The ALKMaps tile layer. L.ALKMaps.Layer.Tile class is the same as L.ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap class.
ALKMaps. | The ALKMaps tile layer. |
Properties | |
projection | {String} Map projection code. |
region | {String} map data region code |
dataset | {String} map data set |
style | {String} map style |
imgsrc | {String} satellite provider may take effect only if style is set to satellite. |
attribution | {String} Leaflet.TileLayer attribution setting |
attrPosition | {String} Leaflet.TileLayer attrPosition setting. |
attrUseHyperlink | {Boolean} Leaflet.TileLayer attrUseHyperlink setting. |
minZoom | {Number} Leaflet.TileLayer minimum zoom setting. |
maxZoom | {Number} Leaflet.TileLayer maximum zoom setting. |
isBaseLayer | {Boolean} Flag indicating if the Tile layer instance is the base layer. |
tileSize | {Number} Width of the tile. |
drawergroups | {String} Comma separated string values such as “cities,labels”. |
Constructor | |
L. | Initializes a new Tile layer object |
Functions | |
setStyle | sets/changes style of the map |
setRegion | sets/changes region of the map |
setDataset | sets/changes dataset of the map |
clone | Create a clone of this layer |
cloneOverlayLayer | Clones the base map layer with some modifications. |
addContent | Add map drawers. |
setContent | Initialize drawergroups and then add map drawers. |
removeContent | Remove map drawers Drawers could be a comma-delimited string, an array of strings, or an array of comma-delimited strings. |
tile | Create a new L.ALKMaps.Layer.Tile instance |
baseMap | The same as tile method. |
{String} Map projection code. Default is “EPSG:900913”.
// Get map projection for this layer. var projection = tileLayer.projection; // Set map projection for this layer. Or projection can be passed in as options parameter when the layer instance is created. tileLayer.projection = L.CRS.EPSG900913.code;
clone: function ( params )
Create a clone of this layer
imgoption | {String} Specifies the type of satellite map request. |
{L.ALKMaps.Layer.Tile} The cloned layer.
cloneOverlayLayer: function ( params )
Clones the base map layer with some modifications. Mainly used for overlaying transparent map on satellite map at this time.
imgoption | {String} Specifies the type of satellite map request. |
{L.ALKMaps.Layer.Tile} The cloned layer.
sets/changes style of the map
setStyle: function ( styleName )
sets/changes region of the map
setRegion: function ( regionCode )
sets/changes dataset of the map
setDataset: function ( dataset )
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function ( params )
Clones the base map layer with some modifications.
cloneOverlayLayer: function ( params )
Add map drawers.
addContent: function ( contentToAdd )
Initialize drawergroups and then add map drawers.
setContent: function ( content )
Remove map drawers Drawers could be a comma-delimited string, an array of strings, or an array of comma-delimited strings.
removeContent: function ( contentToRemove )
Create a new L.ALKMaps.Layer.Tile instance
layer.tile = function ( map, options )