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Get Driver Trips


Gets a driver’s trips for up to a 45-day period. The query looks from the startDate to the endDate, with a default startDate of the current time and a default endDate of 45 days in the future.

The pageSize and pageNumber parameters can be set if you want your application to page through a large number of query results.

Users of this API must perform authentication using a token that is associated with the specified tspDriverId, not with an API key, because this API returns trips specific to a driver.

GET /service.svc/drivertrips/query?startDate={startDate}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Resource URL{startDate}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&routeStatus={routeStatus}

Request Fields

Field Description Type Required
tspDriverId The fleetwide unique identifier of the driver.
startDate The start date of the 45-day period for a query of trips.
If a trip has an actual start date, it is used to perform the comparison. If a trip does not have an actual start date, planned start date will be used. If planned start date cannot be found, then the date the trip was created will be used. Any trip after the start date can be a candidate.
The value must be in ISO-8601 format, for example: 2017-09-19T07:35:21-05:00
Default value is the current time.
endDate The end date of the period for a query of trips, which can be up to 45 days from the startDate.
If a trip has an actual start date, it is used to perform the comparison. If a trip does not have an actual start date, planned start date will be used. If planned start date can’t be found, then the date the trip was created will be used. Any trip after the start date can be a candidate.
The value must be in ISO-8601 format, for example: 2017-09-19T07:35:21-05:00
Default is 45 days after the startDate (if provided). If startDate is not provided, the end date is by default 45 days from the current time.
pageNumber Set if you would like to call one page at a time to more efficiently page through a large number of result. Each page will include the number of trips set by the pageSize parameter.
Default value is 1 - the first page.
pageSize The number of trips per page.
Default value is 100.
routeStatus This field can be used to refine results based on the status of a driver’s trips. Each possible status is represented in the enum below.
  • Planned = 1
  • Dispatched = 2
  • InProgress = 4
  • Completed = 8
  • Canceled = 16
  • Declined = 32
  • Deleted = 64
  • ReceivedByClient = 128
Combining any set of values will return trips of the included status. For example, to retrieve all open tickets: 135 = Planned, Dispatched, InProgress, and ReceivedByClient. For All Cancelled or Completed: 24 = Cancelled and Completed. Note: Deleted = 64 but it is not possible to retrieve deleted trips.

Sample Response

    name: "test_driver_trips",
    plannedStartTime: "2020-04-01T15:07:06+00:00",
    actualStartDate: null,
    tripStatus: "Completed",
    createdOn: "2020-04-01T15:07:16+00:00",
    ownerId: 501405469,
    alkTripId: 29584786
    name: "",
    plannedStartTime: "2020-04-01T14:07:04+00:00",
    actualStartDate: null,
    tripStatus: "Planned",
    createdOn: "2020-04-01T14:07:37+00:00",
    ownerId: 501405469,
    alkTripId: 29584773
Last updated January 9, 2023.
API Endpoint:
