Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 object, ALKMaps.Events
 observers, ALKMaps.Event
 oldOnselectstart, ALKMaps.Handler.Drag
 onBeforeSelect, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 onDrop, ALKMaps.Control.DragFeatureData
 onLeave, ALKMaps.Control.DragFeature
 onLineDrawn, ALKMaps.Control.FeatureSlicer
 onLineMoved, ALKMaps.Control.FeatureSlicer
 onLineStretched, ALKMaps.Control.FeatureSlicer
 onModification, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 onModificationEnd, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 onModificationStart, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 onSelect, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 onUnselect, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 optionControl, ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherAlerts
 optionDisplayClass, ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherAlerts
 originDefault, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 out, ALKMaps.Control.ZoomBox
 outTarget, ALKMaps.Control.DragFeatureData
 overTarget, ALKMaps.Control.DragFeatureData
 overTheLineEndsPointerClass, ALKMaps.Control.FeatureSlicer
 ovmap, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
{Object} the code object issuing application events
{DOMelement|String} The DOM element to handle keys for.
{DOMElement|String} The DOM element on which we listen for key events.
{Object} A hashtable cache of the event observers.
{<ALKMaps.Pixel>|Object} distance in pixels to offset the image when being rendered.
{ALKMaps.Pixel} Label offset in pixel.
{Function} Optional function to be called before a feature is selected.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a feature is done dragging.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a feature is done dragging.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know about each move of a feature.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know about each move of a feature.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when the source has been dropped on target.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when the mouse goes over a feature and thereby makes this feature a candidate for dragging.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when the mouse goes over a feature and thereby makes this feature a candidate for dragging.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when the mouse goes out of the feature that was dragged.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a line has been drawn.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a line has been moved.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a line has been stretched.
{Function} Deprecated.
{Function} Deprecated.
{Function} Deprecated.
{Function} Optional function to be called when a feature is selected.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a drag starts.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when a drag starts.
{Function} Optional function to be called when a feature is unselected.
{Float} The layer’s opacity.
{Number} Opacity of the heat map.
{Number} opacity of the weather image
{float} the opacity of this marker (between 0.0 and 1.0)
{float} the opacity of this popup (between 0.0 and 1.0)
{DOMElement} Option control.
{String} CSS class name can be used to override default style for the option control.
{Object} A reference to options passed to the constructor.
{Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on the layer.
{Object} The options object passed to the class constructor.
{Object} Any options sent to the constructor.
{Object} Any options sent to the constructor.
{ALKMaps.Geometry.Point} Location of the first mouse down
{ALKMaps.LonLat} Grid origin.
Property containing the location of an external image to be used as the default image for all origin handles.
{Boolean} Should the control be used for zooming out?
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when the source goes out a target.
{Function} Define this function if you want to know when the source goes over a target.
{String} Style class name when mouse hovers over line end markers.
{ALKMaps.Map} A reference to the overview map itself.