The ALKMaps weather radar layer.
ALKMaps. | The ALKMaps weather radar layer. |
Properties | |
projection | {String} Map projection code. |
opacity | {Number} opacity of the weather image |
display | {String} “radar” or “satellite” weather |
Constructor | |
L. | Initializes a new WeatherRadar object |
Functions | |
getUrl | Get request URL for weather overlay image |
weatherRadar | Create a new L.ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherRadar instance |
{String} Map projection code. Default is “EPSG:900913”.
// Get map projection for this layer. var projection = tileLayer.projection; // Set map projection for this layer. Or projection can be passed in as options parameter when the layer instance is created. tileLayer.projection = L.CRS.EPSG900913.code;
Get request URL for weather overlay image
getUrl: function()
Create a new L.ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherRadar instance
layer.weatherRadar = function( map )