$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 h, ALKMaps.Size
 handle, ALKMaps.Handler.Feature
 handleAdd, ALKMaps.Strategy.Filter
 handleBrowserEvent, ALKMaps.Events
 handleCreate, ALKMaps.Protocol.HTTP
 handleDelete, ALKMaps.Protocol.HTTP
 handleDouble, ALKMaps.Handler.Click
 handleKeyEvent, ALKMaps.Handler.Keyboard
 handleKeypress, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 handleMapEvents, ALKMaps.Handler.Feature
 Handler, ALKMaps.Handler.ALKMaps
 handleRemove, ALKMaps.Strategy.Filter
 handles, ALKMaps.Control.TransformFeature
 handleSingle, ALKMaps.Handler.Click
 handleUpdate, ALKMaps.Protocol.HTTP
 hasAttributeNS, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 hasClass, ALKMaps.Element
 headers, ALKMaps.Protocol.HTTP
 HeatMap, ALKMaps.Layer.HeatMap.ALKMaps.Layer
 height, ALKMaps.Geometry.Rectangle
 hexToRgb, Util
 hideLoading, ALKMaps.Map
 hideMenu, ALKMaps.Control.ContextMenu
 hideResults, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 highlight, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 highlightOnly, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 histDay, ALKMaps.Layer.Traffic(Leaflet)
 histTimeBin, ALKMaps.Layer.Traffic(Leaflet)
 histTimeZone, ALKMaps.Layer.Traffic(Leaflet)
 holeModifier, ALKMaps.Handler.Polygon
 hourOffset, ALKMaps.Layer.RoadSurface
 hover, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 Hover, ALKMaps.Handler.Hover.ALKMaps.Handler
 How to make your first map
 HTTP, ALKMaps.Protocol.HTTP.ALKMaps.Protocol
{Number} height
handle: function(evt)
handleAdd: function(event)
handleBrowserEvent: function (evt)
Basically just a wrapper to the triggerEvent() function, but takes care to set a property ‘xy’ on the event with the current mouse position.
handleCreate: function(resp,
Called the the request issued by create is complete.
handleDelete: function(resp,
Called the the request issued by delete is complete.
handleDouble: function(evt)
Handle double-click sequence.
handleKeyEvent: function (evt)
handleKeypress: function(evt)
Called by the feature handler on keypress.
handleMapEvents: function(evt)
{ALKMaps.Handler} null
{ALKMaps.Handler.Path} The temporary sketch handler created if no source layer is provided.
Construct a handler.
handleRead: function(resp,
Individual callbacks are created for read, create and update, should a subclass need to override each one separately.
handleRead: function(response,
Individual callbacks are created for read, create and update, should a subclass need to override each one separately.
handleRemove: function(event)
handleResponse: function(resp,
Called by CRUD specific handlers.
handleResponse: function(response,
Called by CRUD specific handlers.
{Boolean} Whether or not to handle right clicks.
{Boolean} Whether or not to handle right clicks.
{Boolean} Whether or not to handle right clicks.
{Object} Used to set non-default properties on the control’s handler
{Object} Used to set non-default properties on the control’s handler
{Object} Object with references to multiple ALKMaps.Handler instances.
{Array(ALKMaps.Feature.Vector)} The 8 handles currently available for scaling/resizing.
handleSingle: function(evt)
Handle single click sequence.
handleUpdate: function(resp,
Called the the request issued by update is complete.
hasAttributeNS: function(node,
Determine whether a node has a particular attribute matching the given name and namespace.
hasClass: function(element,
Tests if an element has the given CSS class name.
Legend title header
Legend title header
Option title header
{Object} HTTP request headers, read-only, set through the options passed to the constructor, Example: {‘Content-Type’: ‘plain/text’}
A class for heat map layer.
ALKMaps.Util.hexToRgb = function (hex)
Converts hex to rgb.
hide: function()
Makes the marker invisible.
hide: function()
Makes the popup invisible.
hideLoading: function(evt)
hideMenu: function ()
Hides the context menu.
{Boolean} Hide results list or not when a result item is clicked on or enter key is pressed on a focused item.
highlight: function(feature)
Redraw feature with the select style.
{Boolean} If true do not actually select features (that is place them in the layer’s selected features array), just highlight them.
{String} Day of the week for historical traffic data spelled out in English.
{integer} Time “bin” for the historical traffic data.
{String} Time zone offset, see ISO 8601 for more details.
{String} Key modifier to trigger hole digitizing.
{Number} An hour offset for which road surface tiles are desired.
{Boolean} Select on mouse over and deselect on mouse out.
Construct a hover handler.
In an HTML file you must include the following JavaScript file.
A class for giving layers generic HTTP protocol.