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Process Geocode


The ProcessGeocode operation allows you to find the find the closest latitude and longitude for a given street/city/state/ZIP address location supplied in the Request object.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <m:AuthHeader xmlns:m="">
    <m:ProcessGeocode xmlns:m="">

Geocode Request

Request Body Members

Represents a request to geocode one or more locations. Request body contains the locations to geocode.

Element Definition Required
Location A list <> of GeocodeLocation object. Gets or sets the collection of locations to geocode.

GeocodeLocation[] geocodeLocs = new GeocodeLocation[1];
geocodeLocs[0] = new GeocodeLocation()
Address = new Address() { Zip = "08540" },
Region = DataRegion.NA,
RegionSpecified = true,
GeoList = true,
GeoListSpecified = true,
MaxResults = 5
geocodeLocs[0].Address.StreetAddress = "Herrontown Rd";
geoListRequest.Body.Locations = geocodeLocs;

GeocodeLocation Members

Represents a location to geocode.

Element Definition Required
Address An Address object. Gets or sets the address that needs to be geocoded.
Usage: Address = new Address() { Zip = “08540” };
GeoList A Boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to return a single match for the geocoded result or multiple matches (if they exist).
Usage: GeoList = true;
MaxResults An Integer value. Gets or sets the value indicating the maximum number of results to be returned from a search (by default is null: indicates that all results are wanted).
Usage: MaxResults = 5;
DataRegion An enumeration of DataRegion. Gets or sets the Region that the location is in.
Usage: Region = DataRegion.NA;
CitySearchFilter An enumeration of CitySearchFilter. Gets or sets a value that dictates whether city searches return city centers or cities with all their corresponding zips (default).
Usage: CitySearchFilter = GeocodeCitySearchFilter.CitiesWithZips;

Calling ProcessGeocode

GeocodeRequest geoListRequest = new GeocodeRequest();
  geoListRequest.Header = new  RequestHeader() { DataVersion =  DataVersion.ToString(), RequestType = "GeoCode" };
  geoListRequest.Body = new GeocodeRequestBody();
  // Specify the location(s)
  GeocodeLocation[] geocodeLocs = new GeocodeLocation[1];
  geocodeLocs[0] = new GeocodeLocation()
    Address = new Address() { Zip = "08540" },
    Region = DataRegion.NA
    GeoList = true
    MaxResults = 5
  geocodeLocs[0].Address.StreetAddress = "Herrontown Rd";
  geoListRequest.Body.Locations = geocodeLocs;

  // Create the authentication and authorization header
  AuthHeader soapHeader =  GenerateAuthHeader(APIName);

  // Create the service client
  ServiceClient service = new  ServiceClient();

  // Call API
  GeocodeResponse response = service.ProcessGeocode(soapHeader, geoListRequest);

Geocode Response

GeocodeOutputLocation Members


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>
    <h:AuthHeader xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:h="">
      <Authorization>A77097D2D202A743BB1660E15794D7CA </Authorization>
      <Date>Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:23:26 GMT</Date>
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <ProcessGeocode xmlns="">
                <StreetAddress>Herrontown Rd</StreetAddress>
                <City xsi:nil="true" />
                <State xsi:nil="true" />
                <County xsi:nil="true" />
                <Country xsi:nil="true" />
                <SPLC xsi:nil="true" />


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <ProcessGeocodeResponse xmlns="">
      <ProcessGeocodeResult xmlns:i="">
          <Errors i:nil="true" />
                <StreetAddress>1-64 Herrontown Road</StreetAddress>
                <Country>United States</Country>
                <SPLC i:nil="true" />
              <Label />
              <PlaceName />
                  <Description>No street number input; Multiple matches; Address uncertain</Description>
              <DistanceFromRoad i:nil="true" />
Last updated November 23, 2021.