Function Index
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 weatherAlertsGeoJson, ALKMaps.Services
 weatherRadar, ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherRadar(Leaflet)
 wheelChange, ALKMaps.Control.Navigation
 wheelDown, ALKMaps.Control.Navigation
 wheelUp, ALKMaps.Control.Navigation
 wheelZoom, ALKMaps.Handler.MouseWheel
 wrapDateLine, ALKMaps.LonLat
 writeIndent, ALKMaps.Format.JSON
 writeNewline, ALKMaps.Format.JSON
 writeNode, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 writeSpace, ALKMaps.Format.JSON
 zipPolygons, ALKMaps.Services
 zoomBarDown, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 zoomBarDrag, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 zoomBarUp, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 zoomBox, ALKMaps.Control.ZoomBox
 zoomIn, ALKMaps.Map
 zoomOut, ALKMaps.Map
 zoomTo, ALKMaps.Map
 zoomToExtent, ALKMaps.Map
 zoomToMaxExtent, ALKMaps.Map
 zoomToScale, ALKMaps.Map
layer.weatherAlerts = function()
Create a new ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherAlerts instance
services.weatherAlerts = function (params)
Get weather alerts.
services.weatherAlertsGeoJson = function (params)
Gets weather alerts in GeoJson.
layer.weatherRadar = function(map)
Create a new L.ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherRadar instance
wheelChange: function(evt,
wheelDown: function(evt,
User spun scroll wheel down
wheelUp: function(evt,
User spun scroll wheel up
wheelZoom: function(e)
Given the wheel event, we carry out the appropriate zooming in or out, based on the ‘wheelDelta’ or ‘detail’ property of the event.
wrapDateLine: function(maxExtent)
write: function(object)
Accept an object, and return a string.
write: function(obj,
Serialize a feature, geometry, array of features into a GeoJSON string.
write: function(value,
Serialize an object into a JSON string.
write: function(features)
Accept Feature Collection, and return a string.
write: function(filter,
Serialize an ALKMaps.Filter objects using the “simple” filter syntax for query string parameters.
write: function(features)
Serialize a feature or array of features into a WKT string.
write: function(node)
Serialize a DOM node into a XML string.
writeIndent: function()
Output an indentation string depending on the indentation level.
writeNewline: function()
Output a string representing a newline if in pretty printing mode.
writeNode: function(name,
Shorthand for applying one of the named writers and appending the results to a node.
writeSpace: function()
Output a string representing a space if in pretty printing mode.
services.zipPolygons = function (params)
Gets zip polygons.
event listener for clicks on the slider
This is what happens when a click has occurred, and the client is dragging.
Perform cleanup when a mouseup event is received -- discover new zoom level and switch to it.
zoomBox: function (position)
zoomIn: function()
zoomOut: function()
zoomTo: function(zoom)
Zoom to a specific zoom level
zoomToExtent: function(bounds,
Zoom to the passed in bounds, recenter
zoomToMaxExtent: function(options)
Zoom to the full extent and recenter.
zoomToScale: function(scale,
Zoom to a specified scale