Class: POISource


An instance of this class accesses the ALK Points of Interest Service.

new alk.source.POISource(opt_options)

This constructor creates a Source object that accesses the ALK Points of Interest Service.

Option Type Description
poiServiceOptions alk.service.POIService

This option contains the POI service options with which to create the POIService used internally.

strategy alk.source.LoadStrategy

This option specifies the load strategy for the POI vector source. The default is the alk.source.SubtractionLoadStrategy, which tries to only load necessary extents with resolution limits between 1 and 1000 meters per pixel.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

Fires the 'change:poi' event when done processing the response.
Fires the 'change:updating' event when done processing the response.


  • ol.source.Vector



This method processes clones the POIServiceOptions including a deep copy of the 'poiCategories'properties.

Option Type Description
apiKey string

This option contains the ALK ApiKey that gives you permission to extract data from ALK Servers.

region alk.val.Region | number | string

This option tells the service in which region the retrieved data is to pertain. Some ALK Services switch underlying services due to this option. For instance, traffic data for North America and Europe may come from different underlying services.

dataset alk.val.Dataset | number | string

The option contains the Dataset parameter for the Service. This option specifies an area dataset that may be pertinent to the request.

center Array.<number> | string

This option contains the center of the search.

radius number | string

This option contains the radius in radiusUnits of the search.

radiusUnits alk.val.DistanceUnits | number | string

This option contains the units with which to interpret the radius option.

nameFilter string

The results will be filtered by a likeness to this name;

poiCategories Array.<string> | string

This options specifies the Points of Interest categories with which to restrict the search. Their values must come from the alk.service.POICategoriesSingleSearchService.

The cloned object.



This method processes the response from the POIService before it is handled by the POISource. It returns the POIServiceOptions that were made to make the request and the result.

Name Type Description
response alkx.POIServiceResponse

The response from the POIService.

The response pass through.

search(opt_options, success, failure)

This method combines the given options with the base options used to create this source before making a call to the underlying POIService. The response is taken from the POIService call and handed off to alk.source.POISource#processResponse before being given to the 'success' callback given here. The loadStrategy and wrapX options are ignored here.

Name Type Description
options alkx.POISourceOptions
Option Type Description
poiServiceOptions alk.service.POIService

This option contains the POI service options with which to create the POIService used internally.

strategy alk.source.LoadStrategy

This option specifies the load strategy for the POI vector source. The default is the alk.source.SubtractionLoadStrategy, which tries to only load necessary extents with resolution limits between 1 and 1000 meters per pixel.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

success function
failure function
Fires the 'change:updating' event when done processing the response.


Name Type Description
service alk.service.POIService