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Derived Route (POST)


A derived route is the estimated route a vehicle took based on a series of latitude/longitude pings. This API can return a Mileage, Detailed, State, RoutePath, Speed Limit, or Fuel Tax report for the route.

POST /derivedRoute/routeReports?dataset={dataset}

Request Element

Element Definition Required
ReduceTripRequestBody Contains a collection of trip pings, a value for off route miles, any standard route options, and the report type to return. OffRouteMiles is the distance in miles outside of which trip pings are ignored when the algorithm creates the route path. Its default and minimum value is .02 miles. (See sample below for the POST body format.) Y
RegionalDataSet For users licensed for multiple regional datasets, this parameter allows you to choose between Current (default), PCM_EU, PCM_OC, PCM_SA, PCM_AF, PCM_AS, PCM_ME, PCM_GT, PCM_WW and PCM_NA. Y

Sample JSON POST Body

For Mileage, Detailed, State, and RoutePath reports. See samples below for FuelTax and SpeedLimit reports.

  "ExtendedOptions": {
    "EstimatedTimeOptions": {
      "ETAETD": 1,
      "DateOption": 1,
      "DateAndTime": {
        "CalendarDate": "4/23/2014",
        "DayOfWeek": 0,
        "TimeOfDay": "6:00 AM",
        "TimeZone": 0
    "TruckStyle": 0,
    "UseTraffic": true
  "HighwayOnly": false,
  "OffRouteMiles": 0,
  "Region": 4,
  "ReportType": {
    "__type": "MileageReportType:",
    "THoursWithSeconds": false
  "RoutePings": [
    {"Lat": "33.714154", "Lon": "-118.309434"},
    {"Lat": "33.721061", "Lon": "-118.316631"}
  "RoutingOptions": {
    "AFSetIDs": null,
    "BordersOpen": true,
    "ClassOverrides": 0,
    "DistanceUnits": 0,
    "ElevLimit": null,
    "FerryDiscourage": false,
    "FuelRoute": false,
    "HazMatType": 0,
    "HighwayOnly": false,
    "HoSOptions": null,
    "HubRouting": false,
    "OverrideRestrict": false,
    "RouteOptimization": 0,
    "RoutingType": 0,
    "TollDiscourage": false,
    "TruckCfg": {
      "Axles": 5,
      "Height": "13'6\"",
      "LCV": false,
      "Length": "48'0\"",
      "Units": 0,
      "Weight": "80000",
      "Width": "96\""
    "VehicleType": 0,
    "SideOfStreetAdherence": 0

Sample Response

  "Reports": [
      "__type": "MileageReport:",
      "RouteID": null,
      "ReportLines": [
          "Stop": {
            "Address": {
              "StreetAddress": "1413 West Paseo Del Mar",
              "City": "San Pedro",
              "State": "CA",
              "Zip": "90731",
              "County": "Los Angeles",
              "Country": null,
              "SPLC": null,
              "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
              "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
              "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
            "Coords": {
              "Lat": "33.714154",
              "Lon": "-118.309434"
            "Region": 4,
            "Label": "",
            "PlaceName": "",
            "TimeZone": null,
            "Errors": null,
            "SpeedLimitInfo": null,
            "ConfidenceLevel": null,
            "DistanceFromRoad": null
          "LMiles": "0.0",
          "TMiles": "0.0",
          "LCostMile": "0.00",
          "TCostMile": "0.00",
          "LHours": "0:00",
          "THours": "0:00",
          "LTolls": "0.00",
          "TTolls": "0.00",
          "LEstghg": "0.0",
          "TEstghg": "0.0",
          "EtaEtd": "4/23/2014 6:00 AM"
          "Stop": {
            "Address": {
              "StreetAddress": "3536 South Western Avenue",
              "City": "San Pedro",
              "State": "CA",
              "Zip": "90732",
              "County": "Los Angeles",
              "Country": null,
              "SPLC": null,
              "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
              "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
              "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
            "Coords": {
              "Lat": "33.721061",
              "Lon": "-118.316631"
            "Region": 4,
            "Label": "",
            "PlaceName": "",
            "TimeZone": null,
            "Errors": null,
            "SpeedLimitInfo": null,
            "ConfidenceLevel": null,
            "DistanceFromRoad": null
          "LMiles": "3.6",
          "TMiles": "3.6",
          "LCostMile": "6.09",
          "TCostMile": "6.09",
          "LHours": "0:07",
          "THours": "0:07",
          "LTolls": "0.00",
          "TTolls": "0.00",
          "LEstghg": "12.3",
          "TEstghg": "12.3",
          "EtaEtd": "4/23/2014 6:07 AM"
      "TrafficDataUsed": false

Fuel Tax Report

(North America only) The Fuel Tax Report calculates the distances driven by state or province based on a series of latitude and longitude pings. This information can be used to create distance records for IFTA fuel tax reporting for vehicles that travel across state lines or Canadian borders.

The report works this way:

  • The derived route is calculated based on a series of GPS pings.
  • Corrected coordinates are calculated for pings that have “drifted” from the route.
  • Distances are calculated between each of the derived or corrected pings along the route.

Sample Fuel Tax Report Request Body

    "ExtendedOptions": {
        "EstimatedTimeOptions": {
            "ETAETD": 1,
            "DateOption": 1,
            "DateAndTime": {
                "CalendarDate": "4/23/2026",
                "DayOfWeek": 0,
                "TimeOfDay": "6:00 AM",
                "TimeZone": 0
        "TruckStyle": 0,
        "UseTraffic": true
    "HighwayOnly": false,
    "OffRouteMiles": 0,
    "Region": 4,
    "ReportType": {
        "__type": "FuelTaxReportType:"
    "RoutePings": [
            "Lat": "30.585850",
            "Lon": "-87.042536"
            "Lat": "30.586256",
            "Lon": "-87.042532"
            "Lat": "30.586598",
            "Lon": "-87.042526"
            "Lat": "30.586929",
            "Lon": "-87.042502"
            "Lat": "30.587118",
            "Lon": "-87.042310"
            "Lat": "30.587092",
            "Lon": "-87.041277"
            "Lat": "30.587050",
            "Lon": "-87.039737"
            "Lat": "30.587005",
            "Lon": "-87.038116"
            "Lat": "30.586983",
            "Lon": "-87.036534"
            "Lat": "30.586980",
            "Lon": "-87.035465"
            "Lat": "30.586991",
            "Lon": "-87.034392"
            "Lat": "30.587016",
            "Lon": "-87.032441"
            "Lat": "30.586986",
            "Lon": "-87.031188"
            "Lat": "30.577347",
            "Lon": "-87.031365"
            "Lat": "30.569148",
            "Lon": "-87.031417"
            "Lat": "30.577795",
            "Lon": "-87.020950"
            "Lat": "30.588284",
            "Lon": "-87.007356"
            "Lat": "30.599267",
            "Lon": "-86.993137"
            "Lat": "30.610292",
            "Lon": "-86.978749"
            "Lat": "30.618840",
            "Lon": "-86.962619"
            "Lat": "30.624502",
            "Lon": "-86.945339"
            "Lat": "30.631587",
            "Lon": "-86.928226"
            "Lat": "30.639728",
            "Lon": "-86.911435"
            "Lat": "30.647861",
            "Lon": "-86.894599"
            "Lat": "30.655987",
            "Lon": "-86.877759"
            "Lat": "30.664140",
            "Lon": "-86.860974"
            "Lat": "30.671355",
            "Lon": "-86.843686"
            "Lat": "30.676204",
            "Lon": "-86.825237"
            "Lat": "30.681061",
            "Lon": "-86.806735"
            "Lat": "30.685770",
            "Lon": "-86.789024"
            "Lat": "30.691088",
            "Lon": "-86.770766"
            "Lat": "30.697809",
            "Lon": "-86.753150"
            "Lat": "30.704531",
            "Lon": "-86.735434"
            "Lat": "30.708800",
            "Lon": "-86.716939"
            "Lat": "30.712897",
            "Lon": "-86.698285"
            "Lat": "30.715196",
            "Lon": "-86.679259"
            "Lat": "30.716532",
            "Lon": "-86.659992"
            "Lat": "30.715342",
            "Lon": "-86.640796"
            "Lat": "30.713549",
            "Lon": "-86.622457"
            "Lat": "30.717441",
            "Lon": "-86.604999"
            "Lat": "30.724113",
            "Lon": "-86.588919"
            "Lat": "30.725504",
            "Lon": "-86.570306"
            "Lat": "30.726376",
            "Lon": "-86.551494"
            "Lat": "30.726909",
            "Lon": "-86.532168"
            "Lat": "30.726845",
            "Lon": "-86.513097"
            "Lat": "30.725565",
            "Lon": "-86.494409"
            "Lat": "30.720465",
            "Lon": "-86.476117"
    "RoutingOptions": {
        "AFSetIDs": null,
        "BordersOpen": true,
        "ClassOverrides": 0,
        "DistanceUnits": 0,
        "ElevLimit": null,
        "FerryDiscourage": false,
        "FuelRoute": false,
        "HazMatType": 0,
        "HighwayOnly": false,
        "HoSOptions": null,
        "HubRouting": false,
        "OverrideRestrict": false,
        "RouteOptimization": 0,
        "RoutingType": 0,
        "TollDiscourage": false,
        "TruckCfg": {
            "Axles": 5,
            "Height": "13'6\"",
            "LCV": false,
            "Length": "48'0\"",
            "Units": 0,
            "Weight": "80000",
            "Width": "96\""
        "UseAvoidsAndFavors": false,
        "VehicleType": 0

Sample Fuel Tax Report Response

    "Reports": [
            "__type": "FuelTaxReport:",
            "RouteID": null,
            "ReportLines": [
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.58585",
                        "Lon": "-87.042536",
                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.58585",
                        "Lon": "-87.042536"
                    "DistanceSinceLastPing": 0,
                    "DistanceFromOriginalPing": 0,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "4153 Willis Way",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.586256",
                        "Lon": "-87.042532",
                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.586257",
                        "Lon": "-87.042554"
                    "DistanceSinceLastPing": 0.028122394136723107,
                    "DistanceFromOriginalPing": 0.0013094990352626088,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "4161 Willis Way",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.586598",
                        "Lon": "-87.042526",
                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.586598",
                        "Lon": "-87.042537"
                    "DistanceSinceLastPing": 0.023566620803863444,
                    "DistanceFromOriginalPing": 0.00065383641274256385,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "4169 Willis Way",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.586929",
                        "Lon": "-87.042502",
                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.586929",
                        "Lon": "-87.042529"
                    "DistanceSinceLastPing": 0.022859426183278707,
                    "DistanceFromOriginalPing": 0.0016048657134825992,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "4177 Willis Way",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.587118",
                        "Lon": "-87.04231",
                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.587107",
                        "Lon": "-87.042311"
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                    "DistanceFromOriginalPing": 0.00076183673849080161,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "Warren Road",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
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                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.587092",
                        "Lon": "-87.041277",
                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
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                        "StreetAddress": "Warren Road & Price Place",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
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                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
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                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
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                        "Speed": null,
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                        "Timestamp": null
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
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                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
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                        "Speed": null,
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                        "Timestamp": null
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                    "Address": {
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
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                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
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                        "Speed": null,
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                        "Timestamp": null
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                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
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                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
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                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
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                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "I-10, FL-8",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.588284",
                        "Lon": "-87.007356",
                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
                    "SnappedLocation": {
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                    "DistanceSinceLastPing": 1.085037644570946,
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                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "I-10, FL-8",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.599267",
                        "Lon": "-86.993137",
                        "Speed": null,
                        "Heading": null,
                        "Timestamp": null
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.599245",
                        "Lon": "-86.993113"
                    "DistanceSinceLastPing": 1.1355632634586676,
                    "DistanceFromOriginalPing": 0.0020837390097031452,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "I-10, FL-8",
                        "City": "Milton",
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                    "Free": "37.898",
                    "Ferry": "0.000",
                    "Loaded": "37.898",
                    "Empty": "0.000",
                    "Tolls": "0.00",
                    "Energy": "0.000"
                    "StCntry": "TOTAL",
                    "Total": "37.898",
                    "Toll": "0.000",
                    "Free": "37.898",
                    "Ferry": "0.000",
                    "Loaded": "37.898",
                    "Empty": "0.000",
                    "Tolls": "0.00",
                    "Energy": "0.000"

Speed Limit Report

(Add-on license required for speed limits) The Speed Limit Report returns road speed limits based on a series of latitude/longitude pings. This report can enhance real-time applications where precise speed limits are needed for decision-making.

The report works this way:

  • For every GPS ping passed in the request, the algorithm determines the most likely route path based on the location, and it projects the ping onto that path.
  • The projected route path returns the OriginalPing, the SnappedLocation for the route path, and the associated SpeedLimit.

Request parameters

The report request includes a RoutePings object, in addition to parameters in standard POST Route reports.


Parameter Definition Data Type Required
__type Describes the ping type. Should always be: GPSPoint: . This must be the first parameter in each ping into order to return Speed, Heading, and Timestamp.
Lat The ping’s latitude.
Lon The ping’s longitude.
Speed The vehicle’s current speed.
Heading Speed limits may differ based on direction. This parameter is used to increase accuracy of getting the correct speed limit.Heading angles:
0 - North
90 - East
180 - South
270 - West
Timestamp The time the ping was received in a Unix time.

Sample Speed Limit Report Request Body

    "ExtendedOptions": {
        "EstimatedTimeOptions": {
            "ETAETD": 1,
            "DateOption": 1,
            "DateAndTime": {
                "CalendarDate": "4/23/2026",
                "DayOfWeek": 0,
                "TimeOfDay": "6:00 AM",
                "TimeZone": 0
        "TruckStyle": 0,
        "UseTraffic": true
    "HighwayOnly": false,
    "OffRouteMiles": 0,
    "Region": 4,
    "ReportType": {
        "__type": "SpeedLimitReportType:"
    "RoutePings": [
            "__type": "GPSPoint:",
            "Lat": "30.585850",
            "Lon": "-87.042536",
            "Speed": 5,
            "Heading": 4,
            "Timestamp": 1723568682
            "__type": "GPSPoint:",
            "Lat": "30.586256",
            "Lon": "-87.042532",
            "Speed": 8,
            "Heading": 359,
            "Timestamp": 1723568693
            "__type": "GPSPoint:",
            "Lat": "30.586598",
            "Lon": "-87.042526",
            "Speed": 8,
            "Heading": 4,
            "Timestamp": 1723568704
    "RoutingOptions": {
        "AFSetIDs": null,
        "BordersOpen": true,
        "ClassOverrides": 0,
        "DistanceUnits": 0,
        "ElevLimit": null,
        "FerryDiscourage": false,
        "FuelRoute": false,
        "HazMatType": 0,
        "HighwayOnly": false,
        "HoSOptions": null,
        "HubRouting": false,
        "OverrideRestrict": false,
        "RouteOptimization": 0,
        "RoutingType": 0,
        "TollDiscourage": false,
        "TruckCfg": {
            "Axles": 5,
            "Height": "13'6\"",
            "LCV": false,
            "Length": "48'0\"",
            "Units": 0,
            "Weight": "80000",
            "Width": "96\""
        "UseAvoidsAndFavors": false,
        "VehicleType": 0

Sample Speed Limit Report Response

    "Reports": [
            "__type": "SpeedLimitReport:",
            "RouteID": null,
            "ReportLines": [
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.58585",
                        "Lon": "-87.042536",
                        "Speed": 5,
                        "Heading": 4,
                        "Timestamp": 1723568682
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.58585",
                        "Lon": "-87.042536"
                    "SpeedLimit": 25,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "4153 Willis Way",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.586256",
                        "Lon": "-87.042532",
                        "Speed": 8,
                        "Heading": 359,
                        "Timestamp": 1723568693
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.586257",
                        "Lon": "-87.042554"
                    "SpeedLimit": 25,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "4161 Willis Way",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
                    "OriginalPing": {
                        "Lat": "30.586598",
                        "Lon": "-87.042526",
                        "Speed": 8,
                        "Heading": 4,
                        "Timestamp": 1723568704
                    "SnappedLocation": {
                        "Lat": "30.586598",
                        "Lon": "-87.042537"
                    "SpeedLimit": 25,
                    "Address": {
                        "StreetAddress": "4169 Willis Way",
                        "City": "Milton",
                        "State": "FL",
                        "Zip": "32583",
                        "County": "Santa Rosa",
                        "Country": "United States",
                        "SPLC": null,
                        "CountryPostalFilter": 0,
                        "AbbreviationFormat": 0,
                        "StateName": "Florida",
                        "StateAbbreviation": "FL",
                        "CountryAbbreviation": "US"
Last updated March 7, 2025.
API Endpoint:
