Function Index
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 un, ALKMaps.Events
 undoDrag, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 unhighlight, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 unload, ALKMaps.Tile
 unloadCache, ALKMaps.Event
 unloadDestroy, ALKMaps.Map
 unregisterMouseListeners, ALKMaps.Handler.Click
 unselect, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 unselectAll, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 unselectFeature, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 unsetFeature, ALKMaps.Control.TransformFeature
 updateAttribution, ALKMaps.Control.Attribution
 updateAvoidFavorSet, ALKMaps.Services
 updateBlocks, ALKMaps.Popup.Framed
 updateContainerCenter, ALKMaps.Control.PinchZoom
 updateCustomCategory, ALKMaps.Services
 updateCustomPlaceSet, ALKMaps.Services
 updateGrid, ALKMaps.Layer.PointGrid
 updateHandler, ALKMaps.Control.Measure
 updateLegendGradient, ALKMaps.Control.HeatMapLegend
 updateLink, ALKMaps.Control.Permalink
 updateMap, ALKMaps.Control.LayerSwitcher
 updateMapToRect, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 updateMinMax, ALKMaps.Control.HeatMapLegend
 updateNode, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 updateOptions, ALKMaps.Layer.HeatMap
 updateRectToMap, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 updateScale, ALKMaps.Control.Scale
 updateSizeDestroy, ALKMaps.Map
 updateURL, ALKMaps.Layer.XYZ
 upperCaseObject, Util
 urlAppend, Util
 value2regex, ALKMaps.Filter.Comparison
 visualizeRoutes, ALKMaps.Layer.RoadSurfaceRoute
 Void, ALKMaps.Function
un: function(object)
Convenience method for unregistering listeners with a common scope.
undo: function()
Remove the most recently added point in the current sketch geometry.
undo: function()
Remove the most recently added point in the sketch geometry.
undoDrag: function (routeId)
Undo route drag for a given route id.
unhighlight: function(feature)
Redraw feature with the “default” style
unload: function()
Call immediately before destroying if you are listening to tile events, so that counters are properly handled if tile is still loading at destroy-time.
unloadCache: function()
Cycle through all the element entries in the events cache and call stopObservingElement on each.
Function that is called to destroy the map on page unload.
unregister: function (type,
unregister: function (name,
unregister an event from the map
Unregister a callback previously registered with the register function.
unregisterMouseListeners: function()
In a touch environment, we don’t want to handle mouse events.
unselect: function(feature)
Remove feature from the layer’s selectedFeature array, render the feature as normal, and call the onUnselect function.
unselectAll: function(options)
Unselect all selected features.
unselectFeature: function(feature)
Called when the select feature control unselects a feature.
unsetFeature: function()
Remove the transformation box off any feature.
up: function(evt)
This method is called during the handling of the mouse up event.
up: function (evt)
Handle mouseup and touchend.
up: function (evt)
Handle mouseup and touchend.
up: function(evt)
Finish drawing the feature
update: function()
calculates the grid to be displayed and actually draws it
update: function()
Update the overview map after layers move.
update: function()
Update the size of the bars, and the labels they contain.
update: function()
Construct a request updating modified features.
update: function(feature,
Construct a request updating modified feature.
update: function(options)
Callback function called on “moveend” or “refresh” layer events.
updateAttribution: function()
Update attribution string.
services.updateAvoidFavorSet = function (params)
Update name and tag based on set Id.
updateBlocks: function()
Internal method, called on initialize and when the popup’s relative position has changed.
updateContainerCenter: function()
Must be called each time the layer container moves.
services.updateCustomCategory = function (inputs)
Update custom categories.
services.updateCustomPlaceSet = function (inputs)
Update custom place set’s name, and tag for a given set id and tag.
updateGrid: function(force)
Update the grid.
updateHandler: function(handler,
updateInfoWarning: function()
Update infoWarning string.
updateInfoWarning: function()
Update warning text message on the InfoWarning control.
updateLegendGradient: function(colorGradient)
Updates legend color gradient.
updateLink: function()
updateMap: function()
Cycles through the loaded data and base layer input arrays and makes the necessary calls to the Map object such that that the map’s visual state corresponds to what the user has selected in the control.
updateMapToRect: function()
Updates the map extent to match the extent rectangle position and size
updateMinMax: function(min,
Updates minimum and maximum counts.
updateNode: function(oldOne,
Stores feature Id.
updateOptions: function(params)
Update the optional settings for drawing the heat map.
updatePosition: function()
if the marker has a lonlat and its map members set, then have it move itself to its proper position
updatePosition: function()
if the popup has a lonlat and its map members set, then have it move itself to its proper position
updateRectToMap: function()
Updates the extent rectangle position and size to match the map extent
updateRelativePosition: function()
The popup has been moved to a new relative location, so we may want to make some cosmetic adjustments to it.
updateRelativePosition: function()
The popup has been moved to a new relative location, so we may want to make some cosmetic adjustments to it.
updateRelativePosition: function()
The popup has been moved to a new relative location, in which case we will want to re-do the rico corners.
updateRelativePosition: function()
When the relative position changes, we need to set the new padding BBOX on the popup, reposition the close div, and update the blocks.
updateRoute: function(args)
Updates a route object and draws it on the layer.
updateRoute: function(args)
Updates a route object and draws it on the layer.
updateRoute: function (params)
Updates a route object and draws it on the layer.
updateScale: function()
updateSize: function()
This function should be called by any external code which dynamically changes the size of the map div (because mozilla wont let us catch the “onresize” for an element)
updateSize: function()
Auto size the marker so that it precisely fits its contents (as determined by this.contentDiv.innerHTML).
updateSize: function()
Auto size the popup so that it precisely fits its contents (as determined by this.contentDiv.innerHTML).
When the map is destroyed, we need to stop listening to updateSize events: this method stores the function we need to unregister in non-IE browsers.
updateURL: function()
User defined method for setting dynamic URL parameters.
upFeature: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-up.
upFeature: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-up.
upFeature: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-up.
ALKMaps.Util.upperCaseObject = function (object)
Creates a new hashtable and copies over all the keys from the passed-in object, but storing them under an uppercased version of the key at which they were stored.
ALKMaps.Util.urlAppend = function (url,
Appends a parameter string to a url.
value2regex: function(wildCard,
Converts the value of this rule into a regular expression string, according to the wildcard characters specified.
visible: function(element)
visible: function()
{Boolean} Boolean indicating whether or not the marker is visible
visible: function()
{Boolean} Boolean indicating whether or not the popup is visible
visualizeRoutes: function(routingLayer,
Shows all routes from the routing layer with road surface conditions.
Void: function()
A reusable function that returns ``undefined``.