
This Toolbar is an alternative to the Navigation control that displays the state of the control, and provides a UI for changing state to use the zoomBox via a Panel control.

Inherits from

ALKMaps.Control.NavPanelThis Toolbar is an alternative to the Navigation control that displays the state of the control, and provides a UI for changing state to use the zoomBox via a Panel control.
ALKMaps.Control.NavToolbarAdd our two mousedefaults controls.
drawcalls the default draw, and then activates mouse defaults.



Add our two mousedefaults controls.


options{Object} An optional object whose properties will be used to extend the control.

Properties for options

addSelectButton{Boolean} Add select toggle button or not.
showEditPanel{Object} An object containing the layer that allows the user to draw and the controls that will be added to the edit panel.

Properties for showEditPanel

layer{ALKMaps.Layer.Vector} A layer that allows user to draw.
controls{Array<Integer>} An optional array containing the indexes of the controls that will be added to the edit panel.  If the array is empty or not provided, all possible controls will be added to the panel.

control integers

  • 0 -> Point
  • 1 -> Path
  • 2 -> Freehand Path
  • 3 -> Circle
  • 4 -> Rectangle
  • 5 -> Polygon
  • 6 -> Freehand Polygon
  • 7 -> Transform
  • 8 -> Modify
  • 9 -> Select
var navPanel = new ALKMaps.Control.NavPanel({ showEditPanel:
         layer: vectorLayer,
         controls: [0,3,7,8,9]



draw: function()

calls the default draw, and then activates mouse defaults.

draw: function()
calls the default draw, and then activates mouse defaults.
The Panel control is a container for other controls.