W | |
weatherAlerts | |
weatherAlertsGeoJson, ALKMaps. | |
weatherRadar, ALKMaps. | |
wheelChange, ALKMaps. | |
wheelDown, ALKMaps. | |
wheelUp, ALKMaps. | |
wheelZoom, ALKMaps. | |
wrapDateLine, ALKMaps. | |
write | |
writeIndent, ALKMaps. | |
writeNewline, ALKMaps. | |
writeNode, ALKMaps. | |
writeSpace, ALKMaps. | |
Z | |
zipPolygons, ALKMaps. | |
zoomBarDown, ALKMaps. | |
zoomBarDrag, ALKMaps. | |
zoomBarUp, ALKMaps. | |
zoomBox, ALKMaps. | |
zoomIn, ALKMaps.Map | |
zoomOut, ALKMaps.Map | |
zoomTo, ALKMaps.Map | |
zoomToExtent, ALKMaps.Map | |
zoomToMaxExtent, ALKMaps.Map | |
zoomToScale, ALKMaps.Map |
Create a new ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherAlerts instance
layer.weatherAlerts = function()
Get weather alerts.
services.weatherAlerts = function ( params )
Gets weather alerts in GeoJson.
services.weatherAlertsGeoJson = function ( params )
Create a new L.ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherRadar instance
layer.weatherRadar = function( map )
wheelChange: function( evt, deltaZ )
User spun scroll wheel down
wheelDown: function( evt, delta )
User spun scroll wheel up
wheelUp: function( evt, delta )
Given the wheel event, we carry out the appropriate zooming in or out, based on the ‘wheelDelta’ or ‘detail’ property of the event.
wheelZoom: function( e )
wrapDateLine: function( maxExtent )
Accept an object, and return a string.
write: function( object )
Serialize a feature, geometry, array of features into a GeoJSON string.
write: function( obj, pretty )
Serialize an object into a JSON string.
write: function( value, pretty )
Accept Feature Collection, and return a string.
write: function( features )
Serialize an ALKMaps.Filter objects using the “simple” filter syntax for query string parameters.
write: function( filter, params )
Serialize a feature or array of features into a WKT string.
write: function( features )
Serialize a DOM node into a XML string.
write: function( node )
Output an indentation string depending on the indentation level.
writeIndent: function()
Output a string representing a newline if in pretty printing mode.
writeNewline: function()
Shorthand for applying one of the named writers and appending the results to a node.
writeNode: function( name, obj, parent )
Output a string representing a space if in pretty printing mode.
writeSpace: function()
Gets zip polygons.
services.zipPolygons = function ( params )
event listener for clicks on the slider
zoomBarDown:function( evt )
This is what happens when a click has occurred, and the client is dragging.
zoomBarDrag:function( evt )
Perform cleanup when a mouseup event is received -- discover new zoom level and switch to it.
zoomBarUp:function( evt )
zoomBox: function ( position )
zoomIn: function()
zoomOut: function()
Zoom to a specific zoom level
zoomTo: function( zoom )
Zoom to the passed in bounds, recenter
zoomToExtent: function( bounds, closest )
Zoom to the full extent and recenter.
zoomToMaxExtent: function( options )
Zoom to a specified scale
zoomToScale: function( scale, closest )