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Get Trip


The Get Trip API is a service that returns a previously generated route based on the supplied Trip ID which is the unique identifier of the trip. The response will have the following:

  • Trip status
  • Trip distance
  • Trip duration
  • Trip costs
  • Trip tolls
  • HOS remaining hours
  • Stops
  • Inserted HOS rest stops
  • Alternate rest stops
  • Arrival and Departure time at every stop
  • Leg distance and duration for every stop

(Note: If you just want to retrieve a URL to open the trip in Trimble’s Trip Viewer, you can instead call GET Trip Viewer URL.)

The following two variations of requests are supported for this functionality:

GET /trip/{tripId}

Resource URL{tripId}

Request Fields

Field Description Type Required
tripId The alkTripId returned when you planned the trip.

GET /trip?tripId={tripId}

Resource URL{tripId}

Request Fields

Field Description Type Required
tripId The alkTripId returned when you planned the trip or the tmsTripId in your planning system.
Note: Only one can be used when making a request through the URL. The search logic will check for the user’s trips with matching tmsTripId. If no trips are found with provided tmsTripId, then the check will continue for trips with matching alkTripId. If no trip is found matching with either of the Trip IDs, then no trip found response will be returned.

Response Fields

Same response for both the types of requests

Field Description Type
alkTripId The unique identifier for the trip. This value will be used in subsequent calls to the service pertaining to this trip.
name A display name for this trip.
tmsTripId The trip ID in your planning system. This can be used to match a Trip Management trip with a trip in your database.
tripStatus The current status of the trip. For the initial response, the value will be Planned. As the trip gets executed/modified, the values may change to
  • InProgress,
  • Canceled,
  • Completed, or
  • Declined
actualStartDate The date and time when the accepted the trip in CoPilot.
tripDistance The total mileage of the trip.
tripDuration The total duration of the trip.
tripDriveDuration The total duration of the trip which was spent driving.
tripCost The total cost value for the trip.
tripTolls The total tolls value for the trip.
remainingLegDistance The remaining distance in miles or kilometers for the current in-progress leg of the trip. Tracked from the last received GPS ping to the next open stop in the trip
remainingLegDuration The remaining duration in minutes for the current in-progress leg of the trip. Tracked from the last received GPS ping to the next open stop in the trip
region Indicates which region was set to run the trip.
stops The stop array contains every customer stop in the trip plan as well as inserted fuel and rest stops.
Array <Stop>
stops > stopSequence The order in which the stops are to be executed. This includes inserted fuel and rest stops.
stops > stopStatus Status of the stop
  • Open,
  • Completed,
  • Canceled,
  • NotViable
stops > stopArrivalStatus Status of the stop
  • OnTime,
  • AtRisk,
  • Late,
  • Early,
  • NotViable
stops > currentETA The date and time predicted to arrive based on routing variables.
stops > actualArrivalTime The date and time when the driver reached this stop.
stops > actualDepartureTime The date and time when the driver left this stop.
stops > actualDuration The number of minutes the driver spent at this stop.
stops > stopType The type of stop. Options are: Origin, Work, Waypoint, FuelStop, Destination, Delivery, Pickup, Break, RestStopShort, RestStopLong, RestStopCycleReset, RestStopFullDay, RestStopDriverSwitch, RestStopShortSplittable (EU ONLY), and RestStopLongSplittable (EU ONLY).
stops > amenities An array containing the Amenities available as this rest stop.
Array <string>
stops > truckServices Indicates whether this rest stop has Truck Services or not.
stops > activeDriver For Team Driving, indicates which driver is actively driving starting at this stop.
stops > location Each stop array must have at least two location elements in it.
Location object
stops > location > address An address object representing the street address, city, state, and postal code of a stop.
Address object
stops > location > address > streetAddress The street address of this trip stop.
stops > location > address > city The city of this trip stop.
stops > location > address > state The state of this trip stop.
stops > location > address > zip The zip/postal code of this trip stop.
stops > location > address > county The county where this trip stop is located.
stops > location > coords Contains the latitude and longitude of the stop.
coords object
stops > location > coords > lat The latitude of the stop.
stops > location > coords > lon The longitude of the stop.
stops > location > label A display name for this trip stop.
stops > plannedETA Estimated date and time of arrival at the stop as of the initial trip plan when dispatched to the vehicle. The value is formatted in ISO-8601 format.
stops > plannedDepartureTime Estimated date and time of departure at the stop as of the initial trip plan when dispatched to the vehicle. The value is formatted in ISO-8601 format.
stops > plannedDuration The estimated duration at stop in minutes.
stops > saveRestStop If true, this rest stop will be preserved when recalculating the route.
stops > legDistance Distance to the next stop in miles.
stops > legDriveDuration Duration to the reach the next stop in minutes.
alternateRestStops A list of alternate Hours of Service rest stops that may be used to replace the current rest stop
Array <AlternateHosLocation>
alternateRestStops > amenities An array containing the Amenities available as this rest stop.
Array <string>
alternateRestStops > truckServices Indicates whether this rest stop has Truck Services or not.
alternateRestStops > activeDriver For Team Driving, indicates which driver is actively driving starting at this stop.
alternateRestStops > location The location of the alternate rest stop.
Location object
alternateRestStops > location > address An address object representing the street address, city, state, and postal code of the alternate rest stop.
Address object
alternateRestStops > location > address > streetAddress The street address of the alternate rest stop.
alternateRestStops > location > address > city The city of the alternate rest stop.
alternateRestStops > location > address > state The state of the alternate rest stop.
alternateRestStops > location > address > zip The zip/postal code of the alternate rest stop.
alternateRestStops > location > address > county The county where the alternate rest stop. is located.
alternateRestStops > location > coords Contains the latitude and longitude of the alternate rest stop.
coords object
alternateRestStops > location > coords > lat The latitude of the alternate rest stop.
alternateRestStops > location > coords > lon The longitude of the alternate rest stop.
alternateRestStops > location > label A display name for the alternate rest stop.
hoursOfServiceRemaining Remaining HOS parameters at the end of the trip, if using the Trimble Maps HOS solution.
hoursOfServiceRemaining object
hoursOfServiceRemaining > enabled Indicates whether the trip was run with HOS enabled allowing rest stops insertion.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreak Remaining time in seconds until short break at the end of the trip.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingDriveTime Remaining drive time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingOnDutyTime Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > hoSRuleType Indicates which HOS Rule was used to run the trip.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > alternateHoSRuleType Indicates an alternate hours of service rule type to follow whe making cross border moves between Canada and the United States.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingCycleDutyTime Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit at the end of the trip.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > cycleTimeGains An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days at the end of the trip.
Array <double>
hoursOfServiceRemaining > lastCycleResetDateTime Date and time of end of last cycle reset at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > last24HourBreakDateTime Date and time of end of last 24 hour break at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingCanadaOnDutyTime Remaining time in seconds for a day at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreak Remaining time in seconds for Canada Cycle Two HOS until a full day (24-hour) break is needed.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds for Canada Cycle Two HOS until a full day (24-hour) break is needed for Driver2.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until short break at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingDriveTimeDriver2 Remaining drive time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingCycleDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > cycleTimeGainsDriver2 An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
Array <double>
hoursOfServiceRemaining > lastCycleResetDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last cycle reset at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > last24HourBreakDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last 24 hour break at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingCanadaOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds for a day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > RemainingOnDutyTimeInDay The remaining on-duty time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > RemainingDrivingTimeInWeek The remaining driving time in seconds until the driver must take a weekly break. Only used for European HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > RemainingConsecutiveDrivingTime The remaining consecutive driving time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
hoursOfServiceRemaining > RemainingFortnightlyTime The remaining fortnightly (bi-weekly) time (in seconds) until the drive must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
driverHoursOfService The hours of service parameters, if using the Trimble Maps HOS solution.
driverHoursOfService object
driverHoursOfService > useCycleReset If true, a cycle reset break is inserted in route.
driverHoursOfService > enabled If false, HOS rest stops are not inserted in route.
driverHoursOfService > terminalDayStartTime Start of the 24-hour period for the driver for cycle time limit compliance.
driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreak Remaining time in seconds until short break at the end of the trip.
driverHoursOfService > useCustomPlaces If true, custom locations are used where possible for HOS rest break.
driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTime Remaining drive time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip.
driverHoursOfService > teamDriving (U.S. and Canada Only) If set to true, team driving will be used and, whenever possible, the active driver will be switched instead of taking a rest break. A separate “driver swap” rest break is inserted when a driver’s time is up. The duration of that break is set using driverSwitchBreakDuration, with a default of 5 minutes if no value is entered.

activeDriver determines which driver starts the trip so that the Trip Management service knows whose clock to count down first.

driverHoursOfService > remainingOnDutyTime Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
driverHoursOfService > customBreakDurations Longer custom durations for rest stops are used instead of mandated minimum durations by default.
CustomBreakDurations object
driverHoursOfService > hoSRuleType Indicates which hours of service rule type was followed.
driverHoursOfService > alternateHoSRuleType Indicates an alternate hours of service rule type followed when making cross border moves between Canada and the United States.
driverHoursOfService > remainingCycleDutyTime Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit at the end of the trip.
driverHoursOfService > maxAlternateRestStops The maximum number of alternate rest stops that will be returned in the Hours of Service report.
driverHoursOfService > cycleTimeGains An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days at the end of the trip.
Array <double>
driverHoursOfService > lastCycleResetDateTime Date and time of end of last cycle reset at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
driverHoursOfService > last24HourBreakDateTime Date and time of end of last 24 hour break at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
driverHoursOfService > remainingCanadaOnDutyTime Remaining time in seconds for a day at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
driverHoursOfService > remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreak Remaining time in seconds for Canada Cycle Two HOS until a full day (24-hour) break is needed.
driverHoursOfService > remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds for Canada Cycle Two HOS until a full day (24-hour) break is needed for Driver2.
driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until short break at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
driverHoursOfService > RemainingOnDutyTimeInDay The remaining on-duty time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
driverHoursOfService > RemainingDrivingTimeInWeek The remaining driving time in seconds until the driver must take a weekly break. Only used for European HOS.
driverHoursOfService > RemainingConsecutiveDrivingTime The remaining consecutive driving time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
driverHoursOfService > RemainingFortnightlyTime The remaining fortnightly (bi-weekly) time (in seconds) until the drive must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTimeDriver2 Remaining drive time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
driverHoursOfService > remainingOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
driverHoursOfService > remainingCycleDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
driverHoursOfService > cycleTimeGainsDriver2 An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
Array <double>
driverHoursOfService > lastCycleResetDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last cycle reset at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
driverHoursOfService > last24HourBreakDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last 24 hour break at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
driverHoursOfService > remainingCanadaOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds for a day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
driverHoursOfService > CurrentOffDutyTime The amount of off-duty time the driver has already accumulated at the time the trip was created. For example, if a driver is due for an end-of-day break, which is typically 10 hours, HOS logic will reduce that break duration by the amount of time entered in the “CurrentOffDutyTime” parameter.
  • The format is in seconds.
  • double
    driverHoursOfService > CurrentOffDutyTimeDriver2 The amount of off-duty time the driver has already accumulated at the time the trip was created. For example, if a driver is due for an end-of-day break, which is typically 10 hours, HOS logic will reduce that break duration by the amount of time entered in the “CurrentOffDutyTime” parameter.
  • The format is in seconds.
  • Used only for Team Driving.
  • double
    driverHoursOfService > POIStopsReturned Sets whether rest stops are returned as actual stop locations (POIs) along the route or only as the latitude/longitude coordinates for the last point along the route that a rest stop must be taken before a violation occurs.

    When set to False, the lat/lon location will be set 30 minutes before the HOS violation line if HOSwindowStart and HOSwindowEnd are set to default values. If HOSwindowStart and HOSwindowEnd are NOT default, then the lat/lon location will be set at HOSwindowEnd.

    True = Use POIs
    False = Coordinates

    driverHoursOfService > HOSWindowStart Sets the time in minutes prior to when an HOS break is required that the algorithm should start looking for a rest stop to insert in the trip. The value can be between 10 and 60 minutes. For example, if a break is required at 2 p.m., and HOSWindowStart is set to 30, the window for inserting a rest stop begins at 1:30 p.m.
    driverHoursOfService > HOSWindowEnd Sets the time in minutes prior to when an HOS break is required that the algorithm should finish looking for a rest stop to insert in the trip. The value can be between 10 and 60 minutes. For example, if a break is required at 2 p.m., and HOSWindowEnd is set to 10, the window for inserting a rest stop ends at 1:50 p.m. To maximize driving time, the algorithm will look for a stop as close as possible to the end of the window.
    afSetIds Avoid or favor set Ids are used for routing.
    Array <string>
    afSetNames Avoid or favor set names are used for routing.
    Array <string>

    Sample Response

      "tripStatus": "Planned",
      "modifiedOn": "2019-01-22T18:08:46+00:00",
      "tripDistance": 3123.933,
      "tripDriveDuration": 3282,
      "tripDuration": 3282,
      "hoursOfServiceRemaining": null,
      "url": null,
      "tripCost": 6302.57,
      "tripTolls": 0,
      "tmsTripId": "ALK1234",
      "name": "Boston to San Diego",
      "stops": [
          "plannedETA": "2017-09-21T10:20:53-04:00",
          "currentETA": "2017-09-21T10:20:53-04:00",
          "earliestArrivalTime": "2017-09-21T10:11:52-04:00",
          "latestArrivalTime": "2017-09-21T11:11:52-04:00",
          "plannedDuration": 0,
          "actualDuration": 0,
          "plannedDepartureTime": "2017-09-21T10:20:53-04:00",
          "stopStatus": "Open",
          "stopArrivalStatus": "OnTime",
          "atRiskThreshold": 15,
          "tooEarlyThreshold": null,
          "legDistance": 2.247,
          "legDriveDuration": 9,
          "metadata": null,
          "amenities": null,
          "truckServices": false,
          "alternateRestStops": null,
          "poiId": 0,
          "setId": 0,
          "persistentId": 0,
          "activeDriver": 1,
          "location": {
            "address": {
              "streetAddress": "4 Hawley Place",
              "city": "Boston",
              "state": "MA",
              "zip": "02110",
              "county": "Suffolk",
              "country": null,
              "stateName": null,
              "stateAbbreviation": null,
              "countryAbbreviation": null
            "coords": {
              "lat": "42.356016",
              "lon": "-71.058228"
            "label": "Fenway Park"
          "stopSequence": 0,
          "stopType": "Origin"
          "plannedETA": "2017-09-22T08:44:46-05:00",
          "currentETA": "2017-09-22T08:44:46-05:00",
          "earliestArrivalTime": "2017-09-21T09:11:52-05:00",
          "latestArrivalTime": "2017-09-21T10:11:52-05:00",
          "plannedDuration": 0,
          "actualDuration": 0,
          "plannedDepartureTime": "2017-09-22T08:44:46-05:00",
          "stopStatus": "Open",
          "stopArrivalStatus": "Late",
          "atRiskThreshold": 30,
          "tooEarlyThreshold": null,
          "legDistance": 1310.714,
          "legDriveDuration": 1403,
          "metadata": null,
          "amenities": null,
          "truckServices": false,
          "alternateRestStops": null,
          "poiId": 0,
          "setId": 0,
          "persistentId": 0,
          "activeDriver": 1,
          "location": {
            "address": {
              "streetAddress": "200 Union Avenue",
              "city": "Memphis",
              "state": "TN",
              "zip": "38103",
              "county": "Shelby",
              "country": null,
              "stateName": null,
              "stateAbbreviation": null,
              "countryAbbreviation": null
            "coords": {
              "lat": "35.142195",
              "lon": "-90.049621"
            "label": "AutoZone Park"
          "stopSequence": 1,
          "stopType": "Work"
          "plannedETA": "2017-09-22T17:03:13-05:00",
          "currentETA": "2017-09-22T17:03:13-05:00",
          "earliestArrivalTime": "2017-09-21T09:11:52-05:00",
          "latestArrivalTime": "2017-09-21T10:11:52-05:00",
          "plannedDuration": 0,
          "actualDuration": 0,
          "plannedDepartureTime": "2017-09-22T17:03:13-05:00",
          "stopStatus": "Open",
          "stopArrivalStatus": "Late",
          "atRiskThreshold": 30,
          "tooEarlyThreshold": null,
          "legDistance": 470,
          "legDriveDuration": 498,
          "metadata": null,
          "amenities": null,
          "truckServices": false,
          "alternateRestStops": null,
          "poiId": 0,
          "setId": 0,
          "persistentId": 0,
          "activeDriver": 1,
          "location": {
            "address": {
              "streetAddress": "1000 Ballpark Way",
              "city": "Arlington",
              "state": "TX",
              "zip": "76011",
              "county": "Tarrant",
              "country": null,
              "stateName": null,
              "stateAbbreviation": null,
              "countryAbbreviation": null
            "coords": {
              "lat": "32.750284",
              "lon": "-97.08119"
            "label": "Globe Life Park"
          "stopSequence": 2,
          "stopType": "Work"
          "plannedETA": "2017-09-23T13:52:38-07:00",
          "currentETA": "2017-09-23T13:52:38-07:00",
          "earliestArrivalTime": "2017-09-21T07:11:52-07:00",
          "latestArrivalTime": "2017-09-21T08:11:52-07:00",
          "plannedDuration": 0,
          "actualDuration": 0,
          "plannedDepartureTime": "2017-09-23T13:52:38-07:00",
          "stopStatus": "Open",
          "stopArrivalStatus": "Late",
          "atRiskThreshold": 30,
          "tooEarlyThreshold": null,
          "legDistance": 1340.972,
          "legDriveDuration": 1369,
          "metadata": null,
          "amenities": null,
          "truckServices": false,
          "alternateRestStops": null,
          "poiId": 0,
          "setId": 0,
          "persistentId": 0,
          "activeDriver": 1,
          "location": {
            "address": {
              "streetAddress": "100 Park Boulevard",
              "city": "San Diego",
              "state": "CA",
              "zip": "92101",
              "county": "San Diego",
              "country": null,
              "stateName": null,
              "stateAbbreviation": null,
              "countryAbbreviation": null
            "coords": {
              "lat": "32.708606",
              "lon": "-117.155498"
            "label": "Petco Park"
          "stopSequence": 3,
          "stopType": "Destination"
      "tspDriverId": "fred",
      "vehicle": {
        "tspVehicleId": "111111",
        "isHighValue": false
      "plannedStartTime": "2017-09-21T10:11:52-04:00",
      "plannedStartLocation": {
        "address": {
          "streetAddress": "22 Lansdowne Street",
          "city": "Boston",
          "state": "MA",
          "zip": "02215",
          "county": "Suffolk",
          "country": "United States",
          "stateName": null,
          "stateAbbreviation": null,
          "countryAbbreviation": null
        "coords": {
          "lat": "42.346619",
          "lon": "-71.096961"
        "label": null
      "allowDriverToDeclineTrip": true,
      "oocThreshold": 1,
      "hosSolution": "ALK",
      "sendOptions": null,
      "driverHoursOfService": {
        "useCycleReset": false,
        "enabled": false,
        "terminalDayStartTime": "12:00:00-4:00",
        "remainingDriveTimeUntilBreak": 28800,
        "useCustomPlaces": true,
        "remainingDriveTime": 39600,
        "teamDriving": false,
        "remainingOnDutyTime": 50400,
        "customBreakDurations": {
          "shortBreakDuration": 3600,
          "endOfDutyBreakDuration": 43200,
          "cycleResetBreakDuration": 144000,
          "driverSwitchBreakDuration": 300,
          "borderCrossingWaitDuration": 7200
        "hoSRuleType": "USFed607LH",
        "alternateHoSRuleType": null,
        "remainingCycleDutyTime": 216000,
        "maxAlternateRestStops": 0,
        "cycleTimeGains": [
        "skipRestStopInsertion": null,
        "lastCycleResetDateTime": null,
        "activeDriver": 1,
        "last24HourBreakDateTime": null,
        "remainingCanadaOnDutyTime": null,
        "remainingDriveTimeUntilBreakDriver2": 28800,
        "remainingDriveTimeDriver2": 39600,
        "remainingOnDutyTimeDriver2": 50400,
        "remainingCycleDutyTimeDriver2": 216000,
        "cycleTimeGainsDriver2": [
        "lastCycleResetDateTimeDriver2": null,
        "last24HourBreakDateTimeDriver2": null,
        "remainingCanadaOnDutyTimeDriver2": null
      "afSetIds": null,
      "afSetNames": null,
      "alkTripId": 136
    Last updated April 18, 2024.
    API Endpoint:
