; generally the value should be greater than or equal to 0. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_INPUT_PLACE 46 510 Indicates a failure to delete or save a custom place.
INVLD_METRIC_VAL 47 510 Indicates that an invalid metric numerical value was specified. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_MET_LGTH 48 510 Indicates that truck length must be less then 24.384 and meters. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_MET_HEIGHT 49 510 Indicates that the truck height must be less then 4.1148 meters. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_MET_WEIGHT 50 510 Indicates that the truck weight must be 4090.91 through 60000 pounds kilograms. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_MET_WIDTH 51 510 Indicates that the truck width must be either 2.4384 or 2.5908 meters. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_ENG_HEIGHT 52 510 Indicates truck height, length and width requires feet'inches" (For example 13'6"). Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_ENG_WEIGHT 53 510 Indicates that truck weight must be a numerical value and must be 9000 through 132000 pounds. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_ENG_WIDTH 54 510 Indicates that truck width must be either 96", 98" or 102". Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_ENG_LENGTH 55 510 Indicates that truck length must be less then 80'. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_TOLL_DISCOUNT 56 510 Indicates an invalid toll discount program. Routing
INVLD_STOP_INFO 57 510 Indicates an invalid route stop. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_DATE 58 510 Indicates that an invalid Date was passed in; date format should be mm/dd/yyyy. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_TIME 59 510 Indicates that an invalid time was passed in; date format should be hh:mm am/pm or H:mm where H denotes military time 0 to 23. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_RADIUS 60 510 Indicates that the radius value was invalid. Radius value needs to be an number greater than 0.
MISSING_FUEL_INFO 62 510 Reserved for future use.
MISSING_STOP_INFO 63 510 Indicates that there is missing StopLocation information. StopLocation requires (City and State) or Zip or Place Name or (Lat and Long) or SPLC. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
MISSING_DATE_TIME 64 510 Indicates that the DateOption was set to Specific, but DateTime was not specified. Routing, Distance Matrix
MISSING_DAY_OF_WEEK 65 510 Indicates that the DateOption was set to DayOfWeek, but DateTime.DayOfWeek was not specified. Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_LAT 66 530 Indicates that the Latitude is invalid. This could be because the value is too large or non numeric data. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_LNG 67 530 Indicates that the Longitude is invalid. This could be because the value is too large or non numeric data. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_COORDS 68 530 Indicates that the latitude/longitude are invalid. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
INVLD_TRIP 70 700 Indicates that there was an error during the route creation. Routing
PARITY_MISMATCH 71 1000 Indicates that there is a parity mismatch with the address range.
NO_STREET_NUMBER 72 1010 Indicates that the address provided had no number. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
DIRECTIONAL_MISMATCH 73 1020 Indicates that the directional does not match or has bad placement. Routing
STREET_TYPE_MISMATCH 74 1030 Indicates that the street type does not match. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
STREET_NAME_MISSPELL 75 1040 Indicates that the street name is misspelled. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
MULTIPLE_MATCHES 76 1050 Indicates that the street has multiple exact matches. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
NO_STREET_NAME 77 1060 Indicates that that no street name was specified. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE 78 1070 Indicates that the address number is out of range. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
STREET_NOT_IN_ZIP 79 1080 Indicates that the street is not within zip code specified. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
COORDS_ZIPCENTROID 80 1090 Indicates that the coordinates returned are for the zip centroid. Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
EXTRA_TRUCK_CONFIG 82 2000 Indicates that the vehicle type is set to Auto, but the TruckCfg options were included. The automobile configuration will be used for the routing.
EXTRA_DATE 83 2000 Indicates that an extra DateTime element was included when the DateOption type is set to 'current'.
EXTRA_REPORT 84 2000 Indicates that duplicate report types were included. Only a single report of each type will be returned.
INVLD_DATA_VER 85 2000 Indicates an invalid data version. Routing, Distance Matrix
DEPRECATED_TOLL_TAG 86 2010 Indicates that a particular toll discount program has been deprecated.
INVLD_GEO_LIST_CNT 87 2020 Indicates that for versions 21 and older, only one location can be geocoded with geo list. Geocoding (version 21 and below)
GEOCODE_ERROR 88 400 Indicates that the input location could not be geocoded.
Possible reasons:
  • This ZIP is not usable for routing - The given ZIP code cannot be used to generate a route.
  • State invalid for region - The given state is not a valid state within the current region.
  • No matching ZIP found - No zip was found that matches the given postal code.
  • No matching city found - No city was found that matches the given city name.
  • ZIP doesn’t match ST for given city,ST - No entries were found where the given zip resides in the specified state.
  • ZIP doesn’t match city for given city,ST - No entries were found where the given zip resides in the specified city.
  • No exact matches for city name - No results were found that exactly match the entered city. Partial or similar matches may have been found instead.
  • No ZIP code exists for input city,ST - The given city, ST entry does not have any valid ZIP codes associated with it.
  • No matching SPLC found - No SPLC was found that matches the given code.
  • Not enough information provided to locate the requested stop - No valid ZIP, city, or state tokens could be parsed from the user’s input.
  • Street not found near the provided coordinates - Returned if a street address plus lat/longs was input and could not be found.
  • The address provided has no matches in the zip/city provided - Returned if the supplied address cannot be found within the provided postal code.
Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
GEOCODE_WARN 89 1000 Indicates that the input location geocoded, but with warnings.
Possible reasons:
  • There is a parity mismatch with the address range - Returned if address number is within the overall data range, but not in the odd or even range for this link.
  • The address provided had no number - Returned if the supplied address did not contain a number, e.g. "Smith Ave." instead of "10 Smith Ave."
  • The street type does not match - Returned if the "best match" address has a different street type from the input address, i.e. "Smith St." vs. "Smith Rd."
  • The street name is misspelled - Returned if street was matched through soundex, but did not match name on the data link, e.g. "Main" vs. "Maine"
  • Street has multiple exact matches - Returned if the geocoder returned a confidence level of 100%, but more than one match.
  • No street name - Returned if there was no street name in the address.
  • Street is not within zip code specified - Returned if the ZIP code contained on the link does not match the street name specified.
  • The coordinates returned are for the zip centroid - Returned if the best match is the ZIP centroid (center point of the zip code area) for the address received.
  • Invalid entry - Returned if the format and/or the location data entered are invalid because of error(s) not cited in any of the above error codes.
INVLD_TILE_INDEX 90 Indicates that the requested tile index is outside of the valid range.
EXTRA_ROUTE 91 2000 Indicates that more than one route was supplied for the map when the least cost option was chosen. Routing
EXTRA_DATA 92 Indicates that more data was supplied such as array length is too long.
INVLD_ROUTE_OPTIONS 93 Generic invalid route option Routing, Distance Matrix
INVLD_VAL 94 Generic invalid value Routing, Distance Matrix, Geocoding
DEPRECATED 95 Generic deprecated exception
GEOCODE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 96 Indicates that the user exceeded maximum number of geocode allowed. Geocoding
UNAVAILABLE_FEATURE 97 Indicates that a feature is not available.
STOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 98 Indicates that the user exceeded maximum number of stops allowed. Routing
NO_ALLOWED_INTERPS 99 Indicates that the user has specified no valid interps.
INVALID_INTERP 100 Indicates that the user specified an invalid interp.
Last updated June 7, 2024.
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