SpeedLimitOptions Class Reference


double? Heading[get, set]
 Gets or sets road heading. Heading angles: East:0, North:90, West:180, South:270. Default is 0.0; More...
int? CurrentSpeed[get, set]
 Gets or sets current speed in mph. Default is 0; More...
VehicleType Vehicle[get, set]
 Get or sets vehicle type. Available types: Truck, LightTruck, Auto, MidsizeTruck, Bus. Truck is Default. More...
bool Urban[get, set]
 Get or sets whether the location is in an urban area. More...
bool IncludeLinkInfo[get, set]
 Get or sets whether the Link Information is included. More...
SpeedLimitTypeSpeedLimitPreference[get, set]
 Get or sets the preferred source for speed limit data. More...

Detailed Description

Speed Limit options to help increase the accuracy of finding the posted speed limit. Can only be used when IncludePostedSpeedLimit = true;

Property Documentation

◆ Heading

double? Heading

Gets or sets road heading. Heading angles: East:0, North:90, West:180, South:270. Default is 0.0;

◆ CurrentSpeed

int? CurrentSpeed

Gets or sets current speed in mph. Default is 0;

◆ Vehicle

VehicleType Vehicle

Get or sets vehicle type. Available types: Truck, LightTruck, Auto, MidsizeTruck, Bus. Truck is Default.

◆ Urban

bool Urban

Get or sets whether the location is in an urban area.

◆ IncludeLinkInfo

bool IncludeLinkInfo

Get or sets whether the Link Information is included.

◆ SpeedLimitPreference

SpeedLimitType? SpeedLimitPreference

Get or sets the preferred source for speed limit data.