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DriveTime Polygon


Generate a polygon of possible travel location within a given time.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <m:AuthHeader xmlns:m="">
    <m:GenerateDriveTimePolygon xmlns:m="">

DriveTimePolygon Request

Represents a request to get drive times.

Request Body Members

Gets or sets the request body which contains specific information associated with creating a DriveTimePolygonRequestBody. Represents the request body of a DriveTimePolygonRequest allowing the user to control various settings relevant to creating a map.

Element Definition Required
Center A coordinates system object. Gets or sets the Center.
Center = new Coordinates()
Lat = "42149700", // NYC
Lon = "-74938400"
Minutes An integer value. Gets or sets the minutes.
Usage: Minutes = 10;
Region An enumeration of DataRegion. Gets or sets the region in which the Center resides.
Usage: Region = DataRegion.NA;
RouteOptions A RouteOptions object. Gets or sets the route options.
RouteOptions = new RouteOptions()
BordersOpen = true,
TollDiscourage = true,
TollDiscourageSpecified = true,
HighwayOnly = true,

Calling GenerateDriveTimePolygon

DriveTimePolygonRequest request = new DriveTimePolygonRequest();
request.Header = new RequestHeader()
    DataVersion =  DataVersion.ToString(),
    RequestType = "DriveTimePolygonRequest"
GenerateDriveTimePolygonRequest driveTimePoly = new GenerateDriveTimePolygonRequest()
    Request = request
request.Body = new DriveTimePolygonRequestBody()
    Center = new Coordinates()
        Lat = "42149700", // NYC
        Lon = "-74938400"

    Minutes = 10,
    MinutesSpecified = true,
    Region = DataRegion.NA,
    RegionSpecified = true,
    RouteOptions = new RouteOptions()
        BordersOpen = true,
        TollDiscourage = true,
        TollDiscourageSpecified = true,
        HighwayOnly = true,
        HighwayOnlySpecified = true
// Create the authentication and authorization header
AuthHeader soapHeader = this.Caller.GenerateAuthHeader(APIName);

// Create the service client
ServiceClient service = new ServiceClient();

// Call API
DriveTimePolygonResponse response = service.GenerateDriveTimePolygon(soapHeader, request);


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>
    <h:AuthHeader xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:h="">
      <Date>Tue, 24 Feb 2015 21:34:46 GMT</Date>
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <GenerateDriveTimePolygon xmlns="">
            <TruckCfg xsi:nil="true" />


Represents the output response to a request for generating DriveTimes.

RoadSpeedsResponseBody Members

Gets or sets the custom place response body which contains the custom places that were requested.

Element Definition
PolygonPoints A list <> of coordinates system object. Gets or sets the Coordinates array.

Sample Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
    <GenerateDriveTimePolygonResponse xmlns="">
      <GenerateDriveTimePolygonResult xmlns:i="">
          <Errors />
Last updated November 23, 2021.