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Europe HOS


This page describes how the Trip Management service inserts rest stops along the route that comply with hours-of-service (HOS) rules in Europe.

In order for the service to return rest stops when planning a trip, the hosSolution parameter must be set to 2.

Split Rest Stops in Europe

Hours-of-service (HOS) rules in Europe require that drivers are provided with both a long daily rest break and shorter rest breaks during their driving day. Drivers or fleet administrators can split up those breaks into multiple time periods, while still remaining compliant with HOS rules.

To provide this flexibility, rest breaks returned by the Trip Management service change dynamically based on the duration of a rest break inserted by the driver or back office.

Daily Rest Breaks

European rules allow the driver to split their daily 11-hour rest period into two parts. With this in mind:

  • If a shorter break of at least 3 hours is inserted into the trip by the driver or back office as a daily rest break, the HOS logic will automatically add an additional break of 9 hours to comply with daily rest break requirements and keep the driver within compliance.

  • If the shorter break of at least 3 hours is not inserted, then the break is not split and the full daily rest break of 11 hours is inserted.

To insert a shorter break of at least 3 hours, and split the daily rest break:

  1. Set the stops > stopType parameter to RestStopLongSplittable, Break, or RestStopLong for the rest stop you want to insert.
  2. Set the stops > saveRestStop parameter to true in order for the updated rest stop and rest stop duration to be returned correctly.

The rest stop will be split as a 3-hour plus a 9-hour rest break. The 9-hour rest break can also have a longer duration to complete a 24-hour driving day.

Short Rest Breaks

If HOS is enabled, a 45-minute rest break is automatically inserted within each 4.5-hour block of driving time to comply with HOS rules.

  • If the driver or dispatcher decides they would like to split this break, it is possible to add a 15-minute short break anytime before the 45-minute break. When the 15-minute break is inserted into the trip, the 45-minute break adjusts to 30 minutes, keeping the driver in HOS compliance.

  • If the shorter break of 15 minutes is not inserted then the break is not split and the full short rest break of 45 minutes is inserted.

To insert a shorter break of 15 minutes, and split the short rest break:

  1. Set the stops > stopType parameter to RestStopShortSpittable, Break, or RestStopShort for the rest stop you want to insert.
  2. Set the stops > saveRestStop parameter to true in order for the updated rest stop and rest stop duration to be returned correctly.
Last updated November 23, 2021.
API Endpoint:
