Class: CustomPlacesService


An instance of this class forms access to the ALK Custom Places Service.

new alk.service.CustomPlacesService(opt_options)

This constructor creates a Service object that accesses the ALK Custom Places Service.

Option Type Description
setId number | string

This option contains the setId that names to which the subsequent calls will pertain.

apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.



add(input, success, failure)

This method retrieves Custom Places.

Name Type Description
input alkx.CustomPlacesServiceAddOptions
Attribute Type Description
setId string | undefined
place alkx.CustomPlacesPlace | undefined
success function
failure function

delete(input, success, failure)

This method deletes existing Places.

Name Type Description
input alkx.CustomPlacesServiceDeleteOptions
Attribute Type Description
setId number | string | undefined
placeId number | string | undefined
success function
failure function

getServiceOptions(options){Object} inherited

This method returns the base options that was used to create this Service object and override them with the given options;

Name Type Description
options Object
The combined options.

update(input, success, failure)

This method updates existing Custom Places.

Name Type Description
input alkx.CustomPlacesServiceUpdateOptions
Attribute Type Description
setId string | undefined
place alkx.CustomPlacesPlace | undefined
success function
failure function