_addButton:function( id, img, xy, sz, title )
_addZoomBar:function( centered )
_removeButton: function( btn )
_removeElementObservers: function( elementObservers )
_removeZoomBar: function()
Abort an ongoing request.
abort: function( response )
Abort an ongoing request, the response object passed to this method must come from this HTTP protocol (as a result of a create, read, update, delete or commit operation).
abort: function( response )
Abort an ongoing request.
abort: function( response )
Explicitly activates a control and it’s associated handler if one has been set.
activate: function ()
Activates the control.
activate: function ()
Activates the control.
activate: function ()
Activate the control and the feature handler.
activate: function()
Activate the control and the feature handler.
activate: function()
Activate the control and the feature handler.
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activate this control.
activate: function()
Activates the control.
activate: function ()
Activates the control.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
Activate the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
Activates the control.
activate: function()
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function()
activate: function ()
Activate the handler.
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function()
activate: function()
activate: function ( evt )
Activate the handler.
activate: function()
turn on the handler
activate: function()
Turn on the handler.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Set up strategy with regard to reading new batches of remote data.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy: load data or add listener to load when visible
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
Activate the strategy.
activate: function()
This method is called when the user click on the icon representing a control in the panel.
activateControl: function ( control )
add:function( x, y )
add:function( lon, lat )
add:function( x, y )
Add record to desired location.
add: function ( record )
Add alerts to this layer.
addAlerts: function()
Add a new set with closure.
services.addAvoidFavor = function ( params )
Add avoid/favor features on the layer.
addAvoidFavorPolygon: function ( params )
Add avoid/favor features on the layer.
addAvoidFavorPolygonGroup: function ( params )
Add a new avoid/favor set.
services.addAvoidFavorSet = function ( params )
Add a CSS class name to an element.
addClass: function( element, name )
addCloseBox: function()
addCloseBox: function( callback )
Add a new component (geometry) to the collection.
addComponent: function( component, index )
Adds a point to geometry components.
addComponent: function( point, index )
Add components to this geometry.
addComponents: function( components )
Add map drawers.
addContent: function ( contentToAdd )
Add map drawers.
addContent: function ( contentToAdd )
Add the passed over control to the map.
addControl: function ( control, px )
To build a toolbar, you add a set of controls to it.
addControls: function( controls )
Add all of the passed over controls to the map.
addControls: function ( controls, pixels )
Only for internal use in draw() and addControls() methods.
addControlsToMap: function ( controls )
addControlToMap: function ( control, px )
Add custom category.
services.addCustomCategory = function ( inputs )
Start observing document events when documentDrag is true and the mouse cursor leaves the map viewport while dragging.
addDocumentEvents: function()
Adds a new polygon to the map using the getDriveTimePolygon service.
addDriveTimePolygon: function( params )
addEventType: function( eventName )
Add Features to the layer.
addFeatures: function( features, options )
Adds a layer to the control.
addLayer: function( evt )
Adds a layer to the control.
addLayer: function( evt )
addLayer: function ( layer )
addLayers: function ( layers )
addMarker: function( marker, options )
addMarkers: function( markers, options )
Add vector markers to the layer.
addMarkers: function( features, options )
Add marker.
addMarkerToMapLayerContainerDiv: function( marker )
addOptions: function ( newOptions, reinitialize )
Wrapper for ALKMaps.Geometry.Collection.addComponent
addPoint: function( point, index )
Add point to geometry.
addPoint: function( pixel )
Add point to geometry.
addPoint: function( pixel )
Add points the existing heat map.
addPoints: function( points )
addPopup: function( popup, exclusive )
addPropertyStyles: function( propertyStyles, symbolizer )
Adds a route object and draws it on this layer.
addRoute: function( args )
Adds a route object and draws it on this layer.
addRoute: function( args )
Adds a route to the map
addRoute: function ( params )
addRouteDragHandle: function( handleState, legCoords, isVisible, extImg )
Adds a route to visualize it with road surface condition.
addRoutePath: function( routeId, routeElements, routeDuration )
Adds rules to this style.
addRules: function( rules )
Add a configured target layer.
addTarget: function( target )
Add a target layer with the default target config.
addTargetLayer: function( layer )
Create a tile, initialize it, and add it to the layer div.
addTile: function( bounds, position )
This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tiles.
addTileMonitoringHooks: function( tile )
This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tiles.
addTileMonitoringHooks: function( tile )
Add a feature to a cluster.
addToCluster: function( cluster, feature )
Add a marker to a cluster.
addToCluster: function( cluster, marker )
Set a custom transform method between two projections.
ALKMaps.Projection.addTransform = function( from, to, method )
Convenience method to create comparison rules for unique values of a property.
addUniqueValueRules: function( renderIntent, property, symbolizers, context )
This function will take a bounds, and if wrapDateLine option is set on the layer, it will return a bounds which is wrapped around the world.
adjustBounds: function ( bounds )
Center the map and the circle.
adjustMapAndCircle: function ( center )
Converts event coordinates that are relative to the document body to ones that are relative to the map viewport.
adjustXY: function( evt )
adjustZoom: function( zoom )
adjustZoomControl: function()
Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence.
afterAdd: function()
When satellite or terrain layer is added as a base layer, add the transparent layer at the same time.
afterAdd: function()
Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence.
afterAdd: function()
Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence.
afterAdd: function()
Registered as a listener for the afterfeaturemodified event on the editable layer.
afterFeatureModified: function( event )
Create, insert, scale and position a back buffer for the layer.
applyBackBuffer: function( resolution )
Takes an object and copies any properties that don’t exist from another properties, by analogy with ALKMaps.Util.extend() from Prototype.js.
ALKMaps.Util.applyDefaults = function ( to, from )
applySymbolizer: function( rule, style, feature )
Applies the given transform to layers.
applyTransform: function( transform )
Iterates through the available renderer implementations and selects and assigns the first one whose “supported()” function returns true.
assignRenderer: function()
Determines whether the feature intersects with the specified location.
atPoint: function( lonlat, toleranceLon, toleranceLat )
atPoint: function( lonlat, toleranceLon, toleranceLat )
attachToElement: function ( element )