Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 iconOff, ALKMaps.Control.Panel
 iconOn, ALKMaps.Control.Panel
 indexOf, Util
 inflate, ALKMaps.Marker
 initGriddedTiles, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 initImage, ALKMaps.Tile.Image
 initResolutions, ALKMaps.Layer
 initSingleTile, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 initStack, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 intersectsBounds, ALKMaps.Bounds
 isArray, Util
 isClusterStrategyActive, ALKMaps.Layer.Markers
 isElement, Util
 isEligible, ALKMaps.Control.Split
 isEndHandle, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 isEquivalentUrl, Util
 isLeftClick, ALKMaps.Event
 isMultiTouch, ALKMaps.Event
 isNumeric, ALKMaps.String
 isRightClick, ALKMaps.Event
 isSimpleContent, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 isSingleTouch, ALKMaps.Event
 isStartHandle, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 isSuitableOverview, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 isValidLonLat, ALKMaps.Map
 isValidType, ALKMaps.Format.GeoJSON
 isValidZoomLevel, ALKMaps.Map
 last, ALKMaps.Queue
 limitSigDigs, ALKMaps.Number
 linearring, ALKMaps.Format.KML.buildGeometry
 load, ALKMaps.Strategy.Fixed
 loadContents, ALKMaps.Control.LayerSwitcher
 loadText, ALKMaps.Layer.Text
iconOff: function()
Internal use, for use only with “controls[i].events.on/un”.
iconOn: function()
Internal use, for use only with “controls[i].events.on/un”.
ALKMaps.Util.indexOf = function (array,
Seems to exist already in FF, but not in MOZ.
inflate: function(inflate)
Englarges the markers icon by the specified ratio.
initImage: function()
Creates the content for the frame on the tile.
initImgDiv: function()
Creates the imgDiv property on the tile.
initLayer: function(layers)
Assign the layer property.
initLayer: function(layers)
Assign the layer property.
initResolutions: function()
This method’s responsibility is to set up the ‘resolutions’ array for the layer -- this array is what the layer will use to interface between the zoom levels of the map and the resolution display of the layer.
initSingleTile: function(bounds)
initStack: function()
Called after the control is activated if the previous history stack is empty.
insertDeflectionLength: function(deflection,
Insert a point in the current sketch given a deflection and a length.
insertDeflectionLength: function(deflection,
Insert a point in the current sketch given a deflection and a length.
insertDeltaXY: function(dx,
Insert a point given offsets from the previously inserted point.
insertDeltaXY: function(dx,
Insert a point given offsets from the previously inserted point.
insertDirectionLength: function(direction,
Insert a point in the current sketch given a direction and a length.
insertDirectionLength: function(direction,
Insert a point in the current sketch given a direction and a length.
insertXY: function(x,
Insert a point in the current sketch given x & y coordinates.
insertXY: function(x,
Insert a point in the current sketch given x & y coordinates.
intersects: function(geometry)
Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry)
Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry)
Test for intersection between two geometries.
intersects: function(geometry)
Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry)
Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
Determine whether the target bounds intersects this bounds.
invalidBounds: function()
Determine whether the previously generated point grid is invalid.
invalidBounds: function(mapBounds)
Determine whether the previously requested set of features is invalid.
ALKMaps.Util.isArray = function (a)
Tests that the provided object is an array.
isClusterStrategyActive: function()
Return true if there is an active maker2 clustering strategy on the layer.
isDrawn: function()
{Boolean} Whether or not the icon is drawn.
isDrawn: function()
{Boolean} Whether or not the marker is drawn.
ALKMaps.Util.isElement = function (o)
A cross-browser implementation of “e instanceof Element”.
isEligible: function(target)
Test if a target feature is eligible for splitting.
isEndHandle: function(hd)
Determines a drag handle is a route end point or not.
ALKMaps.Util.isEquivalentUrl = function (url1,
Test two URLs for equivalence.
isLeftClick: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a left click.
isMultiTouch: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a multi touch
isNumeric: function(value)
Determine whether a string contains only a numeric value.
isRightClick: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a right mouse click.
isSimpleContent: function(node)
Test if the given node has only simple content (i.e.
isSingleTouch: function(event)
Determine whether event was caused by a single touch
isStartHandle: function(hd)
Determines a drag handle is a route start point or not.
isSuitableOverview: function()
Determines if the overview map is suitable given the extent and resolution of the main map.
isValidLonLat: function(lonlat)
isValidType: function(obj,
Check if a GeoJSON object is a valid representative of the given type.
isValidZoomLevel: function(zoomLevel)
last: function ()
Get the last record in the queue.
limitSigDigs: function(num,
Limit the number of significant digits on a float.
Given an ALKMaps linearring geometry, create a KML linearring.
Return an array of coordinate arrays from a linestring.
Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an ALKMaps.Geometry.
Given an ALKMaps linestring geometry, create a KML linestring.
Given a KML node representing a linestring geometry, create an ALKMaps linestring geometry.
load: function(options)
Tells protocol to load data and unhooks the visibilitychanged event
loadContents: function()
Set up the labels and divs for the control
loadText: function()
Start the load of the Text data.
lookupNamespaceURI: function(node,
Takes a prefix and returns the namespace URI associated with it on the given node if found (and null if not).
Takes a prefix and returns the namespace URI associated with it on the given node if found (and null if not).