Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 defaulClickHandler, ALKMaps.Marker2
 defaultDblRightClick, ALKMaps.Control.Navigation
 defaultIcon, ALKMaps.Marker
 defaultKeyPress, ALKMaps.Control.KeyboardDefaults
 deg, Util
 delayedRightCall, ALKMaps.Handler.Click
 deleteAvoidFavor, ALKMaps.Services
 deleteAvoidFavorSet, ALKMaps.Services
 deleteCustomPlace, ALKMaps.Services
 deleteCustomPlaceSet, ALKMaps.Services
 destinationVincenty, Util
 destroyRequest, ALKMaps.Protocol.Script
 destroyTile, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 determineQuadrant, ALKMaps.Bounds
 disableSafeScroll, ALKMaps.Map
 disableZoomBox, ALKMaps.Control.Navigation
 disableZoomWheel, ALKMaps.Control.Navigation
 displayError, ALKMaps.Layer.Vector
 distanceToSegment, ALKMaps.Geometry.ALKMaps.Geometry
 distVincenty, Util
 dragComplete, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 dragend, ALKMaps.Handler.Drag
 dragmove, ALKMaps.Handler.Drag
 dragstart, ALKMaps.Handler.Drag
 dragStart, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 dragVertex, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 drawArrows, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 drawCenter, ALKMaps.Control.CircleMeasure
 drawCircle, ALKMaps.Control.CircleMeasure
 drawHandles, ALKMaps.Control.TransformFeature
 drawPivot, ALKMaps.Control.CircleMeasure
 drawTileFromQueue, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 drawVectorArrows, ALKMaps.Layer.Vector
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle dblclick.
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle dblclick.
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle double-clicks.
dblclick: function(evt)
Handle double-clicks.
deactivate: function ()
Deactivates a control and it’s associated handler if any.
deactivate: function ()
Deactivates the control.
deactivate: function ()
Deactivates the control.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control and all handlers.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control and all handlers.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control and all handlers.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control and all handlers.
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control.
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control.
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function()
Deactivate this control.
deactivate: function ()
Deactivates the control.
deactivate: function()
Deactivates the control.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the control.
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function()
Deactivates the control.
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function()
Turn off the handler.
deactivate: function ()
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the handler.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the handler.
deactivate: function()
Turn off the handler.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the handler.
deactivate: function()
deactivate: function (evt)
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the handler.
deactivate: function()
turn off the handler
deactivate: function()
Turn off the handler.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the strategy.
deactivate: function()
Tear down strategy with regard to reading new batches of remote data.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the strategy.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the strategy.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the strategy.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the strategy.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the strategy.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the strategy.
deactivate: function()
Deactivate the strategy.
defaulClickHandler: function ()
defaultClick: function (evt)
defaultClick: function (evt)
defaultDblClick: function (evt)
defaultDblClick: function (evt)
defaultDblRightClick: function (evt)
ALKMaps.Marker.defaultIcon = function()
Creates a default ALKMaps.Icon.
defaultKeyPress: function (evt)
When handling the key event, we only use evt.keyCode.
ALKMaps.Util.deg = function (x)
delayedCall: function(evt)
Sets timerId to null.
delayedCall: function(evt)
Triggers pause callback.
delayedRightCall: function(evt)
Sets rightclickTimerId to null.
"delete": function()
Construct a request deleting a removed feature.
"delete": function(feature,
Construct a request deleting a removed feature.
services.deleteAvoidFavor = function (params)
Deletes a specific AvoidFavors within a set.
services.deleteAvoidFavorSet = function (params)
Deletes the AvoidFavor set.
services.deleteCustomPlace = function (inputs)
Delete custom place.
services.deleteCustomPlaceSet = function (inputs)
Delete custom place set for a given id.
ALKMaps.Util.destinationVincenty = function (lonlat,
Calculate destination point given start point lat/long (numeric degrees), bearing (numeric degrees) & distance (in m).
destroy: function()
Destroy this layer
destroy: function ()
The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control is dereferenced.
destroy: function()
Destroy control.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control is dereferenced.
destroy: function()
The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control is dereferenced.
destroy: function ()
The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control is dereferenced.
destroy: function()
Take care of things that are not handled in superclass
destroy: function()
Take care of things that are not handled in superclass
destroy: function()
Take care of things that are not handled in superclass
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Destroy control.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Take care of things that are not handled in superclass.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control is dereferenced.
destroy: function()
Destroy the control.
destroy: function()
Deconstruct the control
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Destroy control.
destroy: function()
Clean up the control.
destroy: function()
Clean up the control.
destroy: function()
The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control is dereferenced.
destroy: function()
Take care of things that are not handled in superclass.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Destroy control.
destroy: function()
Destroy control.
destroy: function()
Clean up.
destroy: function ()
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
Remove reference to anything added.
destroy: function()
Remove reference to child filters.
destroy: function()
Clean up.
destroy: function()
Clean up.
destroy: function()
Destroy this geometry.
destroy: function ()
Destroy this geometry.
destroy: function ()
Deconstruct the handler.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Nullify references and remove event listeners to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function(setNewBaseLayer)
Destroy is a destructor: this is to alleviate cyclic references which the JavaScript garbage cleaner can not take care of on its own.
destroy: function()
Destroy this layer
destroy: function()
Deconstruct the layer and clear the grid.
destroy: function()
Clean up the layer.
destroy: function()
Destroy this layer
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Destroy this layer
destroy: function()
Destroy this layer
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Destroy this layer
destroy: function()
Destroy this layer
destroy: function()
Clean up this layer.
Destroy this map.
destroy: function()
Destroy the marker.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Destroy the marker.
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
destroy: function()
Destroy projection object.
destroy: function()
Clean up the protocol.
destroy: function()
Clean up the protocol.
destroy: function()
Clean up the protocol.
destroy: function ()
Destroy this queue
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
Clean up the strategy.
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function()
Nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks.
destroy: function()
nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroyFeature: function(force)
Destroy temporary geometries
destroyFeature: function(force)
Destroy the temporary geometries
destroyFeature: function(force)
Destroy temporary geometries
destroyFeatures: function()
Destroys features, empties cluster strategy cache, and removes all relevant popups.
destroyFeatures: function()
Destroys features, empties cluster strategy cache, and removes all relevant popups.
destroyFeatures: function(features,
Erase and destroy features on the layer.
destroyMarker: function()
Destroys marker.
destroyMarker: function()
destroyPersistedFeature: function()
Destroy the persisted feature.
destroyPersistedFeature: function()
Destroy the persisted feature.
destroyPopup: function()
Destroys the popup created via createPopup.
destroyPopup: function()
Destroys the popup created via createPopup.
destroyRequest: function(script)
Remove a script node associated with a response from the document.
destroyTile: function(tile)
determineQuadrant: function(lonlat)
disableContextMenu: function()
Disables the default right-click context menu;
ALKMaps.Util.disableContextMenu = function (div)
Disables the default right-click context menu of the provided div;
disableSafeScroll: function()
Disables the SafeScroll feature for the map.
disableZoomBox : function()
disableZoomWheel : function()
display: function(display)
Hide or show the icon
display: function(display)
Hide or show the Layer.
display: function(display)
Hide or show the Layer
display: function(display)
Hide or show the icon
display: function(display)
Hide or show the icon
displayError: function()
Let the user know their browser isn’t supported.
distanceTo: function(geometry,
Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
distanceTo: function(geometry,
Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
distanceTo: function(geometry,
Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
distanceTo: function(geometry,
Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
distanceTo: function(geometry,
Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
Returns the distance to the pixel point passed in as a parameter.
ALKMaps.Geometry.distanceToSegment = function(point,
ALKMaps.Util.distVincenty = function (p1,
Given two objects representing points with geographic coordinates, this calculates the distance between those points on the surface of an ellipsoid.
doneDragging: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler is done dragging.
doneDragging: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler is done dragging.
doneDragging: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler is done dragging.
down: function(evt)
This method is called during the handling of the mouse down event.
down: function(evt)
Handle mousedown and touchstart.
down: function(evt)
Handle mousedown and touchstart.
down: function(evt)
Start drawing a new feature
downFeature: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-down.
downFeature: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-down.
downFeature: function(pixel)
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-down.
dragComplete: function(vertex)
Called by the drag feature control when the feature dragging is complete.
dragend: function (evt)
This private method is factorized from mouseup and touchend methods
dragmove: function (evt)
This private method is factorized from mousemove and touchmove methods
dragstart: function (evt)
This private method is factorized from mousedown and touchstart methods
dragStart: function(feature,
Called by the drag feature control with before a feature is dragged.
dragVertex: function(vertex,
Called by the drag feature control with each drag move of a vertex.
draw: function (px)
The draw method is called when the control is ready to be displayed on the page.
draw: function()
Initialize control.
draw: function()
The draw method is called when the control is ready to be displayed on the page.
draw: function()
Creates a Drag handler, using panMap and panMapDone as callbacks.
draw: function()
calls the default draw, and then activates mouse defaults.
draw: function()
calls the default draw, and then activates mouse defaults.
draw: function()
initializes the graticule layer and does the initial update
draw: function()
Draw the control.
draw: function()
Initialize control.
draw: function()
Create handler.
draw: function()
{DOMElement} A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the switcher tabs.
draw: function()
The draw method modifies the PanZoom control by removing the zoomworld button and changing the location and images of the zoomin and zoomout buttons.
draw: function()
draw: function()
draw: function()
Called when the control is added to the map.
draw: function()
calls the default draw, and then activates mouse defaults.
draw: function()
calls the default draw, and then activates mouse defaults.
draw: function()
Render the control in the browser.
draw: function()
draw: function(px)
draw: function(px)
draw: function()
draw: function()
calls the default draw, and then activates mouse defaults.
draw: function()
draw: function()
draw: function()
Draws the control.
draw: function()
draw: function()
draw: function()
Draw the control.
draw: function()
Draw the control.
draw: function()
{DOMElement} A reference to the DOMElement containing the zoom links.
draw: function()
draw: function(px)
Move the div to the given pixel.
draw: function()
Gathers the necessary tools and data, and passes it over to the renderer to be visualized.
draw: function(px)
Calls draw on the icon, and returns that output.
draw: function(px,
draw: function(px)
Constructs the elements that make up the marker.
draw: function(px)
Constructs the elements that make up the popup.
draw: function(px)
draw: function(deferred)
Clear whatever is currently in the tile, then return whether or not it should actually be re-drawn.
draw: function()
Check that a tile should be drawn, and draw it.
drawArrows: function (arrowsObj)
First removes any existing arrows on the specified route.
drawCenter: function()
drawCircle: function(limitRadius,
drawFeature: function(geometry)
drawFeature: function()
Render geometries on the temporary layer.
drawFeature: function()
Render features on the temporary layer.
drawFeature: function()
Render geometries on the temporary layer.
drawFeature: function(feature,
Draw (or redraw) a feature on the layer.
drawHandles: function()
Draws the handles to match the box.
drawItems: function()
Draw legend items.
drawItems: function(alertColors)
Draw legend items.
drawMarker: function(marker)
Calculate the pixel location for the marker, create it, and add it to the layer’s div
drawMarker: function(marker)
Calculate the pixel location for the marker, create it, and add it to the layer’s div
drawPivot: function()
drawTileFromQueue: function()
Draws the first tile from the tileQueue, and unqueues that tile
drawVectorArrows: function (arrowsObj)
First removes any existing arrows on the specified route.