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POI Categories

The table below lists the possible values for poiCategories in a POI Radius Search.


Member name Value
All 0
City 1
Zip 2
Place 4
Airport 8
Automotive 16
WeighStation 32
Dining 64
Education 128
Emergency 256
Government 512
Gas 1024
Lodging 2048
Parks 4096
Retail 8192
RVServices 16384
SportsRec 32768
Travel 65536
TruckServices 131072
Attractions 262144
OilAndGas 524288
AutoDealership 1048576
Bank 2097152
BridgesAndTunnels 4194304
BusTaxiLimo 8388608
CATScales 16777216
CityHall 33554432
DieselExhaustFluid 67108864
Entertainment 134217728
EventFacility 268435456
FerryTerminal 536870912
GeographicFeature 1073741824
GroceryStore 2147483648
GuestHouse 4294967296
HighwayExit 8589934592
IntermodalRampLarge 17179869184
IntermodalRampMedium 34359738368
IntermodalRampSmall 68719476736
LCVLot 137438953472
Marina 274877906944
Municipal 549755813888
HighwayIntersection 1099511627776
Other 2199023255552
Parking 4398046511104
PlaceOfWorship 8796093022208
PoliceStation 17592186044416
RailwayStation 35184372088832
RentACar 70368744177664
RestArea 140737488355328
ATM 281474976710656
DistributionCenter 562949953421312
IntermodalRamp 1125899906842624
Last updated March 7, 2023.
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