Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 target, ALKMaps.Events.buttonclick
 targetFilter, ALKMaps.Control.Split
 targetSize, ALKMaps.Control.Graticule
 theme, ALKMaps.Map
 thousandsSeparator, ALKMaps.Number
 tile, ALKMaps.Layer.Image
 tileClass, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 tileLoadingDelay, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 tileOptions, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 tileOriginCorner, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 tileQueue, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 tileQueueId, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 timeoutId, ALKMaps.Handler.Drag
 titleRegEx, ALKMaps.Projection
 toggleKey, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 tokenRegEx, ALKMaps.String
 top, ALKMaps.Bounds
 topInUnits, ALKMaps.Control.ScaleLine
 topOutUnits, ALKMaps.Control.ScaleLine
 trackAttributes, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 transforms, ALKMaps.Projection
 transitionEffect, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 transparentOverlayLayer, ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap
 unrenderedFeatures, ALKMaps.Layer.Vector
 up, ALKMaps.Handler.Feature
 updateWithPOST, ALKMaps.Protocol.HTTP
 upperBoundary, ALKMaps.Filter.Comparison
 urlMap, ALKMaps.Control.CacheWrite.ALKMaps.Control.CacheWrite
 vertexRenderIntent, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 vertices, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 viewPortDiv, ALKMaps.Map
 VincentyConstants, Util
 virtualStyle, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 virtualVertices, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 visibility, ALKMaps.Layer
 w, ALKMaps.Size
 watch, ALKMaps.Control.BaseGeolocate
 waypointDefault, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 weatherAlertEvents, ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherAlerts
 wheelListener, ALKMaps.Handler.MouseWheel
 width, ALKMaps.Geometry.Rectangle
 writers, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 xmldom, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 yx, ALKMaps.Layer.WMS
{ALKMaps.Events} The events instance that the buttonclick event will be triggered on.
{ALKMaps.Filter} Optional filter that will be evaluated to determine if a feature from the target layer is eligible for splitting.
{Integer} The maximum size of the grid in pixels on the map
{String} Template for the attribution.
{String} Template for the infoWarning.
{String} Relative path to a CSS file from which to load theme styles.
Thousands separator to use when formatting numbers.
{Number} The threshold requirement for a cluster to be created.
{Number} The threshold requirement for a cluster to be created.
{Integer} Optional threshold below which original features will be added to the layer instead of clusters.
{Integer} Optional threshold below which original markers will be added to the layer instead of clusters.
{ALKMaps.Tile} The tile class to use for this layer.
{Integer} Number of milliseconds before we shift and load tiles when panning.
{Object} optional configuration options for ALKMaps.Tile instances created by this Layer, if supported by the tile class.
{ALKMaps.LonLat} Tile origin
{ALKMaps.LonLat} Optional origin for aligning the grid of tiles.
{String} If the tileOrigin property is not provided, the tile origin will be derived from the layer’s maxExtent.
{Array(ALKMaps.Tile)} Tiles queued for drawing.
{Number} The id of the drawTileFromQueue animation.
{Number} Width of the tile.
{ALKMaps.Size} Set in the map options to override the default tile size for this map.
{String} The id of the timeout used for the mousedown interval.
{Number} The id of the timer.
{Number} The id of the timer.
{Number} The id of the timeout waiting to clear the delayedCall.
{Integer} The timer used to test the double touch.
{string} This property is used for showing a tooltip over the Control.
{String} Title of this rule (set if included in SLD)
{String} Title of this style (set if included in SLD)
{String} Title of this style.
{RegExp} regular expression to strip the title from a proj4js definition
{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
{Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click.
{String} An event modifier (‘altKey’ or ‘shiftKey’) that temporarily sets the toggle property to true.
Used to find tokens in a string.
{Object} Used to add nearTheLinePointerClass to the viewport when mouse hovers over the line or within the tolerance distance to the line and not within toLineEnd distance when mouses moves closer to one of the line end.
{Number} Distance between the calculated intersection and a vertex on the source geometry below which the existing vertex will be used for the split.
{Number} Maximum vertical coordinate.
{String} Units for zoomed in on top bar.
{String} Units for zoomed out on top bar.
{Boolean} When a touchstart event is fired, touch will be true and all mouse related listeners will do nothing.
{Boolean} When a touchstart event is fired, touch will be true and all mouse related listeners will do nothing.
{Boolean} When a touchstart event is fired, touch will be true and all mouse related listeners will do nothing.
{Boolean} Indicates the support of touch events.
{Array} If extractTracks is true, points within gx:Track elements will be parsed as features with when, heading, tilt, and roll attributes.
{Object} Transforms is an object, with from properties, each of which may have a to property.
{String} The transition effect to use when the map is zoomed.
{ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap} Transparent overlay on satellite map.
{Number} Controls can have a ‘type’.
{Integer} ALKMaps.Control.TYPE_BUTTON.
{String} Note that this control is not intended to be added directly to a control panel.
{String} The type of ALKMaps.Control -- When added to a Control.Panel, ‘type’ is used by the panel to determine how to handle our events.
{String} The type of ALKMaps.Control -- When added to a Control.Panel, ‘type’ is used by the panel to determine how to handle our events.
{String} The type of ALKMaps.Control -- When added to a Control.Panel, ‘type’ is used by the panel to determine how to handle our events.
{String} The type of ALKMaps.Control -- When added to a Control.Panel, ‘type’ is used by the panel to determine how to handle our events.
{String} type: type of the comparison.
{String} Type to identify this filter.
{String} Type of spatial filter.
{String} The layer map units.
{String} The map units.
{Object} hash of features, keyed by, that the renderer failed to draw
{ALKMaps.Pixel} The location of the last mouseup.
{Boolean} true if update operations are done with POST requests defaults to false.
{Number} or {String} upper boundary for between comparisons.
{String} If this property is set it will be taken into account by {ALKMaps.HTTP} when updating or deleting the feature.
{String} image url
{String} URL of the image to use
{String} Service URL, read-only, set through the options passed to constructor.
{String} Service URL.
{String} url of the request.
{String} The URL of the image being requested.
{Object} Mapping of same origin urls to cache url keys.
{Boolean} true if we are currently using an IFrame to render POST responses, false if we are using an img element to render GET responses.
{Number} or {String} comparison value for binary comparisons.
{ALKMaps.Bounds || ALKMaps.Geometry} The bounds or geometry to be used by the filter.
{String} The renderIntent to use for vertices.
{Array(ALKMaps.Feature.Vector)} Verticies currently available for dragging.
{HTMLDivElement} The element that represents the map viewport
{Object} Constants for Vincenty functions.
{Object} A symbolizer to be used for virtual vertices.
{Array(ALKMaps.Feature.Vector)} Virtual vertices in the middle of each edge.
{Boolean} The layer should be displayed in the map.
{Boolean} should the graticule be initially visible (default=true)
Determines this control is allowed to be visible or not.
Determines this control is allowed to be visible or not.
Determines this control is allowed to be visible or not.
{Number} width
{Boolean} If true, position will be update regularly.
Property containing the location of an external image to be used as the default image for all waypoint handles.
An array of weather alerts
{Boolean} If true percent signs are added around values read from LIKE filters, for example if the protocol read method is passed a LIKE filter whose property is “foo” and whose value is “bar” the string “foo__ilike=%bar%” will be sent in the query string; defaults to false.
{Boolean} If true percent signs are added around values read from LIKE filters, for example if the protocol read method is passed a LIKE filter whose property is “foo” and whose value is “bar” the string “foo__ilike=%bar%” will be sent in the query string; defaults to false.
{Boolean} Wraps the world at the international dateline, so the map can be panned infinitely in longitudinal direction.
As a compliment to the readers property, this structure contains public writing functions grouped by namespace alias and named like the node names they produce.
{Number} The x coordinate
{XMLDom} If this browser uses ActiveX, this will be set to a XMLDOM object.
{Number} The y coordinate
{Object} Keys in this object are EPSG codes for which the axis order is to be reversed (yx instead of xy, LatLon instead of LonLat), with true as value.