Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 mapOptions, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 marker, ALKMaps.Feature
 markerClick, ALKMaps.Layer.Text
 markerConfig, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 markerStyle, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 matchCase, ALKMaps.Filter.Comparison
 maxDepth, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 maxFeatures, ALKMaps.Layer.PointGrid
 maxGetUrlLength, ALKMaps.Tile.Image
 maximized, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 maximizeDiv, ALKMaps.Control.LayerSwitcher
 maxPx, ALKMaps.Map
 maxRadius, ALKMaps.Control.CircleMeasure
 maxRatio, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 maxScaleDenominator, ALKMaps.Rule
 maxValueElement, ALKMaps.Control.HeatMapLegend
 maxVertices, ALKMaps.Handler.Path
 maxWidth, ALKMaps.Control.ScaleLine
 maxZoom, ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap(Leaflet)
 menuItems, ALKMaps.Control.ContextMenu
 metadata, ALKMaps.Layer
 minimizeDiv, ALKMaps.Control.LayerSwitcher
 minPx, ALKMaps.Map
 minRadius, ALKMaps.Control.CircleMeasure
 minRatio, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 minRectDisplayClass, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 minRectSize, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 minScaleDenominator, ALKMaps.Rule
 minSearchTextLength, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 minValueElement, ALKMaps.Control.HeatMapLegend
 minZoom, ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap(Leaflet)
 mode, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 mouseDown, ALKMaps.Handler.Point
 mouseDragStart, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 mouseOver, ALKMaps.Marker
 mouseoverLine, ALKMaps.Control.FeatureSlicer
 mousePosition, ALKMaps.Handler.MouseWheel
 mouseWheelOptions, ALKMaps.Control.Navigation
 moveTimerId, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 multiple, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 multipleKey, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 mutual, ALKMaps.Control.Split
 namespaceAlias, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 nativeJSON, ALKMaps.Format.JSON
 nearTheLinePointerClass, ALKMaps.Control.FeatureSlicer
 newline, ALKMaps.Format.JSON
 next, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 nextOptions, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 nextStack, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 noMagic, ALKMaps.Layer.WMS
 num, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging
 numberRegEx, ALKMaps.String
 numDigits, ALKMaps.Control.MousePosition
 numLoadingTiles, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 numPoints, ALKMaps.Control.Graticule
{ALKMaps.Map} this gets set in the addControl() function in ALKMaps.Map
{ALKMaps.Map} This variable is set when the layer is added to the map, via the accessor function setMap().
{L.Map} the map
{ALKMaps.Map} the map this marker is attached to
{ALKMaps.Map} this gets set when the marker is added to the map.
{ALKMaps.Map} this gets set in Map.js when the popup is added to the map
{Object} An object containing any non-default properties to be sent to the overview map’s map constructor.
{Object} Location marker configuration.
{Array(ALKMaps.Marker2)} internal marker list
{Array(ALKMaps.Marker2)} Cached markers.
{Object} Marker style.
{Boolean} Force case sensitive searches for EQUAL_TO and NOT_EQUAL_TO comparisons.
{Integer} Maximum depth for recursive loading external KML URLs Defaults to 0: do no external fetching
{<ALKMaps.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
{<ALKMaps.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
{Number} The maximum number of points to generate in the grid.
{Number} If set, requests that would result in GET urls with more characters than the number provided will be made using form-encoded HTTP POST.
{Boolean} Start as maximized (visible).
{Object} An object with a ‘x’ and ‘y’ values that is the top right of maxExtent in viewport pixel space.
{Float} The ratio of the overview map resolution to the main map resolution at which to zoom farther in on the overview map.
{Float} Default max is 360 deg / 256 px, which corresponds to zoom level 0 on gmaps.
{Float} Required if you are not displaying the whole world on a tile with the size specified in tileSize.
{Number} or {String} maximum scale at which to draw the feature.
{ALKMaps.Size} Maximum size allowed for the marker’s contents.
{ALKMaps.Size} Maximum size allowed for the popup’s contents.
{Number} the maximum size of the queue.
For maximum value
{Number} The maximum number of vertices which can be drawn by this handler.
{Integer} Maximum width of the scale line in pixels.
{Number} Leaflet.TileLayer maximum zoom setting.
{Number} Indicates the maximum zoom level at which vectors will be clustered.
{Number} Indicates the maximum zoom level at which markers will be clustered.
{Object} This object can be used to store additional information on a layer object.
{<ALKMaps.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
{<ALKMaps.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
{Object} An object with a ‘x’ and ‘y’ values that is the lower left of maxExtent in viewport pixel space.
{Float} The ratio of the overview map resolution to the main map resolution at which to zoom farther out on the overview map.
{String} Replacement style class name for the extent rectangle when minRectSize is reached.
{Integer} The minimum width or height (in pixels) of the extent rectangle on the overview map.
{Number} or {String} minimum scale at which to draw the feature.
{Number} If search text is longer than this value, then starts search.
{ALKMaps.Size} Minimum size allowed for the marker’s contents.
{ALKMaps.Size} Minimum size allowed for the popup’s contents.
For minimum value
{Number} Leaflet.TileLayer minimum zoom setting.
{Number} Minimum zoom level for requesting sites.
{Number} Minimum zoom level for requesting traffic incidents.
{Integer} Bitfields specifying the modification mode.
{Boolean} The currently selected feature has been modified.
{Object} An object with the originals of the geometry and attributes of the feature, if they were changed.
{Boolean} The mouse is down
{Boolean} When a label is supplied, if mouseOver is true, label will show; otherwise label will always show.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know the line and mouse positions and the distance between the two when mouse hovers over the line or mouse is closer to the line within tolerance.toLine value.
{ALKMaps.Pixel} mousePosition is necessary because evt.clientX/Y is buggy in Moz on wheel events, so we cache and use the value from the last mousemove.
{Object} Options passed to the MouseWheel control (only useful if zoomWheelEnabled is set to true)
{Number} The id of the deferMoveGriddedTiles timer.
{Boolean} Cast features to multi-part geometries before passing to the layer.
{Boolean} Cast features to multi-part geometries before passing to the layer.
{Boolean} Allow selection of multiple geometries.
{String} An event modifier (‘altKey’ or ‘shiftKey’) that temporarily sets the multiple property to true.
{Boolean} If source and target layers are the same, split source features and target features where they intersect.
{String} Name of the function.
{String} name of this rule
{String} Style identifier.
{Object} Mapping of namespace URI to namespace alias.
{Object} Mapping of namespace aliases to namespace URIs.
{Object} Mapping of namespace aliases to namespace URIs.
{Boolean} Does the browser support native json?
{String} Style class name when mouse hovers over the line or within tolerance distance to the line.
{String} For “pretty” printing, the newline string will be used at the end of each name/value pair or array item.
{ALKMaps.Control} A button type control whose trigger method restores the next state managed by this control.
{Object} Set this property on the options argument of the constructor to set optional properties on the next control.
{Array} Array of items in the history.
{Boolean} If true, the image format will not be automagicaly switched from image/jpeg to image/png or image/gif when using TRANSPARENT=TRUE.
{Integer} The currently displayed page number.
Used to test strings as numbers.
{Integer} How many tiles are still loading?
{Integer} The number of points to use in each graticule line.
{Integer} Number of zoom levels for the map.