Class: LocationsService


An instance of this class, given the parameters and defaults, is used to make requests to the PCM LocationsService.

new alk.service.LocationsService(opt_options)

This constructor creates a Service object to access the ALK PC Miler Locations Service.

Option Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

city string

This option specifies the city that will be used to search.

citySearchFilter string

This option specifies the city search filter to use. TODO: Various values?

coords Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the coordinates with which to restrict the search. The projection must be EPSG:4356.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

list number | string

This option tells the service how many results to return.

matchNamedRoadsOnly boolean | number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates to force reverse geocoding to match named roads only.

maxCleanupMiles number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates sets maximum radius in which to find the closest matching road.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

postCode string

This option contains the postal code to use in the search.

postCodeFilter string

This option contains the postal code filter to use in the search. The service uses this option to filter zip codes by country. For example, use 'US' to indicate US zip codes only. Use 'EM' to indicate Mexican postal codes only. Use a sequence of country codes for multiple. TODO: Are they separated by commas?

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

splc string

This option contains the Standard Point Lookup Code. It is used in place of using street/city/state/zip.

state string

This option contains the state (or provence) to use in the search.

street string

This option contains the state (or provence) to use in the search.



get(opts_or_callback, responseCallback)

This function performs a request for a alkx.LocationsServiceResponse from the options and defaults set on this alk.service.LocationsService object.

The response is handled by a asynchronous callback.

Name Type Description
opts_or_callback alkx.LocationsServiceOptions | null | function

Options override, if not the callback.

Attribute Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

city string

This option specifies the city that will be used to search.

citySearchFilter string

This option specifies the city search filter to use. TODO: Various values?

coords Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the coordinates with which to restrict the search. The projection must be EPSG:4356.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

list number | string

This option tells the service how many results to return.

matchNamedRoadsOnly boolean | number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates to force reverse geocoding to match named roads only.

maxCleanupMiles number | string

This option is tells the service that when it is looking up coordinates sets maximum radius in which to find the closest matching road.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

postCode string

This option contains the postal code to use in the search.

postCodeFilter string

This option contains the postal code filter to use in the search. The service uses this option to filter zip codes by country. For example, use 'US' to indicate US zip codes only. Use 'EM' to indicate Mexican postal codes only. Use a sequence of country codes for multiple. TODO: Are they separated by commas?

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

splc string

This option contains the Standard Point Lookup Code. It is used in place of using street/city/state/zip.

state string

This option contains the state (or provence) to use in the search.

street string

This option contains the state (or provence) to use in the search.

responseCallback function

The callback that handles the response.

getAttribution(opts_or_callback, responseCallback){*|undefined} inherited

This method performs a request to this configured service using the supplied options, options set on the constructor, and defaults to get the service's attribution, should it have one. This call results in Object, which may be a parsed JSON response.

Name Type Description
opts_or_callback Object | function

This parameter contains any options that override options that are set on this object for this particular request.

responseCallback function

This parameter is the function that handles the response.

getServiceOptions(options){Object} inherited

This method returns the base options that was used to create this Service object and override them with the given options;

Name Type Description
options Object
The combined options.

getURL(opt_options){string} inherited

Returns the URL for the service based on the given options, options set on the constructor, and defaults.

Name Type Description
options Object

These options override any relevant options that are set on the object at its construction.

processResponse(options, obj){Object} inherited

This method processes the response from the server before it gives it to the callback. The default is to pass through.


This intercept point will only be called if the request was initiated with the get call.

Name Type Description
options Object

The call options combined with the base options used for the call.

obj Object

The object received from the server.