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Setting the stopType


The stopType parameter allows you to assign a purpose for each stop when planning your trip. While it is an optional parameter in plan trip requests, using it:

  • Helps the trip management service better plan required Hours of Service (HOS) rest stops. If you assign a stop as a rest stop, it is factored into trip calculations to ensure the trip meets HOS requirements.
  • Helps you better shape the path of the route. You can assign specific stops as waypoints. The driver passes through a waypoint but doesn’t have to stop there.
  • Helps you better monitor the trip and gather information about it. stopType can be used to identify pickup and delivery locations and fuel stops.

stopType is also an output in the response from the trip management service. It can alert you to things such as unplanned stops and border crossings, and factor these into ETA calculations.

Selecting a stopType

A stop is either a work stop, where the driver is on duty, or a rest stop, where the driver is off duty. For each type (work or rest), you can further specify its type using the values below.

Work stops

All work stops are considered “on duty” time and are used in HOS calculations to determine a driver’s remaining available hours and required rest breaks. In most cases, a user adds work stops to the trip, with the exception of a border crossing or an unplanned stop, which are automatically added to the trip in certain situations. The stopType for a work stop can be set to:

  • Work - This is a standard stop within a trip and the default stopType if you do not enter one.
  • Origin - The first stop on the trip. Most trips have an “origin” and a “destination” with stops in between. The origin is also used as the “planned start location” if the plannedStartLocation parameter is not provided. (Origin and plannedStartLocation can be different, for example, in a situation where the first stop in a trip is not the driver’s current location.)
  • Waypoint - A point used to help shape the route, if needed. The driver passes through a Waypoint, but doesn’t have to stop at a waypoint as they would stop at a work stop.
  • FuelStop - A planned fuel stop.
  • Destination - The final stop in a trip.
  • Delivery - A stop where a delivery is planned.
  • Pickup - A stop where a pickup is planned.
  • BorderCrossing - (North America only) This stopType is automatically added as a stop to your trip if your route crosses a border. Border crossings have a dwell time of 1-hour automatically added.
  • Unplanned – If a vehicle stops in one location (no movement outside of a 0.5-mile geofence) for a configurable amount of time, the service triggers a notification that the driver took an Unplanned stop. The stop is also added into the trip with this stopType. (This notification must be switched on by Trimble Maps. Please contact your account representative.)

Rest stops

All rest stops are considered “off duty” time. They are used in HOS calculations to determine a driver’s remaining available hours and required rest breaks. In most cases, rest stops are returned automatically by the trip management service. However, a user can add their own rest stops, which the service factors into HOS calculations. The stopType for a work stop can be set to:

  • Break - A generic rest stop that is inserted by a user. If the break stops a user enters do not keep a driver compliant with HOS rules, the trip management service inserts additional rest stops to ensure the driver remains compliant.
  • RestStopShort - The rest stop planned for a short break. The duration of the break depends on the hosRuleType selected when the trip was planned.
  • RestStopLong - The rest stop planned for a long break. The duration of the break depends on the hosRuleType selected when the trip was planned.
  • RestStopCycleReset - The rest stop planned to reset the drive time cycle. The duration of the break depends on the hosRuleType selected when the trip was planned.
  • RestStopFullDay - The rest stop for a day break. The duration of the break depends on the hosRuleType selected when the trip was planned
  • RestStopDriverSwitch - The rest stop used to swap drivers in team driving. The default duration is 5 minutes.
  • RestStopShortSplittable (Europe only) - This stopType is returned for all short rest breaks in Europe. The user can split the break, in accordance with Europe HOS rules, by inserting a 15-minute break, which adjusts the required 45-minute break to 30 minutes.
  • RestStopLongSplittable (Europe only) – This stopType is returned for all long rest breaks in Europe. The user can split the break, in accordance with Europe HOS rules, by inserting a rest stop of 3 hours, which splits the daily 11-hour rest period into two parts—a 3-hour plus a 9-hour rest break. The 9-hour rest break may also have a longer duration to complete a 24-hour driving day.


All stops types trigger stopStatusEvents notifications upon Arrival and Departure, except for Waypoints. Notifications are retrieved using Get Trip Notifications.

Last updated January 9, 2023.
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