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The GetETAOutOfRouteReport operation returns the out of route(Oor) mileage and estimated time of arrival(ETA) given a collection of out of route locations, for a defined route.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <m:AuthHeader xmlns:m="">
    <m:GetETAOutOfRouteReport xmlns:m="">

ETAOutOfRoute Request

Request Body Elements

Represents a request to perform out of route mileage and estimated time of arrival from supplied current locations for a defined route. Request body gets or sets the body of the request, which contains information needed to perform the operation.

Element Definition Required
CurrentLocations A list <> of StopLocation object. Gets or sets a collection of StopLocation objects each of which represent the truck's current location.

Usage:List<StopLocation> oorStops = new List<StopLocation>();

StopLocation loc = new StopLocation()

{ Coord = new Coordinates { Lat ="40353828", Lon="-74610884" } };


CurrentLocation = oorStops.ToArrat();

Destination A StopLocation object. Gets or sets the trip's destination.

Usage:StopLocation tripDest = new StopLocation() { Address = new Address() };
Origin A StopLocation object. Gets or sets the trip's origin.

Usage:StopLocation tripOrigin = new StopLocation() { Address = new Address() };
ReportingOptions A ReportOptions object. Gets or sets the reporting options used in creating the output data.

Usage:ReportOptions repOption = new ReportOptions()


EstimatedTimeOptions = timeOpts,

ExchangeRate = 1.5,

ExchangeRateSpecified = true,


RouteID A string value. Gets or sets a unique identifier for the route which will be visible in the output report generated. Inherited from Route.

Usage:RouteID = "ETA Out of Route Report Test";
RoutingOptions A RouteOptions object. Gets or sets the routing options for the route calculations.

Usage:RouteOptions tripOption = new RouteOptions()


HighwayOnly = true,

HighwayOnlySpecified = true,

VehicleType = VehicleType.LightTruck,

VehicleTypeSpecified = true,

ClassOverrides = ClassOverridesType.FiftyThreeFoot,

ClassOverridesSpecified = True,



Calling ETA OOR Report

StopLocation tripOrigin = new StopLocation() { Address = new Address() };
      StopLocation tripDest = new StopLocation() { Address = new Address() };
      tripOrigin.Address.City = "Princeton";
      tripOrigin.Address.Zip = "08540";
      tripOrigin.Region = DataRegion.NA;
      tripOrigin.RegionSpecified = true;

      tripDest.Address.City = "Monmouth Junction";
      tripDest.Address.Zip = "08852";
      tripDest.Region = DataRegion.NA;
      tripDest.RegionSpecified = true;

      Coordinates coords = new Coordinates()
          Lat = "40353828",
          Lon = "-74610884"
      StopLocation[] loc = new StopLocation[2] ;
      loc[0] = new StopLocation() { Coords = new Coordinates() { Lat = "40353828", Lon = "74610884" } };
      loc[1] = new StopLocation() {Address = new Address() {Zip = "19123"}, Region = DataRegion.NA, RegionSpecified = true};

      // Set route options
      RouteOptions tripOption = new RouteOptions();
      tripOption.HighwayOnly = true;
      tripOption.HighwayOnlySpecified = true;
      tripOption.VehicleType = VehicleType.LightTruck;
      tripOption.VehicleTypeSpecified = true;
      tripOption.ClassOverrides = ClassOverrideType.FiftyThreeFoot;

      ReportOptions repOption = new ReportOptions()
          EstimatedTimeOptions = timeOpts,
          ExchangeRate = 1.5,
          ExchangeRateSpecified = true,
          FuelUnits = VolumeUnits.Gallons,
          FuelUnitsSpecified = true,
          IncludeFerryDistance = true,
          IncludeFerryDistanceSpecified = true,
          Language = LanguageType.DE,
          LanguageSpecified = true,
          RouteCosts =routeCosts,
          TimeCosts = timeCosts,
          TollCurrency = Currency.US,
          TollCurrencySpecified = true,
          TollDiscount = "All",
          UseCustomRoadSpeeds = false,
          UseCustomRoadSpeedsSpecified =true,
          UseTollData = true,
          UseTollDataSpecified = true,

      // Create the request
      ETAOutOfRouteRequestBody body = new ETAOutOfRouteRequestBody();
      body.RouteID = "ETA Out of Route Report Test";
      body.Origin = tripOrigin;
      body.Destination = tripDest;
      body.CurrentLocations = loc;
      body.ReportingOptions = repOption;
      body.RoutingOptions = tripOption;

      ETAOutOfRouteRequest request = new ETAOutOfRouteRequest()
          Header = new RequestHeader() { DataVersion =  DataVersion.ToString(), RequestType = "GetETAOutOfRouteReport" },
          Body = body
      // Create the authentication and authorization header
      AuthHeader soapHeader =  GenerateAuthHeader(APIName);
      // Create the service client
      ServiceClient service = new  ServiceClient();

      // Call API
      ReportResponse response = service.GetETAOutOfRouteReport(soapHeader, request);


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <h:AuthHeader xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:h="">
      <Date>Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:35:41 GMT</Date>
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <GetETAOutOfRouteReport xmlns="">
          <RouteID>ETA Out of Route Report Test</RouteID>
              <City>Monmouth Junction</City>
            <TruckCfg xsi:nil="true" />


Represents an ETA Out of Route report which presents information related to out of route stops.

ETAOutOfRouteReport Response Body Members

Element Definition
Destination A GeocodeOutputLocation object. Gets or sets the trip’s destination.
Origin A GeocodeOutputLocation object. Gets or sets the trip’s origin.
ReportLines A list of objects. Gets or sets the report lines for the report.
Destination Gets or sets the unique route identifier that was supplied during the request.(Inherited from Report)

OutOfRouteReportLine Members

Element Definition
CurrentLocation A GeocodeOutputLocation object. Gets or sets the geocoded output location containing the address information of the vehicle’s current position.
LCostMile A string value. Gets or sets the leg cost per mile.
LHours A string value. Gets or sets the leg hours.
LMiles A string value. Gets or sets the leg miles.
LTolls A string value. Gets or sets the leg tolls.
OORMILE A string value. Gets or sets the estimated out-of-route miles.
TCostMile A string value. Gets or sets the total cost per mile.
THours A string value. Gets or sets the total hours.
TMiles A string value. Gets or sets the total miles.
TTolls A string value. Gets or sets the total tolls.

Sample Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
    <GetETAOutOfRouteReportResponse xmlns="">
      <GetETAOutOfRouteReportResult xmlns:i="">
          <Errors />
            <Report i:type="ETAOutOfRouteReport">
              <RouteID>ETA Out of Route Report Test</RouteID>
                  <StreetAddress />
                  <Country i:nil="true" />
                  <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                <Label />
                <PlaceName />
Last updated November 23, 2021.