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Plan Trip


The Plan Trip API creates an optimized route for your stop locations. It allows you to plan trips by providing the following:

  • Stops given as addresses or latitude/longitude coordinates
  • A Vehicle Routing Profile that includes vehicle dimensions, vehicle type, routing type, and trip options such as hazmat, avoid tolls and elevation
  • Driver Hours of Service (HOS) with values for each of the HOS clocks, an HOS rule type and custom break durations.

The generated trip will have the following details:

  • Trip distance
  • Trip duration
  • Trip costs
  • Trip tolls
  • HOS remaining hours
  • Inserted HOS rest stops
  • Arrival and Departure time at every stop
  • Leg distance and duration for every stop

POST /trip

Resource URL

Request Fields

Trip Identifiers

Field Description Type Required
storeTrip If false, an alkTripId for the trip will not be generated and the trip details will not be stored by Trimble for future manipulations.
No, default is True
tmsId Indicates which TMS type that the trip will use. This value can only be set in PlanTrip and is not nullable. Please pass with a value or omit the field.
  • 0 or “None”
  • 1 or “TMWSuite”
  • 2 or “ALK”
No, not nullable
tspId Telematics Solutions or MobilComm Provider ID provided by Trimble Maps.
tmsTripId The trip ID (Load ID or Order number) in the TMS system.
tmsCustomerId The customer or company ID in the TMS system - client who purchased the Trip Management Solution.
tmsUserId The user ID in the TMS system.
name A display name for this trip that can be used when trip information is shared or displayed.
hosSolution Indicates whether or not to insert rest stops along the route
  • 0 = do not insert rest stops,
  • 2 = insert rest stops using Trimble Maps
No, default is 0
plannedStartTime The planned start date and time of the trip at the planned start location. The value must be in ISO-8601 format. This time is important in order for ETA calculations to take into account the impact of historical traffic patterns along the route.
No, default is “now”.
plannedStartLocation The planned starting location in latitude > longitude.

The default start location of the trip is the first stop specified. If the user wants to have a dedicated start location, it can be set with this parameter. An example for a start location could be the current location of a truck when accepting a job. In that case, the truck has to drive from the current location (plannedStartLocation) to the first stop specified in the trip.

Coords object
No, default is the location of the first stop
plannedStartLocation > coords > lat The latitude of the planned start location. Minimum 4 decimal digits required. Desired 6 decimal digits.
plannedStartLocation > coords > lon The longitude of the planned start location. Minimum 4 decimal digits required. Desired 6 decimal digits.
region Indicates which region to be set for the trip. Must be set unless using the default region, North America (NA).
  • 1 or “AF”
  • 2 or “AS”
  • 3 or “EU”
  • 4 or “NA”
  • 5 or “OC”
  • 6 or “SA”
  • 7 or “ME”
No. Default is 4 or NA

Stop Locations

Field Description Type Required
stops The stop array specifies an array of stops for the route that will be generated. Multiple values (below) can be set for each stop.
Array <Stop>
stops > stopType The type of stop. Options are: Origin, Work, Waypoint, FuelStop, Destination, Delivery, Pickup, Break, RestStopShort, RestStopLong, RestStopCycleReset, RestStopFullDay, RestStopDriverSwitch, RestStopShortSplittable (EU ONLY), and RestStopLongSplittable (EU ONLY).
No. Default is Work
stops > location Each stop array must have either a coords object or address object for location.
Location object
stops > location > address An address object representing the street address, city, state, and postal code of a stop.
Address object
Yes, if coords object is not supplied.
stops > location > address > streetAddress The street address of this trip stop.
Yes, if coords object is not supplied.
stops > location > address > city The city of this trip stop.
Yes, if coords object is not supplied and if zip is not provided in the address object.
stops > location > address > state The state of this trip stop.
Yes, if coords object is not supplied.
stops > location > address > zip The zip > postal code of this trip stop.
Yes, if coords object is not supplied and if city is not provided in the address object.
stops > location > address > county The county where this trip stop is located.
stops > location > coords Contains the latitude and longitude of the stop.
Coords object
Yes, if address object is not supplied.
stops > location > coords > lat The latitude of the stop. Minimum 4 decimal digits required. Desired 6 decimal digits.
Yes, if address object is not supplied.
stops > location > coords > lon The longitude of the stop.Minimum 4 decimal digits required. Desired 6 decimal digits.
Yes, if address object is not supplied.
stops > location > label A display name for this trip stop.
stops > earliestArrivalTime The start of the arrival time window at the stop. The value must be in ISO-8601 format. During the trip, this time is monitored and a notification is provided if the calculated arrival time is earlier than the defined time.
stops > latestArrivalTime The end of the arrival time window at the stop. The value must be in ISO-8601 format. During the trip, this time is monitored and a notification is provided if the calculated arrival time is later than the defined time.
stops > plannedDuration The time planned to be at the stop location in minutes. Typically also defined as “dwell time.” Dwell times impact the ETAs.
stops > atRiskThreshold Threshold can be set in minutes and is monitored during execution. If the calculated ETA is within the defined time window but falls into the threshold, an “At Risk” notification is triggered.

For example, if set to 20 minutes, and the delivery window is from 1pm-3pm, the stop is At Risk if the ETA is anywhere between 2:40pm and 3:00pm. The stop is On Time if ETA is prior to 2:40pm, and Late if ETA is after 3:00pm.

No, default is 15
stops > tooEarlyThreshold Threshold can be set in minutes and is monitored during execution. If the calculated ETA falls into the threshold before the earliestArrivalTime, a “Too Early” notification is triggered. For example, if set to 20 minutes, and the delivery window is from 1pm-3pm, the stop is “Too Early” if the ETA is anytime before 12:40pm.
No, default is 15
stops > metadata Notes that can be stored with the stop. These will not be delivered to the driver.

Vehicle, Driver and Load Details

Field Description Type Required
vehicle The vehicle object contains information about the vehicle.
Vehicle object
vehicle > tspVehicleId The ID for the vehicle assigned to the trip in the telematics providers system. Not actively used within Trip Management API.
vehicle > isHighValue Vehicle is carrying a high value load. For informational purposes only. Does not impact route calculation.
No, default is False
tspDriverId The fleetwide unique identifier of the driver, vehicle or asset. This field is required when assigning trips to a specific device, driver or vehicle.
externalOrderIds An array of external Order IDs associated with the trip. Max Array Length is 30 and Max Length of each Order ID is 50 characters.
Sample: “externalOrderIds”:[“Order1”,“Order2”,“Order3”]. Not actively used within Trip Management API.
Array <string>
oocDistanceThreshold The threshold distance at which an Out of Corridor event notification will be triggered. The distance unit is Miles and the value should be greater than 0.

Hours of Service - Fields for All Regions

Hours of Service (HOS) legislation regulates how long a driver is allowed to drive and how often and for how long they need to break. The use of HOS logic is optional and can be configured using the parameters below. If HOS is selected, the Trip Management API inserts the appropriate (legally required) break times into a trip and finds a suitable location at the time the break needs to be taken.

Each HOS rule set (NA, Canada, Europe) has its own distinct rules which differ significantly. HOS breaks can extend the duration of a trip significantly, but as they are legally required, they need to be factored into the ETA.

The various parameters (e.g. daily drive time, on-duty time, etc.) work with standard values but the controlling application can overwrite those, for example, if live data from an ELD (in Europe “Digital Tachograph") is used.

Field Description Type Required
driverHoursOfService The hours of service parameters, if using the Trimble Maps HOS solution.
driverHoursOfService object
driverHoursOfService > Enabled If false, HOS rest stops will not be inserted in route.
No. Default is True
driverHoursOfService > hosRuleType Indicates which hours of service rule type to follow
  • 0 or “USFed607LH”
  • 1 or “USFed708LH”
  • 2 or “CanadaCycle1”
  • 3 or “CanadaCycle2”
  • 4 or “California808”
  • 5 or “Texas707”
  • 6 or “USShortHaul”
  • 7 or “Europe”
HoSRuleType is required to use hours of service calculations if hosSolution is set to 2. Otherwise it is optional.
Yes, if hosSolution=2
driverHoursOfService > AlternateHoSRuleType Indicates an alternate hours of service rule type to follow whe making cross border moves between Canada and the United States.
  • 0 or “USFed607LH”
  • 1 or “USFed708LH”
  • 2 or “CanadaCycle1”
  • 3 or “CanadaCycle2”
  • 4 or “California808”
  • 5 or “Texas707”
  • 6 or “USShortHaul”
  • 7 or “Europe”
No. Default is null
driverHoursOfService > UseCustomPlaces If true, custom locations will be used where possible for HOS rest break.
No. Default is False
driverHoursOfService > CustomBreakDurations Longer custom durations for rest stops will be used instead of mandated minimum durations by default.
driverHoursOfService > CustomBreakDurations > ShortBreakDuration Custom duration in seconds for short rest break instead of mandated minimum 30 minutes.
driverHoursOfService > CustomBreakDurations > EndOfDutyBreakDuration Custom duration in seconds for end of duty break instead of mandated minimum 10 hours.
driverHoursOfService > CustomBreakDurations > CycleResetBreakDuration Custom duration in seconds for cycle reset instead of mandated minimum 34 hours (US) and 36 hours (Canada).
driverHoursOfService > CustomBreakDurations > BorderCrossingWaitDuration Custom duration in seconds for border crossing instead of default minimum of 1 hour.
driverHoursOfService > MaxAlternateRestStops The maximum number of alternate rest stops that will be returned in the Hours of Service report.
No, default is 0.
driverHoursOfService > CurrentOffDutyTime The amount of off-duty time the driver has already accumulated at the time the trip was created. For example, if a driver is due for an end-of-day break, which is typically 10 hours, HOS logic will reduce that break duration by the amount of time entered in the “CurrentOffDutyTime” parameter.
  • The format is in seconds.
  • double
    No, default is 0.
    driverHoursOfService > POIStopsReturned Sets whether rest stops are returned as actual stop locations (POIs) along the route or only as the latitude/longitude coordinates for the last point along the route that a rest stop must be taken before a violation occurs.

    When set to False, the lat/lon location will be set 30 minutes before the HOS violation line if HOSwindowStart and HOSwindowEnd are set to default values. If HOSwindowStart and HOSwindowEnd are NOT default, then the lat/lon location will be set at HOSwindowEnd.

    True = Use POIs
    False = Coordinates

    No. Default is True
    driverHoursOfService > HOSWindowStart Sets the time in minutes prior to when an HOS break is required that the algorithm should start looking for a rest stop to insert in the trip. The value can be between 10 and 60 minutes. For example, if a break is required at 2 p.m., and HOSWindowStart is set to 30, the window for inserting a rest stop begins at 1:30 p.m.
    No. Default is 60
    driverHoursOfService > HOSWindowEnd Sets the time in minutes prior to when an HOS break is required that the algorithm should finish looking for a rest stop to insert in the trip. The value can be between 10 and 60 minutes. For example, if a break is required at 2 p.m., and HOSWindowEnd is set to 10, the window for inserting a rest stop ends at 1:50 p.m. To maximize driving time, the algorithm will look for a stop as close as possible to the end of the window.
    No. Default is 10

    Hours of Service - Fields for U.S. Only

    Field Description Type Required
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingDriveTimeUntilBreak Remaining time in seconds until short break.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingDriveTime Remaining drive time in seconds for the day.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingOnDutyTime Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingCycleDutyTime Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > CycleTimeGains An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days.
    Array <double>
    No. Default is no cycle time gains.
    driverHoursOfService > UseCycleReset If true, a cycle reset break will be inserted in route.
    No. Default is false.
    driverHoursOfService > TerminalDayStartTime Start of the 24-hour period for the driver for cycle time limit compliance
    No. Default is midnight in the time zone of the trip origin
    driverHoursOfService > SetAdverseConditionException This field should be set to true if the driver will encounter adverse driving conditions during the trip such as weather changes and road closures. If set as true, the clocks for RemainingDriveTimeUntilBreak, RemainingOnDutyTime, and RemainingDriveTime are extended by 2 hours each.
    No. Default is false.

    Hours of Service - Fields for Canada Only

    Field Description Type Required
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingCanadaOnDutyTime Remaining time in seconds for a day - applicable only for Canada HOS.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingTimeUntilFullDayBreak Remaining time in seconds until a full day (24-hour) break is needed - applicable only for Canada Cycle Two HOS.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingTimeUntilFullDayBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until a full day (24-hour) break is needed for driver2 - applicable only for Canada Cycle Two HOS.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > LastCycleResetDateTime Date and time of end of last cycle reset - applicable only for Canada HOS
    driverHoursOfService > Last24HourBreakDateTime Date and time of end of last 24 hour break - applicable only for Canada HOS

    Hours of Service - Fields for Europe Only

    Field Description Type Required
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingOnDutyTimeInDay The remaining on-duty time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingDrivingTimeInWeek The remaining driving time in seconds until the driver must take a weekly break. Only used for European HOS.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingConsecutiveDrivingTime The remaining consecutive driving time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingFortnightlyTime The remaining fortnightly (bi-weekly) time (in seconds) until the drive must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > SetMaxTimeByClock This field provides option to set the max clock time for three specific clocks in Europe HOS.
    • maxDrivingTimeInDay
    • maxOnDutyTimeInDay
    • maxOnDutyTimeInWeek
    driverHoursOfService > SetMaxTimeByClock > maxDrivingTimeInDay This field allows for the assignment of the max driving time allowed in a day. The unit is seconds. Max is 10 hours (36000 seconds) as allowed by Europe HOS.
    No. Default is 9 hours
    driverHoursOfService > SetMaxTimeByClock > maxOnDutyTimeInDay This field allows for the assignment of the max on duty time allowed in a day. The unit is seconds. Max is 13 hours (46800 seconds) as allowed by Europe HOS.
    No. Default is 8 hours
    driverHoursOfService > SetMaxTimeByClock > maxOnDutyTimeInWeek This field allows for the assignment of the max on duty time in a week. The unit is seconds. Max is 60 hours (216000 seconds) as allowed by Europe HOS.
    No. Default is 48 hours
    driverHoursOfService > CustomBreakDurations > BreakTimeInDayDuration The custom duration in seconds for reducing the daily rest period. Default daily rest is 11 hours. This can be reduced to 9 hours (32400 seconds) 3 times per week as allowed by Europe HOS.
    No. Default is 11 hours
    driverHoursOfService > CustomBreakDurations > BreakTimeInWeekDuration The custom duration in seconds for reducing the weekly rest period. Default weekly rest is 45 hours. This can be reduced to 24 hours (86400 seconds) as allowed by Europe HOS.
    No. Default is 45 hours

    Hours of Service - Fields for Team Driving (U.S. and Canada Only)

    Field Description Type Required
    driverHoursOfService > teamDriving (U.S. and Canada Only) If set to true, team driving will be used and, whenever possible, the active driver will be switched instead of taking a rest break. A separate “driver swap” rest break is inserted when a driver’s time is up. The duration of that break is set using driverSwitchBreakDuration, with a default of 5 minutes if no value is entered.

    activeDriver determines which driver starts the trip so that the Trip Management service knows whose clock to count down first.

    No. Default is false
    driverHoursOfService > activeDriver For Team Driving, indicates which driver is active at the beginning of the trip.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until short break for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTimeDriver2 Remaining drive time in seconds for the day for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingCycleDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > cycleTimeGainsDriver2 An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    Array <double>
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > lastCycleResetDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last cycle reset for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS
    driverHoursOfService > last24HourBreakDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last 24 hour break for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS
    driverHoursOfService > remainingCanadaOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds for a day - applicable only for Canada HOS for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    No. Default is full HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > customBreakDurations > driverSwitchBreakDuration Custom duration in minutes for driver switch instead of default minimum of 5 minutes.
    driverHoursOfService > CurrentOffDutyTimeDriver2 The amount of off-duty time the driver has already accumulated at the time the trip was created. For example, if a driver is due for an end-of-day break, which is typically 10 hours, HOS logic will reduce that break duration by the amount of time entered in the “CurrentOffDutyTime” parameter.
  • The format is in seconds.
  • Used only for Team Driving.
  • double
    No, default is 0.

    Vehicle Routing Profile

    The Vehicle Routing Profile influences how the route for a specific type of vehicle is calculated. In all cases, our routing algorithm aims for a suitable and legally compliant route. This is determined by the type of vehicle, the vehicle dimensions and the load.

    Field Description Type Required
    routingProfile A routingProfile object containing parameters that impact routing.
    routingProfile > routingType The type of route you want to calculate. We recommend Practical for trucks, which is the default. Practical aims to find a balance between legally compliant, safe and quick. It avoids any roads legally not allowed for the vehicle/dimensions/load; avoids small roads and city centers; and keeps the driver on roads safe for the vehicle, the driver and the community.
    • 0 = Practical,
    • 1 = Shortest,
    • 2 = Fastest
    No, default is Practical
    routingProfile > vehicleType The vehicle type. While Trip Management is designed for large trucks, the functionality is also suitable for other vehicles. In addition to the routing type (see above), the vehicle type influences the route path. (A route for a car is different from a route for a large truck.)
    • 0 = Auto,
    • 3 = Truck,
    • 4 = Bus,
    • 11 = LightTruck,
    • 12 = MidsizeTruck
    No, default is Truck
    routingProfile > truckDimensions The truck style. You can either select a preset truck type (e.g. SemiTrailer48 or EU16Meter) or use the Custom type and define your required truck dimensions individually, using the parameters below. We have predefined the most common truck types with standard height, weight, width, length and number of axles.
    • 0 = NoRestriction,
    • 1 = SemiTrailer48,
    • 2 = TrailerOrTwins53,
    • 3 = DoubleTrailers28,
    • 4 = StraightTruck40,
    • 5 = EU16Meter,
    • 6 = EU18Meter,
    • 7 = EU12Meter,
    • 8 = EU54Foot,
    • 9 = EU61Foot,
    • 10 = EU40Foot,
    • 16 = Custom,
    • 17 = ConventionalSchoolBus,
    • 18 = SmallSchoolBus
    No, default is NoRestriction
    routingProfile > unitsOfMeasure The units of measure for truck dimensions and weight. If you select a truck type with metric values, ensure that you set the units of measure to Metric.
    English (Imperial), Metric
    No, default is English.
    routingProfile > totalLength The total length of the truck. Only used when truckDimensions is set to 16 = Custom.

    For English units, totalLength is entered as inches in decimal format.

    • Minimum - 39 inches
    • Maximum - 1181 inches

    For Metric units totalLength is entered as meters in decimal format.
    • Minimum - 1.00 meters
    • Maximum - 30.00 meters
    routingProfile > totalWeight The gross vehicle registered weight of the truck. Only used when truckDimensions is set to 16 = Custom.

    For English units, totalWeight is entered as pounds in decimal format.

    • Minimum - 100 pounds
    • Maximum - 155000 pounds

    For Metric units totalWeight is entered as kilograms in decimal format.
    • Minimum - 100 kilograms
    • Maximum - 70000 kilograms
    routingProfile > maxHeight The maximum height of the truck. Only used when truckDimensions is set to 16 = Custom.

    For English units, maxHeight is entered as inches in decimal format.

    • Minimum - 39 inches
    • Maximum - 197 inches

    For Metric units maxHeight is entered as meters in decimal format.
    • Minimum - 1.00 meters
    • Maximum - 5.00 meters
    routingProfile > maxWidth The maximum width of the truck. Only used when truckDimensions is set to 16 = Custom.

    For English units, maxWidth is entered as inches in decimal format.

    • Minimum - 39 inches
    • Maximum - 118 inches
    For Metric units maxWidth is entered as meters in decimal format.
    • Minimum - 1.00 meters
    • Maximum - 3.00 meters
    routingProfile > numAxles Vehicle number of axles. Only used when truckDimensions is set to Custom.
    Acceptable values are 2 through 14.
    No, default is 5.
    routingProfile > LCV Indicates whether the truck is a multi-trailer or longer combination vehicle. (North America only)
    No, default is False.
    routingProfile > hazmatType Indicates the hazardous material type.
    • None,
    • 1 - General,
    • 2 - Explosives,
    • 3 - Inhalants,
    • 4 - Radioactive,
    • 5 - Caustic,
    • 6 - Flammable,
    • 7 - Harmful to Water
    No, default is None or 0
    routingProfile > tollDiscouraged Set to True to avoid toll roads. Default is False.
    No, default is False
    routingProfile > includeTollData Set to True to return total toll costs for the trip. Default is False
    No, default is False
    routingProfile > bordersOpen Set to True to allow international border crossings, False to avoid or reduce number of international border crossings. For example, if all your stops are in the “lower 48” United States, the resulting route will stay in the United States even if the most practical or shortest route would normally involve some Canadian mileage. For EU travel, setting this to False will reduce the number of EU border crossings where possible and the route will follow the best path within the country from which the route originates.
    No, default is True
    routingProfile > classOverrides Indicates preference for National Network and 53’ (includes state designations) for routing. (North America Only)
    • None,
    • FiftyThreeFoot,
    • NationalNetwork
    No, default is None
    routingProfile > elevationLimit The elevation limit to use during routing. Avoids routes going above defined elevation. (North America Only)
    routingProfile > isFerryDiscouraged Set to True to avoid ferries during routing, False otherwise.
    No, default is False.
    routingProfile > useAvoidFavors Set to True if custom avoids and favors set up for the fleet with Trimble Maps are to be used. Avoids and favors (collectively called Route Modifiers) is a separate function of the Trimble Maps platform. It allows fleets to define whether to avoid or favor specific roads within the road network. Read more about Route Modifiers.
    You can select specific Route Modifiers sets to use in routing by setting the afSetIds or afSetNames parameters.
    No, default is False.
    routingProfile > governorSpeedLimit Maximum speed that the driver is permitted to use in the vehicle. The format is in mph or kph based on distanceUnits. This value is used for ETA calculations.
    routingProfile > distanceUnits Indicates which Distance Units the Trip Distance and Leg Distance will use.
    • 0 or “Miles”
    • 1 or “Kilometers”
    routingProfile > useSites Another unique feature of the Trimble Maps platform is the ability for customers to define Sites. With Sites you can define a polygon around a place, define entry and exit gates and capture other valuable information about a location. More information can be found here.
    No, default is False.
    routingProfile > TunnelRestrictions Tunnel Restrictions by category specific to Europe. (Europe Only)
    • 0 - None (Default)
    • 8 - TunnelBCDE
    • 9 - TunnelCDE
    • 10 - TunnelDE
    • 11 - TunnelE
    No. Default is None or 0
    routingProfile > sideOfStreetAdherence How strict to be in order to avoid the destination being on the opposite side of the street.
    0 - Off (Default)
    1- Minimal
    2 - Moderate
    3 - Average
    4 - Strict
    5 - Adhere
    6 - StronglyAdhere
    No, default is Off
    afSetIds Avoid or favor set Ids are used for routing. routingProfile > useAvoidFavors must be true in order to utilize avoid or favor sets supplied.
    Array <integer>
    No, either set ids or names
    afSetNames Avoid or favor set names are used for routing. routingProfile > useAvoidFavors must be true in order to utilize avoid or favor sets supplied.
    Array <string>
    No, either set ids or names

    Europe Settings for Emissions and Tolls

    These settings are specific to Vehicle Routing Profiles in Europe only. They are used to accurately calculate toll costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

    Field Description Type Required
    routingProfile > euProfile > hasTrailer This is not required for every vehicle towing a trailer but it must be set as True in order to configure the following values of euProfile:
    • isHybrid
    • minPoll
    • trailerType
    • emiType
    • trailerCount
    • trailerMaxAxles
    • trailerMaxHt
    • trailerMaxWt
    No, default is False.
    routingProfile > euProfile > isHybrid Indicates whether the vehicle has a hybrid engine. Used for Toll Detail Reports in Europe.
    No, default is False.
    routingProfile > euProfile > minPoll Indicates whether the vehicle is designated a “minimum pollution vehicle”. Used for Toll Detail Reports in Europe.
    No, default is False.
    routingProfile > euProfile > trailerType Indicates the type of trailer. This and all trailer related information is used primarily in Toll Detail Reports in Europe.
    • 1 - None (Default)
    • 2 - Caravan
    • 3 - Trailer
    No, default is None.
    routingProfile > euProfile > emiType Indicates the emission type of the engine. Used for Toll Detail Reports in Europe.
    • 2 - Euro0
    • 3 - EuroI
    • 4 - EuroII
    • 5 - EuroIII
    • 6 - EuroIV
    • 7 - EuroV
    • 8 - EuroVI (Default)
    • 9 - EuroEEV
    No, default is 8 - EuroVI.
    routingProfile > euProfile > CO2Class Indicates the emission CO2 class of the vehicle that will be used in routing to determine adjustments to toll costs. This is used in conjunction with the emiType parameter. When emiType of EuroVI used, a CO2Class is required. EuroVI is the default emission type and Class1 is the default CO2Class. If no input is given, both defaults are set.
    • 0 - Unknown
    • 1 - Class1 (Default)
    • 2 - Class2
    • 3 - Class3
    • 4 - Class4
    • 5 - Class5
    Yes, when emiType is set to EuroVI.
    routingProfile > euProfile > trailerCount Indicates the number of trailers and semi-trailers.
    No, default is 0.
    routingProfile > euProfile > trailerMaxAxles Indicates the maximum number of axles on the trailer. Acceptable values are 1 through 8. Used for Toll Detail Reports in Europe.
    No, default is 1.
    routingProfile > euProfile > fuelConsumption Indicates the amount of fuel a vehicle consumes in “liters per 100km.” The format is a floating point number (for example 23.5).

    This individual value overrides the default fuel consumption values which are used when this parameter is set to default (0). The default values for fuel consumption are based on UK DEFRA 2018. It provides average fuel consumption by weight class and vehicle setup, which are calculated automatically based on the dimension settings in the vehicle routing profile.

    This parameter is used in State and Mileage reports to calculate “Tank-To-Wheel” (TTW), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is not used for fuel cost calculations.

    No, default is 0.
    routingProfile > euProfile > refrigerated Indicates whether a truck trailer is refrigerated. This parameter will be used in State and Mileage reports to calculate “Tank-To-Wheel” (TTW) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
    No, default is False.
    routingProfile > euProfile > fuelType Indicates the type of fuel being used. This parameter is used in State and Mileage reports to calculate “Tank-To-Wheel” (TTW) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
    • 0 - FuelType_Petrol
    • 1 - FuelType_Petrol_E5 (5% ethanol by vol)
    • 2 - FuelType_Petrol_E10 (10% ethanol by vol)
    • 3 - FuelType_Ethanol
    • 4 - FuelType_Diesel (Default)
    • 5 - FuelType_Biodiesel
    • 6 - FuelType_Diesel_D5 (5% biodiesel by vol)
    • 7 - FuelType_Diesel_D7 (7% biodiesel by vol)
    No, default is Diesel.

    Response Fields

    Field Description Type
    alkTripId The unique identifier for the trip. This value will be used in subsequent calls to the service pertaining to this trip.
    name A display name for this trip.
    tmsTripId The trip ID in your planning system. This can be used to match a Trip Management trip with a trip in your database.
    tripStatus The current status of the trip. For the initial response, the value will be Planned. As the trip gets executed/modified, the values may change to:

    Dispatched - This is triggered when the a trip is created with a tspDriverId and the CoPilot connection is enabled. (The back office has dispatched the trip to the driver in CoPilot.)

    ReceivedByClient - When a trip is accepted in CoPilot after being dispatched. The driver gets a pop-up that reads, “A new trip has been received” and, once accepted, the trip will have the ReceivedByClient status.

    InProgress - This is triggered by the origin (first stop) being completed, the trip being accepted via the Update StopStatus API, or once the first GPS position is received for the trip.

    Canceled - This is updated via the Update Trip Status API. This removes the trip from “active” status and the trip can no longer be modified.

    Completed - This is updated via the Update Trip Status API or if the final stop in the trip is marked as completed.

    Declined - This is updated via the Update Trip Status API.

    actualStartDate The date and time when the trip is put InProgress.
    tripDistance The total planned distance of the trip.
    tripDuration The total planned duration of the trip including drive time, dwell times and break times. This value is updated each time the trip is recalculated.
    tripDriveDuration The total duration of the trip which was spent driving, not including dwell and break time. This value is updated each time the trip is recalculated.
    tripCost The total cost value for the trip, including fuel, tolls, labor and vehicle costs. This cost is based on default values in the Trimble Maps database.
    tripTolls The total tolls value for the trip.
    region Indicates which region was set to run the trip.
    externalOrderIds The array of external Order IDs associated with the trip.
    Array <string>
    remainingLegDistance The remaining distance in miles or kilometers for the current in-progress leg of the trip. Tracked from the last received GPS ping to the next open stop in the trip
    remainingLegDuration The remaining duration in minutes for the current in-progress leg of the trip. Tracked from the last received GPS ping to the next open stop in the trip
    stops The stop array contains every customer stop in the trip plan as well as inserted fuel and rest stops.
    Array <Stop>
    stops > stopSequence The order in which the stops are executed. This includes inserted fuel and rest stops.
    stops > stopStatus Status of the stop

    Open - A stop that has not yet been reached.

    Arrived - The vehicle has reached the stop location.

    Completed - The vehicle has left the stop location. A setting via API Key is available to automatically trigger Arrived and Completed if the vehicle enters or exits the location’s Site or a .5 mile geofence of the location. Without that setting, the status can be updated manually using the Update StopStatus API.

    Canceled - The stop has been canceled.

    NotViable - The stop is not viable.

    stops > stopArrivalStatus Status of the stop
    stops > currentETA The date and time predicted to arrive based on routing variables.
    stops > actualArrivalTime The time of arrival at the stop, set when the status changes to Arrived. Trip Management also stores the original ETA for later analysis.
    stops > actualDepartureTime The time of departure at the stop, set when the status changes to Completed.
    stops > actualDuration The number of minutes the driver spent at this stop.
    stops > stopType The type of stop. Options are: Origin, Work, Waypoint, FuelStop, Destination, Delivery, Pickup, Break, RestStopShort, RestStopLong, RestStopCycleReset, RestStopFullDay, RestStopDriverSwitch, RestStopShortSplittable (EU ONLY), and RestStopLongSplittable (EU ONLY).
    stops > amenities An array containing the Amenities available as this rest stop. (North America Only)
    Array <string>
    stops > truckServices Indicates whether this rest stop has Truck Services or not. (North America Only)
    stops > activeDriver For Team Driving, indicates which driver is actively driving starting at this stop.
    stops > slackTime The time in decimal minutes for how early you are expected to arrive at a stop, based on its time window. It is only returned if your request specifies a time window for each stop using the earliestArrivalTime and latestArrivalTime parameters. Appointment times must first be added to your API key in order to retrieve slackTime.
    stops > location Each stop array must have at least two location elements in it.
    Location object
    stops > location > address An address object representing the street address, city, state, and postal code of a stop.
    Address object
    stops > location > address > streetAddress The street address of this trip stop.
    stops > location > address > city The city of this trip stop.
    stops > location > address > state The state of this trip stop.
    stops > location > address > zip The zip/postal code of this trip stop.
    stops > location > address > county The county where this trip stop is located.
    stops > location > coords Contains the latitude and longitude of the stop.
    coords object
    stops > location > coords > lat The latitude of the stop.
    stops > location > coords > lon The longitude of the stop.
    stops > location > label A display name for this trip stop.
    stops > plannedETA Estimated date and time of arrival at the stop as of the initial trip plan when dispatched to the vehicle. The value is formatted in ISO-8601 format. If the trip is modified after the initial planning, then it will have to be recalculated to get a new ETA.
    stops > plannedDepartureTime Estimated date and time of departure at the stop as of the initial trip plan when dispatched to the vehicle. If the trip is modified after the initial planning, then the ETA will have to be recalculated, which would also update the departure time. The value is formatted in ISO-8601 format.
    stops > plannedDuration The estimated duration at stop in minutes.
    stops > saveRestStop If true, this rest stop will be preserved when recalculating the route. This value is set when modifying a trip.
    stops > legDistance Distance to the next stop in miles or kilometers, depending on the setting in routingProfile > distanceUnits.
    stops > legDriveDuration Duration to the reach the next stop in minutes.
    alternateRestStops A list of alternate Hours of Service rest stops that may be used to replace the current rest stop
    Array <AlternateHosLocation>
    alternateRestStops > amenities An array containing the Amenities available as this rest stop.
    Array <string>
    alternateRestStops > truckServices Indicates whether this rest stop has Truck Services or not.
    alternateRestStops > activeDriver For Team Driving, indicates which driver is actively driving starting at this stop.
    alternateRestStops > location The location of the alternate rest stop.
    Location object
    alternateRestStops > location > address An address object representing the street address, city, state, and postal code of the alternate rest stop.
    Address object
    alternateRestStops > location > address > streetAddress The street address of the alternate rest stop.
    alternateRestStops > location > address > city The city of the alternate rest stop.
    alternateRestStops > location > address > state The state of the alternate rest stop.
    alternateRestStops > location > address > zip The zip/postal code of the alternate rest stop.
    alternateRestStops > location > address > county The county where the alternate rest stop. is located.
    alternateRestStops > location > coords Contains the latitude and longitude of the alternate rest stop.
    coords object
    alternateRestStops > location > coords > lat The latitude of the alternate rest stop.
    alternateRestStops > location > coords > lon The longitude of the alternate rest stop.
    alternateRestStops > location > label A display name for the alternate rest stop.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining Remaining HOS parameters at the end of the trip, if using the Trimble Maps HOS solution.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining object
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > enabled Indicates whether the trip was run with HOS enabled allowing rest stops insertion.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreak Remaining time in seconds until short break at the end of the trip.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingDriveTime Remaining drive time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingOnDutyTime Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > hoSRuleType Indicates which HOS Rule was used to run the trip.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > alternateHoSRuleType Indicates an alternate hours of service rule type to follow whe making cross border moves between Canada and the United States.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingCycleDutyTime Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit at the end of the trip.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > cycleTimeGains An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days at the end of the trip.
    Array <double>
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > lastCycleResetDateTime Date and time of end of last cycle reset at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > last24HourBreakDateTime Date and time of end of last 24 hour break at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingCanadaOnDutyTime Remaining time in seconds for a day at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreak Remaining time in seconds until a full day (24-hour) break is needed at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada Cycle Two HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until a full day (24-hour) break is needed for driver2 at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada Cycle Two HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until short break at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingDriveTimeDriver2 Remaining drive time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingCycleDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > cycleTimeGainsDriver2 An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    Array <double>
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > lastCycleResetDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last cycle reset at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > last24HourBreakDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last 24 hour break at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > remainingCanadaOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds for a day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > RemainingOnDutyTimeInDay The remaining on-duty time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > RemainingDrivingTimeInWeek The remaining driving time in seconds until the driver must take a weekly break. Only used for European HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > RemainingConsecutiveDrivingTime The remaining consecutive driving time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    hoursOfServiceRemaining > RemainingFortnightlyTime The remaining fortnightly (bi-weekly) time (in seconds) until the drive must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    driverHoursOfService The hours of service parameters, if using the Trimble Maps HOS solution.
    driverHoursOfService object
    driverHoursOfService > useCycleReset If true, a cycle reset break is inserted in route.
    driverHoursOfService > enabled If false, HOS rest stops are not inserted in route.
    driverHoursOfService > terminalDayStartTime Start of the 24-hour period for the driver for cycle time limit compliance.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreak Remaining time in seconds until short break at the end of the trip.
    driverHoursOfService > useCustomPlaces If true, custom locations are used where possible for HOS rest break.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTime Remaining drive time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip.
    driverHoursOfService > teamDriving (U.S. and Canada Only) If set to true, team driving will be used and, whenever possible, the active driver will be switched instead of taking a rest break. A separate “driver swap” rest break is inserted when a driver’s time is up. The duration of that break is set using driverSwitchBreakDuration, with a default of 5 minutes if no value is entered.

    activeDriver determines which driver starts the trip so that the Trip Management service knows whose clock to count down first.

    driverHoursOfService > remainingOnDutyTime Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
    driverHoursOfService > customBreakDurations Longer custom durations for rest stops are used instead of mandated minimum durations by default.
    CustomBreakDurations object
    driverHoursOfService > hoSRuleType Indicates which hours of service rule type was followed.
    driverHoursOfService > alternateHoSRuleType Indicates an alternate hours of service rule type followed when making cross border moves between Canada and the United States.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingCycleDutyTime Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit at the end of the trip.
    driverHoursOfService > maxAlternateRestStops The maximum number of alternate rest stops that will be returned in the Hours of Service report.
    driverHoursOfService > cycleTimeGains An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days at the end of the trip.
    Array <double>
    driverHoursOfService > lastCycleResetDateTime Date and time of end of last cycle reset at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > last24HourBreakDateTime Date and time of end of last 24 hour break at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingCanadaOnDutyTime Remaining time in seconds for a day at the end of the trip - applicable only for Canada HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTimeUntilBreakDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until short break at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingDriveTimeDriver2 Remaining drive time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining on duty time in seconds for the day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. For Canada HOS this is the remaining time in seconds for a work shift.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingCycleDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds until cycle limit at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    driverHoursOfService > cycleTimeGainsDriver2 An array of cycle time gains in seconds for the next 6 or 7 days at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving.
    driverHoursOfService > lastCycleResetDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last cycle reset at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > last24HourBreakDateTimeDriver2 Date and time of end of last 24 hour break at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > remainingCanadaOnDutyTimeDriver2 Remaining time in seconds for a day at the end of the trip for Driver 2. Used only for Team Driving. Applicable only for Canada HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingOnDutyTimeInDay The remaining on-duty time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingDrivingTimeInWeek The remaining driving time in seconds until the driver must take a weekly break. Only used for European HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingConsecutiveDrivingTime The remaining consecutive driving time (in seconds) in a day until the driver must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > RemainingFortnightlyTime The remaining fortnightly (bi-weekly) time (in seconds) until the drive must take a break. Only used for European HOS.
    driverHoursOfService > CurrentOffDutyTime The amount of off-duty time the driver has already accumulated at the time the trip was created. For example, if a driver is due for an end-of-day break, which is typically 10 hours, HOS logic will reduce that break duration by the amount of time entered in the “CurrentOffDutyTime” parameter.
  • The format is in seconds.
  • double
    driverHoursOfService > CurrentOffDutyTimeDriver2 The amount of off-duty time the driver has already accumulated at the time the trip was created. For example, if a driver is due for an end-of-day break, which is typically 10 hours, HOS logic will reduce that break duration by the amount of time entered in the “CurrentOffDutyTime” parameter.
  • The format is in seconds.
  • Used only for Team Driving.
  • double
    driverHoursOfService > POIStopsReturned Sets whether rest stops are returned as actual stop locations (POIs) along the route or only as the latitude/longitude coordinates for the last point along the route that a rest stop must be taken before a violation occurs.

    When set to False, the lat/lon location will be set 30 minutes before the HOS violation line if HOSwindowStart and HOSwindowEnd are set to default values. If HOSwindowStart and HOSwindowEnd are NOT default, then the lat/lon location will be set at HOSwindowEnd.

    True = Use POIs
    False = Coordinates

    driverHoursOfService > HOSWindowStart Sets the time in minutes prior to when an HOS break is required that the algorithm should start looking for a rest stop to insert in the trip. The value can be between 10 and 60 minutes. For example, if a break is required at 2 p.m., and HOSWindowStart is set to 30, the window for inserting a rest stop begins at 1:30 p.m.
    driverHoursOfService > HOSWindowEnd Sets the time in minutes prior to when an HOS break is required that the algorithm should finish looking for a rest stop to insert in the trip. The value can be between 10 and 60 minutes. For example, if a break is required at 2 p.m., and HOSWindowEnd is set to 10, the window for inserting a rest stop ends at 1:50 p.m. To maximize driving time, the algorithm will look for a stop as close as possible to the end of the window.
    afSetIds Avoid or favor set Ids are used for routing.
    Array <string>
    afSetNames Avoid or favor set names are used for routing.
    Array <string>

    Sample Request

      "name": "Trip-Name",
      "plannedStartLocation": {
            "Lat": "42.364551",
            "Lon": "-71.180604"
      "stops": [
          "Location": {
          "Coords": {
              "Lat": "42.346689",
              "Lon": "-71.098860"
            "Label": "Fenway Park"
          "Location": {
            "Address": {
              "StreetAddress": "116 Federal Street",
              "City": "Pittsburgh",
              "State": "PA",
              "Zip": "15212",
              "County": "Allegheny"
            "Label": "PNC Park"
          "Location": {
            "Address": {
              "StreetAddress": "4900 Marie P Debartolo Way",
              "City": "Santa Clara",
              "State": "CA",
              "Zip": "95054"
            "Label": "Levi's Stadium"
      "routingProfile": {
        "LCV": false,
        "bordersOpen": true,
        "classOverrides": "NationalNetwork",
        "elevationLimit": null,
        "hazmatType": "None",
        "isFerryDiscouraged": false,
        "maxHeight": 162,
        "maxWidth": 96,
        "numAxles": 2,
        "routingType": 0,
        "tollDiscouraged": false,
        "totalLength": 240,
        "totalWeight": 9000,
        "truckDimensions": 16,
        "unitsOfMeasure": 0,
        "vehicleType": 3
      "vehicle": {
        "tspVehicleId":"Documentation 1"
      "driverHoursOfService": {

    Sample Response

        "tripStatus": "Planned",
        "modifiedOn": "2023-11-24T14:41:42+00:00",
        "tripDistance": 3177.805,
        "tripDriveDuration": 2938.7,
        "tripDuration": 5638.7,
        "hoursOfServiceRemaining": {
            "enabled": true,
            "remainingDriveTimeUntilBreak": 1440.0,
            "remainingDriveTime": 12240.0,
            "remainingOnDutyTime": 23040.0,
            "hoSRuleType": "USFed607LH",
            "remainingCycleDutyTime": 28800.0,
            "cycleTimeGains": [
            "lastCycleResetDateTime": null,
            "last24HourBreakDateTime": null,
            "remainingCanadaOnDutyTime": 23040.0,
            "remainingDriveTimeUntilBreakDriver2": null,
            "remainingDriveTimeDriver2": null,
            "remainingOnDutyTimeDriver2": null,
            "remainingCycleDutyTimeDriver2": null,
            "cycleTimeGainsDriver2": null,
            "lastCycleResetDateTimeDriver2": null,
            "last24HourBreakDateTimeDriver2": null,
            "remainingCanadaOnDutyTimeDriver2": null,
            "alternateHoSRuleType": null,
            "remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreak": 0.0,
            "remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreakDriver2": null,
            "remainingDrivingTimeInWeek": 0.0,
            "remainingOnDutyTimeInDay": 0.0,
            "remainingConsecutiveDrivingTime": 0.0,
            "remainingFortnightlyTime": 0.0,
            "currentOffDutyTime": null,
            "currentOffDutyTimeDriver2": null
        "url": "",
        "tripCost": 5481.714,
        "tripTolls": 0.0,
        "remainingLegDistance": 0.0,
        "remainingLegDriveDuration": 0.0,
        "tmsTripId": "TMS-Trip-Identifier",
        "name": "Trip-Name",
        "stops": [
                "plannedETA": "2023-11-24T09:59:23-05:00",
                "currentETA": "2023-11-24T09:59:23-05:00",
                "currentETD": "2023-11-24T10:59:23-05:00",
                "earliestArrivalTime": "2023-09-19T16:45:00-05:00",
                "latestArrivalTime": "2023-09-19T18:00:00-05:00",
                "plannedDuration": 60.0,
                "actualDuration": 0.0,
                "plannedDepartureTime": "2023-11-24T10:59:23-05:00",
                "stopStatus": "Open",
                "stopArrivalStatus": "Late",
                "atRiskThreshold": 15,
                "tooEarlyThreshold": null,
                "legDistance": 5.298,
                "legDriveDuration": 17.683,
                "metadata": null,
                "amenities": null,
                "truckServices": false,
                "alternateRestStops": null,
                "poiId": 0,
                "setId": 0,
                "persistentId": 0,
                "activeDriver": 1,
                "stopId": 1044395852,
                "location": {
                    "address": {
                        "streetAddress": "26 Jersey Street",
                        "city": "Boston",
                        "state": "MA",
                        "zip": "02215",
                        "county": "Suffolk",
                        "country": null
                    "coords": {
                        "lat": "42.346689",
                        "lon": "-71.09886"
                    "label": "Fenway Park"
                "waypoint": false,
                "stopSequence": 0,
                "stopType": "Origin"
                "plannedETA": "2023-11-24T18:54:15-05:00",
                "currentETA": "2023-11-24T18:54:15-05:00",
                "currentETD": "2023-11-24T19:24:15-05:00",
                "earliestArrivalTime": "2023-11-24T18:39:15-05:00",
                "latestArrivalTime": "2023-11-24T19:09:15-05:00",
                "plannedDuration": 30.0,
                "actualDuration": 0.0,
                "plannedDepartureTime": "2023-11-24T19:24:15-05:00",
                "stopStatus": "Open",
                "stopArrivalStatus": "AtRisk",
                "atRiskThreshold": 30,
                "tooEarlyThreshold": null,
                "legDistance": 499.976,
                "legDriveDuration": 474.867,
                "metadata": null,
                "amenities": [
                "truckServices": true,
                "alternateRestStops": null,
                "poiId": 6231,
                "setId": 12,
                "persistentId": 702361,
                "activeDriver": 1,
                "stopId": 1044395853,
                "location": {
                    "address": {
                        "streetAddress": "4057 Admiral Peary Highway",
                        "city": "Ebensburg",
                        "state": "PA",
                        "zip": "15931",
                        "county": null,
                        "country": "United States"
                    "coords": {
                        "lat": "40.460145",
                        "lon": "-78.769005"
                    "label": "@Martin General Store"
                "waypoint": false,
                "stopSequence": 1,
                "stopType": "RestStopShort"
                "plannedETA": "2023-11-24T20:45:27-05:00",
                "currentETA": "2023-11-24T20:45:27-05:00",
                "currentETD": "2023-11-24T22:45:27-05:00",
                "earliestArrivalTime": "2023-09-20T17:00:00-05:00",
                "latestArrivalTime": "2023-09-20T18:00:00-05:00",
                "plannedDuration": 120.0,
                "actualDuration": 0.0,
                "plannedDepartureTime": "2023-11-24T22:45:27-05:00",
                "stopStatus": "Open",
                "stopArrivalStatus": "Late",
                "atRiskThreshold": 30,
                "tooEarlyThreshold": null,
                "legDistance": 70.134,
                "legDriveDuration": 81.2,
                "metadata": null,
                "amenities": null,
                "truckServices": false,
                "alternateRestStops": null,
                "poiId": 0,
                "setId": 0,
                "persistentId": 0,
                "activeDriver": 1,
                "stopId": 1044395854,
                "location": {
                    "address": {
                        "streetAddress": "116 Federal Street",
                        "city": "Pittsburgh",
                        "state": "PA",
                        "zip": "15212",
                        "county": "Allegheny",
                        "country": null
                    "coords": {
                        "lat": "40.44797",
                        "lon": "-80.003972"
                    "label": "PNC Park"
                "waypoint": false,
                "stopSequence": 2,
                "stopType": "Work"
                "plannedETA": "2023-11-24T23:10:49-05:00",
                "currentETA": "2023-11-24T23:10:49-05:00",
                "currentETD": "2023-11-25T09:10:49-05:00",
                "earliestArrivalTime": "2023-11-24T22:55:49-05:00",
                "latestArrivalTime": "2023-11-24T23:25:49-05:00",
                "plannedDuration": 600.0,
                "actualDuration": 0.0,
                "plannedDepartureTime": "2023-11-25T09:10:49-05:00",
                "stopStatus": "Open",
                "stopArrivalStatus": "AtRisk",
                "atRiskThreshold": 30,
                "tooEarlyThreshold": null,
                "legDistance": 26.816,
                "legDriveDuration": 25.367,
                "metadata": null,
                "amenities": null,
                "truckServices": false,
                "alternateRestStops": null,
                "poiId": 0,
                "setId": 0,
                "persistentId": 0,
                "activeDriver": 1,
                "stopId": 1044395855,
                "location": {
                    "address": {
                        "streetAddress": "Pennsylvania Turnpike  (I-76)",
                        "city": "New Brighton",
                        "state": "PA",
                        "zip": "15066",
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                        "country": null
                    "coords": {
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        "routingProfile": {
            "routingProfileId": 140879875,
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            "tollRoadType": "Use",
            "truckDimensions": "Custom",
            "maxHeight": 162.000000,
            "maxWidth": 96.000000,
            "totalLength": 240.000000,
            "totalWeight": 9000.000000,
            "maxWeightPerAxleGroup": 0.0,
            "totalWeightPerAxle": 0.000000,
            "congestionZone": 0,
            "environmentalZone": 0,
            "hazmatType": "None",
            "tunnelRestriction": null,
            "displayRestrictions": "BasedOnTruckRestrictions",
            "nationalNetwork": true,
            "fiftyThreeFootTrailer": true,
            "overrideRestrictions": false,
            "propane": false,
            "ferryClosed": false,
            "vehicleGroups": [],
            "revision": "November 2023",
            "statusDeleted": false,
            "unitsOfMeasure": "English",
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            "highwayOnly": false,
            "includeFerryDistance": false,
            "tollCurrency": 0,
            "exchangeRate": "1.000",
            "fuelUnits": "Gallons",
            "costGHG": "1.00",
            "costPerFuelUnit": "1.00",
            "fuelEconomyLoad": "1.00",
            "fuelEconomyEmpty": "1.00",
            "costMaintLoad": "1.00",
            "costMaintEmpty": "1.00",
            "costTimeLoad": "1.00",
            "costTimeEmpty": "1.00",
            "dataVersion": "",
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            "roadPreferencesDividedHighwaysSpeed": null,
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            "roadPreferencesSecondaryRoadsSpeed": null,
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            "elevationLimit": null,
            "governorSpeedLimit": null,
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            "useTraffic": null,
            "useSites": null,
            "name": "",
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                "minPoll": null,
                "refrigerated": null,
                "trailerType": null,
                "emiType": null,
                "fuelType": null,
                "trailerCount": null,
                "trailerMaxAxles": null,
                "trailerMaxHt": null,
                "trailerMaxWt": null,
                "fuelConsumption": null
        "tspDriverId": null,
        "vehicle": {
            "tspVehicleId": "Documentation 1",
            "isHighValue": false
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        "plannedStartLocation": {
            "address": {
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                "city": "Watertown",
                "state": "MA",
                "zip": "02472",
                "county": "Middlesex",
                "country": "United States"
            "coords": {
                "lat": "42.364551",
                "lon": "-71.180604"
            "label": null
        "allowDriverToDeclineTrip": true,
        "oocThreshold": 2.0,
        "hosSolution": "ALK",
        "sendOptions": {
            "adherenceLevel": "None",
            "offRouteThreshold": 2.0,
            "originThreshold": 1.0
        "driverHoursOfService": {
            "useCycleReset": null,
            "enabled": true,
            "terminalDayStartTime": null,
            "remainingDriveTimeUntilBreak": null,
            "useCustomPlaces": null,
            "remainingDriveTime": null,
            "teamDriving": null,
            "remainingOnDutyTime": null,
            "customBreakDurations": null,
            "hoSRuleType": "USFed607LH",
            "remainingCycleDutyTime": null,
            "maxAlternateRestStops": null,
            "cycleTimeGains": null,
            "skipRestStopInsertion": null,
            "lastCycleResetDateTime": null,
            "activeDriver": null,
            "last24HourBreakDateTime": null,
            "maxDrivingTimeInDay": null,
            "remainingCanadaOnDutyTime": null,
            "maxOnDutyTimeInDay": null,
            "remainingDriveTimeUntilBreakDriver2": null,
            "maxOnDutyTimeInWeek": null,
            "remainingDriveTimeDriver2": null,
            "adverseConditionException": null,
            "remainingOnDutyTimeDriver2": null,
            "poiStopsReturned": null,
            "remainingCycleDutyTimeDriver2": null,
            "hosWindowStart": null,
            "cycleTimeGainsDriver2": null,
            "hosWindowEnd": null,
            "lastCycleResetDateTimeDriver2": null,
            "last24HourBreakDateTimeDriver2": null,
            "remainingCanadaOnDutyTimeDriver2": null,
            "alternateHoSRuleType": null,
            "remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreak": null,
            "remainingTimeUntilFullDayBreakDriver2": null,
            "remainingDrivingTimeInWeek": null,
            "remainingOnDutyTimeInDay": null,
            "remainingConsecutiveDrivingTime": null,
            "remainingFortnightlyTime": null,
            "currentOffDutyTime": null,
            "currentOffDutyTimeDriver2": null
        "afSetIds": null,
        "afSetNames": null,
        "costPerMile": 1.725,
        "tripOptions": [],
        "region": "NA",
        "externalOrderIds": [],
        "alkTripId": 96301560

    Error Conditions

    Field Description Type Values
    ErrorType The type of error that occurred.
    ArgumentException - a required field was not supplied or an invalid value was passed. Correct the error and try again.
    FuelStopException - there was a problem getting fuel stops for your route.
    RestStopException - there was a problem getting rest stops for your route.
    Description An error message describing what occurred.
    This message will describe how to fix the error (in terms of validation or input error) or what went wrong. In the case of timeouts on rest stop and fuel exceptions, the best course of action may be to try again later.
    ErrorCode A numerical error code (if applicable).

    ArgumentException example

      "ErrorType": "ArgumentException",
      "Description": "tmsCustomerId must be supplied.",
      "ErrorCode": null
    Last updated September 3, 2024.