Class: SingleSearch


An instance of this class provides a vector source for a vector layer. It is used in conjunction with the alk.layer.SingleSearchLayer.

new alk.source.SingleSearch(opt_options)

This constructor creates a Vector Source object that responds to the ALK Single Search Service.

Option Type Description
searchSingleSearchService alk.service.SearchSingleSearchService

This option contains the Search Single Search service with which to use for this source.

searchSingleSearchServiceOptions alkx.SearchSingleSearchServiceOptions

This option contains the Search Single Search service options with which to create internally for this source.

wrapX boolean | undefined

This option is an OpenLayers option passed to the ol.source.XYZ super class of the alk.source.XYZSource object from its subclasses.

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.

This event is fired when a search result is retrieved.


  • ol.source.Vector


searchResult{alkx.SingleSearchResult} {null}




search(options, complete)

Name Type Description
options alkx.SearchSingleSearchServiceOptions
Option Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

codes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the FIPS codes for counties in the search.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

hostURL string

This option contains the the host and port URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

path string

This option is the path part of the URL for the particular service. This option is not set by the user, but is automatically generated from the particular service being used.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

maxResults number | string

This option specifies the max number of results to return. It must be between 1 and 100, inclusive.

countryType string

This option specifies the country type abbreviation the countries parameter is using.

countries Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the countries for the search. They must be in the form specified by the countryType parameter.

states Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the states with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the "Abbrev" attribute of states returned from the alk.service.StatesSingleSearchService.

excludeSearchTypes Array.<string> | string

This option specifies the search types to exclude when analysing the query of the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.SearchTypesSingleSearchService.

poiCategories Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the Points of Interest categories with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.POICategoriesSingleSearchService.

coords Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the coordinates with which to restrict the search. The projection must be EPSG:4356.

complete function