
Create a vector layer for drawing and managing route objects.

Inherits from

ALKMaps.Layer.RoutingCreate a vector layer for drawing and managing route objects.
dragControlProperty containing the ALKDragFeature control associated with this layer.
isDraggableProperty indicating whether or not the routes on the layer are draggable.
dragQueueMaxSizeProperty indicating undo, redo drag queue size for each route on the layer.
originDefaultProperty containing the location of an external image to be used as the default image for all origin handles.
destinationDefaultProperty containing the location of an external image to be used as the default image for all destination handles.
waypointDefaultProperty containing the location of an external image to be used as the default image for all waypoint handles.
ALKMaps.Layer.RoutingCreate a vector layer for drawing and managing route objects.
setMapThe layer has been added to the map.
getRouteLegPointsDraw route with stops on this layer.
addRouteAdds a route object and draws it on this layer.
removeRouteRemoves a route from the layer by id.
updateRouteUpdates a route object and draws it on the layer.
getRouteElementsGets the ALKMaps vector elements for the route stops and segments drawn on the layer.
getRouteOptionsGets all the parameters that are set when the route is added.
updateNodeStores feature Id.
getGeometryGets drag handle geometry.
getPreviousHandleGets drag handle after this one.
getNextHandleGets drag handle before this one.
getNodesGets nodes that are connected to the drag handle.
getDragHandleFromNodeGets drag handles from the node.
isStartHandleDetermines a drag handle is a route start point or not.
isEndHandleDetermines a drag handle is a route end point or not.
getHandleActionDetermines which drag handle has been dragged.
setDraggableSets the layer’s ability to have routes be modified by dragging.
setRouteHandleVisibilitySets the visibility of all stop markers and the showHandles option of the route.
setRouteHandleSets the style of the route handles by type or index.
setRouteVisibilityMethod for toggling the visibility of the lines and handles of a given route.
onRouteModifiedCallback method.
onErrorRouteModificationCallback method.
canUndoStill has record in the queue for undo dragged route.
canRedoStill has record in the queue for redo dragged route.
undoDragUndo route drag for a given route id.
redoDragRedo route drag for a given route id.
clearDragQueueClear undo/redo route drag queue for a given route id.
redrawRedraws the layer, and reconfigures the arrows of all existing routes with arrows.
drawArrowsFirst removes any existing arrows on the specified route.
createArrowCreates a new arrow feature using the given Point geometry, style, rotation, and routeId.



Property containing the ALKDragFeature control associated with this layer.


Property indicating whether or not the routes on the layer are draggable.


Property indicating undo, redo drag queue size for each route on the layer.  When isDraggable is set to true, this property may be considered.  Must start with 2, then first drag can be undone.


Property containing the location of an external image to be used as the default image for all origin handles.


Property containing the location of an external image to be used as the default image for all destination handles.


Property containing the location of an external image to be used as the default image for all waypoint handles.



Create a vector layer for drawing and managing route objects.


name{String} Unique layer name.
options{Object} Properties to set on this layer.

Valid options

isDraggable{Boolean} Value true may enable route line dragging.
originURL{String} Custom URL for trip origin icon.
waypointURL{String} Custom URL for waypoints icon.
destinationURL{String} Custom URL for trip destination icon.
dragQueueMaxSize{Number} Optional.  Property indicating undo, redo drag queue size for each route on the layer.  When isDraggable is set to true, this property may be considered.


{ALKMaps.Layer.Routing} A new vector layer for drawing and managing route objects.



setMap: function()

The layer has been added to the map.


addRouteDragHandle: function(handleState,
Add drag handlesroute begin, route end and waypoint handle.


getRouteLegPoints: function(args,

Draw route with stops on this layer.  When undo/redo drag route happens, clear existing features for the route, without re-frame the route.  Added isRail parameter in April, 2017.  Added removeExistingFeatures parameter in June 25, 2019.


removeExistingFeatures{Boolean} When set to true in case of undo/redo drag route, clear existing features for the route, without re-frame route.


addRoute: function(args)

Adds a route object and draws it on this layer.


args{Object} with {stops: Object, routeOptions: Object, reportOptions: Object, functionOptions: Object, externalImages: Object}
routeOptions{Object} ALK Map service supported options.  See supported route options bellow.
reportOptions{Object} type: Type value can be Mileage, Directions, Detail, State, CalcMiles, LeastCost, Geotunnel.  format: Format value can be json or html.  dataVersion: data version value can be Current, PCM_EU, PCM_OC, PCM_SA, PCM_GT, PCM_AF, PCM_AS, PCM_ME, or PCM18 through PCM27 lang: The language.  ENUS for English United States, ENGB for English Great Britain, DE for German, FR for French, ES for Spanish, IT for Italian
images{Array(Strings)} Array of image locations that is the same size as the stops array.  (optional)
functionOptions{Object} has routeId {String}, async {Boolean}, style {} and callback function.  routeId: is used to uniquely identify a route.  async: determines if server call is asynchronous or not.  Default is asynchronous.  style: If this is provided, it will override class level style.  User can supply strokeOpacity, strokeColor, strokeLinecap, strokeWidth, and strokeDashstyle.  Stroke opacity value range is from 0 to 1.  Stroke color takes hex code in string, like “#ee9900”.  Valid value for line cap is “butt”, “round”, or “square”.  Valid value for dash style is “dot”, “dash”, “dashdot”, “longdash”, “longdashdot” or “solid” and most SLD patterns will render correctly.  If stroke width is supplied, default width in the context will be replaced. callback function: called when results are returned from server.  Returned values can be report and updated stops.


removeRoute: function(routeId)

Removes a route from the layer by id.


routeId:{String} the same id that is used to add the route to the layer.


updateRoute: function(args)

Updates a route object and draws it on the layer.  If stops, functional options, or report options are not included, it will use the parameters from the original route.


args:{Object} with {stops: Object, routeOptions: Object, reportOptions: Object, functionOptions: Object}
routeOptions{Object} ALK Map service supported options.  See supported route options bellow.
reportOptions{Object} has type and format two keys.  Type value can be mileage, directions, detailed or stateMileage.  Format value can be json, xml, or html.
functionOptions{Object} has routeId (String), async (Boolean), style ( and callback function.  Route Id is used to uniquely identify a route.  Async: determines if server call is asynchronous or not.  Default is asynchronous. style: If this is provided, it will override class level style.  Only strokeOpacity, and strokeColor are allowed to change. callback function: called when results are returned from server.  Returned values can be report and updated stops.


getRouteElements: function(routeId)

Gets the ALKMaps vector elements for the route stops and segments drawn on the layer.


routeId:{String} the same id that is used to add the route to the layer.


Point and line vectors.


getRouteOptions: function(routeIndex)

Gets all the parameters that are set when the route is added.


routeId:{String} route id.


args:{stops, routeOptions, reportOptions, functionOptions}

stops: {Array(ALKMaps.LonLat)}

routeOptions: ALK Map service supported options.  See supported route options bellow.

reportOptions: has type and format two keys.  Type value can be mileage, directions, detailed or stateMileage.  Format value can be json, xml, or html.

functionOptions: has routeId (String), async (Boolean), style ( and callback function.  Route Id is used to uniquely identify a route.  Async: determines if server call is asynchronous or not.  Default is asynchronous. style: If this is provided, it will override class level style. callback function: called when results are returned from server.  Returned values can be report and updated stops.


updateNode: function(oldOne,

Stores feature Id.


getGeometry: function(handle)

Gets drag handle geometry.


getPreviousHandle: function(hd)

Gets drag handle after this one.


getNextHandle: function(hd)

Gets drag handle before this one.


getNodes: function(hd)

Gets nodes that are connected to the drag handle.


getDragHandleFromNode: function(nd)

Gets drag handles from the node.


isStartHandle: function(hd)

Determines a drag handle is a route start point or not.


isEndHandle: function(hd)

Determines a drag handle is a route end point or not.


getHandleAction: function(hd)

Determines which drag handle has been dragged.


setDraggable: function(isDraggable)

Sets the layer’s ability to have routes be modified by dragging.


isDraggable{boolean} Indicates whether the routes should be draggable.


setRouteHandleVisibility: function(routeId,

Sets the visibility of all stop markers and the showHandles option of the route.


routeId{String} The routeID of the route.
showHandles{boolean} Indicates whether the stop markers are displayed.


setRouteHandle: function(routeId,

Sets the style of the route handles by type or index.


routeId{String} The routeID of the route.
stop{“O” | “W” | “D” | number} Indicates the type or index of the stop.
handleOptions{Object} Object containing style properties to be set.
  • externalGraphic - URL of the route handle image
  • graphicWidth - width of the image
  • graphicHeight - height of the image
  • graphicXOffset - X offset from the stop point
  • graphicYOffset - Y offset from the stop point


setRouteVisibility: function (routeId,

Method for toggling the visibility of the lines and handles of a given route.


routeId{String} ID of the route
showRoute{Boolean} Indicates whether to show or hide the given route.


onRouteModified: function(obj)

Callback method.  Called when results are returned after a route dragging is completed.  Returns report and updated stop lists.

routingLayer.onRouteModified = function (results) {
    // user implementation


Callback method.  Allows user to handle route modification error.

routingLayer.onErrorRouteModification = function (response) {
    // user implementation


canUndo: function(routeId)

Still has record in the queue for undo dragged route.  Caller can enable/disable undo button as an example from the returned value of this method call.


routeId{String} ID of the route


canRedo: function(routeId)

Still has record in the queue for redo dragged route.  Caller can enable/disable undo button as an example from the returned value of this method call.


routeId{String} ID of the route


undoDrag: function (routeId)

Undo route drag for a given route id.


routeId{String} ID of the route


redoDrag: function (routeId)

Redo route drag for a given route id.


routeId{String} ID of the route


clearDragQueue: function (routeId)

Clear undo/redo route drag queue for a given route id.


routeId{String} ID of the route


redraw: function ()

Redraws the layer, and reconfigures the arrows of all existing routes with arrows.  removes any existing route arrows before drawing new ones in the appropriate locations.


drawArrows: function (arrowsObj)

First removes any existing arrows on the specified route.  Then either draws new arrows along the route line at a given spacing interval or draws a single arrow at the end of the route.


arrowsObj{Object} Object containing an array of arrow point features and the ID of the route that the arrows correspond to.


createArrow: function(point,

Creates a new arrow feature using the given Point geometry, style, rotation, and routeId.


point{ALKMaps.Geometry.Point} Arrow feature’s point geometry.
style{Object} Route’s style object.
bearing{Number} Rotation of arrow.
routeId{String} ID of the route that the arrow corresponds to.


{ALKMaps.Feature.Vector} New arrow feature.

setMap: function()
The layer has been added to the map.
addRouteDragHandle: function(handleState,
getRouteLegPoints: function(args,
Draw route with stops on this layer.
addRoute: function(args)
Adds a route object and draws it on this layer.
removeRoute: function(routeId)
Removes a route from the layer by id.
updateRoute: function(args)
Updates a route object and draws it on the layer.
getRouteElements: function(routeId)
Gets the ALKMaps vector elements for the route stops and segments drawn on the layer.
getRouteOptions: function(routeIndex)
Gets all the parameters that are set when the route is added.
updateNode: function(oldOne,
Stores feature Id.
getGeometry: function(handle)
Gets drag handle geometry.
getPreviousHandle: function(hd)
Gets drag handle after this one.
getNextHandle: function(hd)
Gets drag handle before this one.
getNodes: function(hd)
Gets nodes that are connected to the drag handle.
getDragHandleFromNode: function(nd)
Gets drag handles from the node.
isStartHandle: function(hd)
Determines a drag handle is a route start point or not.
isEndHandle: function(hd)
Determines a drag handle is a route end point or not.
getHandleAction: function(hd)
Determines which drag handle has been dragged.
setDraggable: function(isDraggable)
Sets the layer’s ability to have routes be modified by dragging.
setRouteHandleVisibility: function(routeId,
Sets the visibility of all stop markers and the showHandles option of the route.
setRouteHandle: function(routeId,
Sets the style of the route handles by type or index.
setRouteVisibility: function (routeId,
Method for toggling the visibility of the lines and handles of a given route.
onRouteModified: function(obj)
Callback method.
canUndo: function(routeId)
Still has record in the queue for undo dragged route.
canRedo: function(routeId)
Still has record in the queue for redo dragged route.
undoDrag: function (routeId)
Undo route drag for a given route id.
redoDrag: function (routeId)
Redo route drag for a given route id.
clearDragQueue: function (routeId)
Clear undo/redo route drag queue for a given route id.
redraw: function ()
Redraws the layer, and reconfigures the arrows of all existing routes with arrows.
drawArrows: function (arrowsObj)
First removes any existing arrows on the specified route.
createArrow: function(point,
Creates a new arrow feature using the given Point geometry, style, rotation, and routeId.
Instances of ALKMaps.Layer.Vector are used to render vector data from a variety of sources.
Create a vector layer for drawing and managing route objects.
This class represents a longitude and latitude pair
Point geometry class.
Vector features use the ALKMaps.Geometry classes as geometry description.