The FeatureEvent control selects vector features from a given layer on click or hover.
var featureControl = new ALKMaps.Control.FeatureEvent([vectorLayer]); map.addControls([featureControl, new ALKMaps.Control.MousePosition()]); featureControl.handlers.feature.moveLayerToTop = function() {}; featureControl.handlers.feature.moveLayerBack = function() {}; featureControl.activate(); // additional code var hoverHandler = function (event) { console.log("Mouse over feature.", event.feature); return false; // turn off default internal event handler. };'overFeature', this, hoverHandler); var outHandler = function (event) { console.log("Mouse out feature.", event.feature); return false; };'outFeature', this, outHandler); // Display the more detailed popup when a feature is clicked. var clickHandler = function(event) { console.log("Mouse click on feature.", event.feature, " shiftKey: ", this.handlers.feature.evt.shiftKey, " ctrlKey: ", this.handlers.feature.evt.ctrlKey, " altKey: ", this.handlers.feature.evt.altKey); return false; };'featureclicked', featureControl, clickHandler); var featurerightclicked = function(event) { console.log("Mouse R click on feature.", event.feature, " shiftKey: ", this.handlers.feature.evt.shiftKey, " ctrlKey: ", this.handlers.feature.evt.ctrlKey, " altKey: ", this.handlers.feature.evt.altKey); // map.disableContextMenu(); // map.enableContextMenu(); return false; };'featurerightclicked', featureControl, featurerightclicked);
ALKMaps. | The FeatureEvent control selects vector features from a given layer on click or hover. |
Properties | |
events | {ALKMaps.Events} Events instance for listeners and triggering layer specific events. |
handleRightClicks | {Boolean} Whether or not to handle right clicks. |
featureAttributesFilter | {Object} To restrict matching feature by comparing feature attributes. |
documentDrag | {Boolean} If set to true, mouse dragging will continue even if the mouse cursor leaves the map viewport. |
dragCallbacks | {Object} The functions that are sent to the drag handler for callback. |
Constructor | |
ALKMaps. | Create a new control for selecting features. |
Functions | |
deactivate | Deactivate the control and all handlers. |
clickFeature | Used to trigger ‘featureclicked’ event. |
rightClickFeature | Used to trigger ‘featurerightclicked’ event. |
clickoutFeature | Used to trigger ‘featureclickedout’ event |
rightClickoutFeature | Used to trigger ‘featurerightclickedout’ event |
overFeature | Used to trigger ‘overFeature’ event. |
downFeature | Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-down. |
moveFeature | Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-move. |
upFeature | Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-up. |
doneDragging | Called when the drag handler is done dragging. |
outFeature | Used to trigger ‘outFeature’ event. |
{ALKMaps.Events} Events instance for listeners and triggering layer specific events., obj, listener);
featureclicked | Triggered when a feature is clicked. |
featurerightclicked | Triggered when a feature is right clicked |
featureclickedout | Triggered when a click outside a feature. Last stored feature will be returned in the event. |
overFeature | Triggered when mouse over a feature. |
outFeature | Triggered when mouse out a feature. |
Create a new control for selecting features.
layers | {ALKMaps.Layer.Vector}, or an array of vector layers. The layer(s) this control will select features from. |
options | {Object} |
downFeature: function( pixel )
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-down.
pixel | {ALKMaps.Pixel} Location of the mouse event. |
moveFeature: function( pixel )
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-move. Also calls the optional onDrag method.
pixel | {ALKMaps.Pixel} Location of the mouse event. |
upFeature: function( pixel )
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-up.
pixel | {ALKMaps.Pixel} Location of the mouse event. |
doneDragging: function( pixel )
Called when the drag handler is done dragging.
pixel | {ALKMaps.Pixel} The last event pixel location. If this event came from a mouseout, this may not be in the map viewport. |
Deactivate the control and all handlers.
deactivate: function()
Used to trigger ‘featureclicked’ event.
clickFeature: function( feature )
Used to trigger ‘featurerightclicked’ event.
rightClickFeature: function ( feature )
Used to trigger ‘featureclickedout’ event
clickoutFeature: function( feature )
Used to trigger ‘featurerightclickedout’ event
rightClickoutFeature: function( feature )
Used to trigger ‘overFeature’ event.
overFeature: function( feature )
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-down.
downFeature: function( pixel )
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-move.
moveFeature: function( pixel )
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-up.
upFeature: function( pixel )
Called when the drag handler is done dragging.
doneDragging: function( pixel )
Used to trigger ‘outFeature’ event.
outFeature: function( feature )