Instances of ALKMaps.Layer.VLWMS are used to display data from VisionLink FlexGateay Web Mapping Services.  Create a new VLWMS layer with the ALKMaps.Layer.VLWMS constructor.

Inherits from

var map = new ALKMaps.Map("map");
var layer = new ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap("ALK Maps", {}, {
    sphericalMercator: true, // You don't have set this. Default is true.
    custMaxZoomLevels: 24,
    transitionEffect: "resize",
    wrapDateLine: true

var productionVLWMS = new ALKMaps.Layer.VLWMS(
    "3D production overlay",
        // Your custom data goes here. They will be attached to the URL.
        Format: "image/png",
        Transparent: true,
        ServiceName: "VSS",
        Mode: 15,
        ProjectID: 404,
        DesignID: -1,
        FilterID: 681,
        SessionID: "b1a1cd0fc6144a80aa6a569f7cedc4f4",
        CallID: "ACEC7D63-31C2-DF91-B06F-FE91C8464703",
        Hash: "1361480632390",
        VolDesignID: -1,
        VolFilterID1: -1,
        VolFilterID2: -1,
        VolType: 0,
        VolFilterEarliest1: false,
        VolFilterEarliest2: false,
        Version: "1.3.0",
        Layers: "basic",
        Styles: ""
       // Restrict to given zoom levels.
       maxResolution: map.getResolutionForZoom(7),
       minResolution: map.getResolutionForZoom(17)

map.addLayers([layer, productionVLWMS])
ALKMaps.Layer.VLWMSInstances of ALKMaps.Layer.VLWMS are used to display data from VisionLink FlexGateay Web Mapping Services.
getURLThis method is different from the base class in the way that bounding box is in degrees always.



getURL: function (bounds)

This method is different from the base class in the way that bounding box is in degrees always.

getURL: function (bounds)
This method is different from the base class in the way that bounding box is in degrees always.
Instances of ALKMaps.Layer.VLWMS are used to display data from VisionLink FlexGateay Web Mapping Services.
Instances of ALKMaps.Layer.WMS are used to display data from OGC Web Mapping Services.