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 paddingForPopups, ALKMaps.Map
 page, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging
 pageCount, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging
 pageLength, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging
 pageNext, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging
 pageNum, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging
 pagePosition, Util
 pagePrevious, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging
 paging, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging
 Paging, ALKMaps.Strategy.Paging.ALKMaps.Strategy
 pan, ALKMaps.Map
 Pan, ALKMaps.Control.Pan.ALKMaps.Control
 panDuration, ALKMaps.Map
 Panel, ALKMaps.Control.Panel.ALKMaps.Control
 panIcons, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 panIntoView, ALKMaps.Popup
 panMap, ALKMaps.Control.DragPan
 panMapDone, ALKMaps.Control.DragPan
 panMapStart, ALKMaps.Control.DragPan
 panMethod, ALKMaps.Map
 panned, ALKMaps.Control.DragPan
 PanPanel, ALKMaps.Control.PanPanel.ALKMaps.Control
 panRatio, ALKMaps.Map
 panTo, ALKMaps.Map
 panTween, ALKMaps.Map
 PanZoom, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoom.ALKMaps.Control
 PanZoomBar, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar.ALKMaps.Control
 parent, ALKMaps.Geometry
 parse, ALKMaps.Date
 parseAttributes, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 parseCoords, ALKMaps.Format.GeoJSON
 parseExtendedData, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 parseKmlColor, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 parseLinks, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 parseProperty, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 parseStyle, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 parseStyleMaps, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 parseStyles, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 passesDblclickTolerance, ALKMaps.Handler.Click
 passEventToSlider, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 Path, ALKMaps.Handler.Path.ALKMaps.Handler
 pendingRequests, ALKMaps.Protocol.Script
 Permalink, ALKMaps.Control.Permalink.ALKMaps.Control
 Pinch, ALKMaps.Handler.Pinch.ALKMaps.Handler
 pinchDone, ALKMaps.Control.PinchZoom
 pinching, ALKMaps.Handler.Pinch
 pinchMove, ALKMaps.Control.PinchZoom
 pinchOrigin, ALKMaps.Control.PinchZoom
 pinchStart, ALKMaps.Control.PinchZoom
 PinchZoom, ALKMaps.Control.PinchZoom.ALKMaps.Control
 pivotIcon, ALKMaps.Control.CircleMeasure
 Pixel, ALKMaps.Pixel.ALKMaps
 placeholderText, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 placemarksDesc, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 POI, ALKMaps.Layer.POI.ALKMaps.Layer
 POI_ICONS, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch(Leaflet)
 poiFeatures, ALKMaps.Layer.POI
 PointGrid, ALKMaps.Layer.PointGrid.ALKMaps.Layer
 PointMenu, ALKMaps.Control.PointMenu.ALKMaps.Control
 pointName, ALKMaps.Control.PointMenu
 points, ALKMaps.Layer.HeatMap
 pointSize, ALKMaps.Control.PointMenu
 poiRadiusSearch, ALKMaps.Services
 popup, ALKMaps.Feature
 Popup, ALKMaps.Popup.ALKMaps
 popupClass, ALKMaps.Feature
 popupConfig, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 popups, ALKMaps.Map
 positionTile, ALKMaps.Tile.Image
 postDerivedRoutePath, ALKMaps.Services
 postDerivedRouteReports, ALKMaps.Services
 postRailRoutePath, ALKMaps.Services
 postReports, ALKMaps.Services
 postRoutePath, ALKMaps.Services
 postRoutePathRaw, ALKMaps.Services
 precedence, ALKMaps.Control.Snapping
 precision, Util
 preFeatureInsert, ALKMaps.Layer.Vector
 prefix, ALKMaps.Control.MousePosition
 preload, ALKMaps.Strategy.Fixed
 preserveAspectRatio, ALKMaps.Control.TransformFeature
 pretty, ALKMaps.Format.JSON
 previous, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 previousOptions, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 previousStack, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 previousTrigger, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 priv, ALKMaps.Protocol.Response
 proj, ALKMaps.Projection
 projCode, ALKMaps.Projection
 Projection, ALKMaps.Projection.ALKMaps
 propertyStyles, ALKMaps.Style
 protocol, ALKMaps.Layer.Vector
 Protocol, ALKMaps.Protocol.ALKMaps
{int or ALKMaps.Bounds} An extra opportunity to specify internal padding of the content div inside the marker.
{int or ALKMaps.Bounds} An extra opportunity to specify internal padding of the content div inside the popup.
{ALKMaps.Bounds} Outside margin of the popup.
page: function(start,
Display the page starting at the given index from the cache.
pageCount: function()
Get the total count of pages given the current cache of features.
pageLength: function(newLength)
Gets or sets page length.
pageNext: function(event)
Display the next page of features.
pageNum: function()
Get the zero based page number.
ALKMaps.Util.pagePosition = function (forElement)
Calculates the position of an element on the page
pagePrevious: function()
Display the previous page of features.
{Boolean} The strategy is currently changing pages.
Create a new paging strategy.
pan: function(dx,
Allows user to pan by a value of screen pixels
Control which handles the panning (in any of the cardinal directions) of the map by a set px distance.
{Integer} The number of steps to be passed to the ALKMaps.Tween.start() method when the map is panned.
Create a new control panel.
{Boolean} Set this property to false not to display the pan icons.
panIntoView: function()
Pans the map such that the popup is totally viewable (if necessary)
{Boolean} Indicates whether or not the handler currently has a lock on panning the map.
{Boolean} Indicates something is being dragged across the map and therefore panning should be locked.
panMap: function(xy)
panMapDone: function(xy)
Finish the panning operation.
{Boolean} When drawn, pan map such that the entire popup is visible in the current viewport (if necessary).
{Boolean} Framed Cloud does pan into view by default.
panMapStart: function()
{Function} The Easing function to be used for tweening.
{Boolean} The map moved.
Add the four directional pan buttons.
{Float} The ratio of the current extent within which panning will tween.
panTo: function(lonlat)
Allows user to pan to a new lonlat If the new lonlat is in the current extent the map will slide smoothly
{ALKMaps.Tween} Animated panning tween object, see panTo()
{Array(ALKMaps.Filter.Function || String || Number)} Function parameters For now support only other Functions, String or Number
{Object} Parameters of GET requests, read-only, set through the options passed to the constructor, Example: {‘bbox’: ‘5,5,5,5’}
{Object} Query string parameters to be appended to the URL.
{ALKMaps.Geometry}This is set when a Geometry is added as component of another geometry
parse: function(str)
Generate a date object from a string.
parseAttributes: function(node)
Object with properties corresponding to the GeoJSON geometry types.
parseData: function(data,
Read data from a string, and return a list of features.
parseData: function(ajaxRequest)
parseExtendedData: function(node)
Parse ExtendedData from KML.
parseFeature: function(obj)
Convert a feature object from GeoJSON into an ALKMaps.Feature.Vector.
parseFeature: function(node)
This function is the core of the KML parsing code in ALKMaps.
parseFeatures: function(nodes,
Loop through all Placemark nodes and parse them.
parseFeatures: function(request)
Read HTTP response body and return features.
parseFeatures: function(data)
Read Script response body and return features.
parseGeometry: function(obj)
Convert a geometry object from GeoJSON into an ALKMaps.Geometry.
Properties of this object are the functions that parse geometries based on their type.
parseKmlColor: function(kmlColor)
Parses a kml color (in ‘aabbggrr’ format) and returns the corresponding color and opacity or null if the color is invalid.
parseLinks: function(nodes,
Finds URLs of linked KML documents and fetches them
parseProperty: function(xmlNode,
Convenience method to find a node and return its value
parseStyle: function(node)
Parses the children of a Style node and builds the style hash accordingly
parseStyleMaps: function(nodes,
Looks for Style nodes in the data and parses them Also parses StyleMap nodes, but only uses the ‘normal’ key
parseStyles: function(nodes,
Looks for Style nodes in the data and parses them Also parses StyleMap nodes, but only uses the ‘normal’ key
passesDblclickTolerance: function(evt)
Determine whether the event is within the optional double-click pixel tolerance.
passesTolerance: function(evt)
Determine whether the event is within the optional pixel tolerance.
passesTolerance: function(px)
Determine whether the mouse move is within the optional pixel tolerance.
passesTolerance: function(pixel1,
Determine whether the event is within the optional pixel tolerance.
This function is used to pass events that happen on the div, or the map, through to the slider, which then does its moving thing.
Create a new path hander
{Object} References all pending requests.
{Boolean} Keep the temporary measurement sketch drawn after the measurement is complete.
{Boolean} Leave the feature rendered until destroyFeature is called.
{Boolean} Leave the feature rendered until clear is called.
Returns ALKMaps.Handler.Pinch
pinchDone: function(evt,
pinchMove: function(evt,
{Object} Cached object representing the pinch start (in pixels).
pinchStart: function(evt,
Create a control for zooming with pinch gestures.
{Object} Options passed to the PinchZoom control.
{Object} Options passed to the PinchZoom control.
{ALKMaps.Icon} The pivot icon of the circle
Create a new ALKMaps.Pixel instance
{Number} Maximum number of pixels between mouseup and mousedown for an event to be considered a click.
{Number} Maximum number of pixels between down and up (mousedown and mouseup, or touchstart and touchend) for the handler to add a new point.
{String} Place holder text for the search box.
{String} Name of the placemarks.
Create a markers layer for drawing and managing POI objects.
{Object} POI icons
Property containing array of POI features currently on the layer.
{ALKMaps.Geometry.Point} The currently snapped vertex.
Return an array of coordinates from a point.
Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an ALKMaps.Geometry.
Given an ALKMaps point geometry, create a KML point.
Given a KML node representing a point geometry, create an ALKMaps point geometry.
{ALKMaps.Feature.Vector} The currently drawn point
Construct a point geometry.
Create a new point handler.
Create a symbolizer for rendering points.
Creates a new point grid layer.
{String} drawing type name.
{Number} Pixel radius used when drawing each of the points.
{Number} Pixel point radius.
{Array<ALKMaps.LonLat>} List of points used to draw the heat map
{Number} drawing size.
services.poiRadiusSearch = function (params)
Gets points of interest within a specified radius of a given point.
Return an array of linear ring arrays from a polygon.
Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an ALKMaps.Geometry.
Given an ALKMaps polygon geometry, create a KML polygon.
Given a KML node representing a polygon geometry, create an ALKMaps polygon geometry.
Constructor for a Polygon geometry.
Create a Polygon Handler.
Create a symbolizer for rendering polygons.
Create a popup.
{ALKMaps.Class} The class which will be used to instantiate a new Popup.
{Object} Popup property configuration.
{Array(ALKMaps.Popup)} List of popups associated with the map
{ALKMaps.Pixel} Top Left pixel of the tile
{Object} Hash of different position blocks (Object/Hashs).
{Object} Hash of different position blocks, keyed by relativePosition two-character code string (ie “tl”, “tr”, “bl”, “br”)
positionTile: function()
Using the properties currently set on the layer, position the tile correctly.
services.postDerivedRoutePath = function (inputs)
Retrieve a list of reduce trip coordinates in GeoJson format based on a series of longitudes/latitude pings and off route mileages window.
services.postDerivedRouteReports = function (inputs)
The postDerivedRouteReports operation will return either mileage or detail report for the reduced trip based upon a series of latitude/longitudes pings.
services.postRailRoutePath = function (params)
Takes stops objects and route options, return lat/lons in geo json.
services.postReports = function (inputs)
Takes coords objects and report options, return total time and total distance synchronously.
services.postRoutePath = function (inputs)
Takes coords objects and route options, return lat/lons for the route path.
services.postRoutePathRaw = function (inputs)
Same as services.postRoutePath function.
{Array} List representing precedence of different snapping types.
{Number} The number of significant digits to retain to avoid floating point precision errors.
preFeatureInsert: function(feature)
method called before a feature is inserted.
{Boolean} Load data before layer made visible.
{Boolean} set to true to not change the feature’s aspect ratio.
{Boolean} Serialize with extra whitespace for structure.
{ALKMaps.Control} A button type control whose trigger method restores the previous state managed by this control.
{Object} Set this property on the options argument of the constructor to set optional properties on the previous control.
{Array} List of items in the history.
previousTrigger: function()
Restore the previous state.
{Object} Proj4js.Proj instance.
{String} Support “EPSG:4326” or “EPSG:900913”
{ALKMaps.Projection} or {String} Specifies the projection of the layer.
{String} Map projection code.
{String} Use Spherical Mercator for RoadSurface.
{String} Use Spherical Mercator for traffic.
{String} Map projection code.
{String} Map projection code.
{String} Set in the map options to specify the default projection for layers added to this map.
This class offers several methods for interacting with a wrapped pro4js projection object.
{String} name of the context property to compare
{String} Name of the context property to compare.
{Hash of Boolean} cache of style properties that need to be parsed for propertyNames.
{ALKMaps.Protocol} Optional protocol for the layer.
Abstract class for vector protocols.
{String} Default is “RC1”.
{String} Default is “RC1”.
{<ALKMaps.Pixel>|Object} An ALKMaps.Pixel or an object with a ‘x’ and ‘y’ properties.