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Get POIs Along Route

The getPoisAlongRoute operation allows the user to search for point of interest, including fuel stops, along a route. It’s required that at least one of the stops on the route must be within US borders.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:alk="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:arr="">
      <alk:Authorization>YOUR API KEY HERE</alk:Authorization>
      <alk:Date>Tue, 25 Aug 02015 22:57:03 GMT</alk:Date>
              <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
          <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

GetPoisAlongRoute Request

PoisAlongRouteRequestBody Members

Represents the request body of a PoisAlongRouteRequest allowing user to control various settings relevant to finding POIs with a given route leg.

Element Definition Required
PoiRoute A ExtendedRoute System Object. Indicate the route to search for POIs.
ExtendedRoute extRoute = new ExtendedRoute();
extRoute.Stops = new List<​Stop​Location​>();
extRoute.Stops.Add(new StopLocation()
  { Address = new Address() { City = "Philadelphia", State = "PA" } });
extRoute.Stops.Add(new StopLocation()
  { Address = new Address() { Zip = "08540" } });
extRoute.Options = new RouteOptions() { HighwayOnly = false };
RouteLegIndex An Integer value. Indicate the route leg index to search. Y
SearchType An enumeration of POISearchType. Indicate the type of search to perform. If you choose Generic, fill in the array of GenericPOICategories, if you choose HoS, fill the in the array of HosPOICategories. For a Fuel search, we just return everything.
Member name Value Description
FuelStop 1 Represents that search type is fuel stop.
HoS 2 Represents that search type is HoS.
Generic 4 Represents that search type is Generic.
GenericPOICategories List of enumerations of POIGenericType. Indicate the list POI categories for a generic POI search.
Member name Value Description
All 0 All POI categories
WeightStation 146 Weight Station category
CatScale 110 Cat Scale location category
LCVLot 149 LCV Lot category
Hotel 25 Hotel category
IntermodalRamp 52 IntermodalRamp category
Parking 34 Parking category
RestAreaHoS 1510 Rest area of HoS category
TruckStop 151 Truck stop category
TruckServiceHoS 1600 Truck service of HoS category
HighwayExit 1607 Highway Exit category
MajorAirport 101 Major airport category
EventFacility 18 Event facility category
DistributionCenter 1800 Distribution category
HoSPOICategories List of enumerations of POIHosType. Indicate the list HoS categories for a HoS POI search.
Member name Value Description
All 0 All POI Hos type
TruckServiceHoS 1600 Truck Service HoS type
RestAreaHoS 1510 Rest Area HoS type
SearchWindowUnits An enumeration of PoiSearchWindowUnits. Indicate the search window units.
Member name Value Description
Miles 0 Use Miles for Search Windows units
Minutes 1 Use Minutes for Search Windows units
SearchWindowStart A Double value. Indicate the route leg mileage to begin the search at. For longer routes on generic POI searches, the search window will automatically be trimmed to be the maximum allowed length.
SearchWindowEnd A Double value. Indicate the route leg mileage to end the search at. Set to null to automatically select the end of the leg or the maximum allowed length, whichever is smaller
AirDistanceThreshold A Double value. The maximum air distance between the POI and the nearest intersection on the route. Default and maximum allowed is 2.5 miles.

ExtendedRoute Members

ExtendedRoute System class inherited from Route class. It has a SharedOption System class member named ExtendedOptions. It contains:

Element Definition Required
EstimatedTimeOptions A EstimatedTimeOptions System object contains:
ETAETD, an enumeration of ETAETDType.
Member name Value Description
Arrival 0 Indicates the time is an estimated time of arrival.
Depart 1 Indicates the time is an estimated time of departure.

DateOption, an enumeration of DateOption.
Member name Value Description
Current 0 Indicates that the current system time should be used.
Specific 1 Indicates that a specific supplied time should be used.
DayOfWeek 2 Indicates that a day of the week should be used.

DateAndTime, an Object of DateTimeType class.
UseTraffic A Boolean value. Indicate whether or not to use traffic data when calculating transit times, or when using fastest routing.
TruckStyle An enumeration of TruckStyle. Indicate the truck style which includes vehicle dimensions and route costs.
Member name Value Description
None 0 Represents standard style.
TwentyEightDoubleTrailer 1 Represents 28 Double Trailer style.
FortyStraightTruck 2 Represents 40 Straight Truck style.
FortyEightSemiTrailer 3 Represents 48 Semi Trailer style.
FiftyThreeSemiTrailer 4 Represents 53 Semi Trailer style.
FullSizeVan 5 Represents Full Size Van style.

GetPoisAlongRoute Response

PoisAlongRouteResponseBody Members

Last updated November 23, 2021.