S | |
safeScroll, ALKMaps.Map | |
save, ALKMaps. | |
Save, ALKMaps. | |
saveState, ALKMaps. | |
scale | |
Scale, ALKMaps. | |
ScaleLine, ALKMaps. | |
scales, ALKMaps. | |
scope | |
Script, ALKMaps. | |
searchCompleted, ALKMaps. | |
searchFailed, ALKMaps. | |
searchOption, ALKMaps. | |
segmentsIntersect, ALKMaps. | |
select, ALKMaps. | |
selectAlertFeatures, ALKMaps. | |
selectBox, ALKMaps. | |
selectControl, ALKMaps. | |
selectedFeature, ALKMaps. | |
selectedFeatures, ALKMaps. | |
selectFeature, ALKMaps. | |
SelectFeature, ALKMaps. | |
selectStyle, ALKMaps. | |
separator | |
serialize, ALKMaps. | |
serverResolutions | |
Services | |
setAlertFilters, ALKMaps. | |
setAttributeNS, ALKMaps. | |
setAttributes, ALKMaps. | |
setBackgroundColor | |
setBaseLayer, ALKMaps.Map | |
setBorder | |
setBounds | |
setCategoryVisibility, ALKMaps. | |
setCenter | |
setContent | |
setContentHTML | |
setDataset, ALKMaps. | |
setDefaultStyle, ALKMaps. | |
setDraggable, ALKMaps. | |
setEvent, ALKMaps. | |
setFeature, ALKMaps. | |
setFeatureState, ALKMaps. | |
setFilter, ALKMaps. | |
setImgSrc, ALKMaps. | |
setImmediate, ALKMaps. | |
setIsBaseLayer, ALKMaps. | |
setLabel, ALKMaps. | |
setLabelVisibility, ALKMaps. | |
setLayer | |
setLayerIndex, ALKMaps.Map | |
setLayerZIndex, ALKMaps.Map | |
setListeners, ALKMaps. | |
setMap ALKMaps. | |
setMarkerConfig, ALKMaps. | |
setMarkerStyle, ALKMaps. | |
setMaxFeatures, ALKMaps. | |
setName, ALKMaps. | |
setNamespace, ALKMaps. | |
setOpacity | |
setOptions | |
setOrigin, ALKMaps. | |
setPoints, ALKMaps. | |
setPopupConfig, ALKMaps. | |
setRatio, ALKMaps. | |
setRectPxBounds, ALKMaps. | |
setRegion | |
setRotation, ALKMaps. | |
setRouteHandle, ALKMaps. | |
setRouteHandleVisibility | |
setRouteVisibility | |
setSatelliteImageSource, ALKMaps. | |
setSearchOption | |
setSize | |
setSource, ALKMaps. | |
setSpacing, ALKMaps. | |
setStyle, ALKMaps. | |
setTargets, ALKMaps. | |
setTileSize | |
setUrl | |
setVisibility | |
setZIndex, ALKMaps. | |
shiftColumn, ALKMaps. | |
shiftRange, ALKMaps. | |
shiftRow, ALKMaps. | |
shouldCluster | |
shouldDraw, ALKMaps.Tile | |
show | |
showCheckedFeatures, ALKMaps. | |
showControls, ALKMaps. | |
showLoading, ALKMaps.Map | |
showMapLoadingIcon, ALKMaps.Map | |
showMenu, ALKMaps. | |
showToggle, ALKMaps. | |
sides, ALKMaps. | |
simpleGeocode | |
SimplePopup, ALKMaps. | |
simplify, ALKMaps. | |
single, ALKMaps. | |
singleSearch, ALKMaps. | |
singleSearchGet, ALKMaps. | |
singleSearchGetCountryTypes, ALKMaps. | |
singleSearchGetRegions, ALKMaps. | |
singleTile | |
singleTouchPanMap, ALKMaps. | |
Sites, ALKMaps. | |
siteType, ALKMaps. | |
size | |
Size, ALKMaps. | |
sizeAdjustment, ALKMaps. | |
sketchStyle, ALKMaps. | |
slideFactor | |
slider, ALKMaps. | |
slideRatio | |
sliderEvents, ALKMaps. | |
snapAngle, ALKMaps. | |
Snapping, ALKMaps. | |
snapToggle, ALKMaps. | |
source, ALKMaps. | |
sourceFilter, ALKMaps. | |
sourceOptions, ALKMaps. | |
space, ALKMaps. | |
Spatial, ALKMaps. | |
Spherical | |
sphericalMecator, ALKMaps. | |
sphericalMercator | |
split | |
Split, ALKMaps. | |
splitWith | |
splitWithSegment, ALKMaps. | |
srsInBBOX | |
standalone, ALKMaps. | |
start | |
startBox, ALKMaps. | |
started | |
startEvt, ALKMaps. | |
startRegEx, ALKMaps. | |
startsWith, ALKMaps. | |
state, ALKMaps. | |
statePolygons, ALKMaps. | |
stop | |
stopClick, ALKMaps. | |
stopDouble, ALKMaps. | |
stopDown | |
stopMove, ALKMaps. | |
stopObserving, ALKMaps. | |
stopObservingElement, ALKMaps. | |
stoppedDown, ALKMaps. | |
stopSingle, ALKMaps. | |
stopUp | |
strategies | |
Strategy, ALKMaps. | |
string, ALKMaps. | |
strokeColor | |
strokeDashstyle | |
strokeLinecap | |
strokeOpacity | |
strokeWidth | |
style | |
Style, ALKMaps. | |
Style2, ALKMaps. | |
styleBaseUrl, ALKMaps. | |
styleMap | |
StyleMap, ALKMaps. | |
styles | |
success, ALKMaps. | |
suffix, ALKMaps. | |
symbolizer, ALKMaps.Rule | |
Symbolizer, ALKMaps. | |
symbolizers, ALKMaps.Rule |
safeScroll: function()
Tell the layer protocol to commit unsaved features.
save: function( features )
Scales the bounds around a pixel or lonlat.
scale: function( ratio, origin )
Default method for handling successful search.
searchCompleted: function( resp )
Default method for handling failed search.
searchFailed: function( resp )
Determine whether two line segments intersect.
ALKMaps.Geometry.segmentsIntersect = function( seg1, seg2, options )
Add feature to the layer’s selectedFeature array, render the feature as selected, and call the onSelect function.
select: function( feature )
Gets all weather alert features with the same event name.
selectAlertFeatures: function( feature, selectControl, addPopup )
Callback from the handlers.box set up when box selection is true on.
selectBox: function( position )
Select a feature for modification in standalone mode.
selectFeature: function( feature )
Updates all alert filter items at once.
setAlertFilters: function( filter )
Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the given namespace and name.
setAttributeNS: function( node, uri, name, value )
Set multiple attributes given key value pairs from an object.
setAttributes: function( node, obj )
Sets the background color of the marker.
setBackgroundColor:function( color )
Sets the background color of the popup.
setBackgroundColor:function( color )
setBackgroundColor:function( color )
setBackgroundColor:function( color )
Allows user to specify one of the currently-loaded layers as the Map’s new base layer.
setBaseLayer: function( newBaseLayer )
Allow the user to change the box’s color and border width
setBorder: function ( color, width )
Sets the border style of the marker.
setBorder:function( border )
Sets the border style of the popup.
setBorder:function( border )
Always sets border to 0.
setBorder:function( border )
Set the bounds for this Geometry.
setBounds: function( bounds )
Sets the bounds on this instance
setBounds: function( bounds )
Set visibility of all POI features from the layer that are in the given category.
setCategoryVisibility: function ( category, show )
As soon as a baseLayer has been loaded, we center and zoom ...and remove the handler.
setCenter: function()
Set the map center (and optionally, the zoom level).
setCenter: function( lonlat, zoom, dragging, forceZoomChange )
Initialize drawergroups and then add map drawers.
setContent: function ( content )
Initialize drawergroups and then add map drawers.
setContent: function ( content )
Allows the user to set the HTML content of the marker.
setContentHTML:function( contentHTML )
Allows the user to set the HTML content of the popup.
setContentHTML:function( contentHTML )
sets/changes dataset of the map
setDataset: function ( dataset )
Sets the default style for this style object.
setDefaultStyle: function( style )
Sets the layer’s ability to have routes be modified by dragging.
setDraggable: function( isDraggable )
With each registered browser event, the handler sets its own evt property.
setEvent: function( evt )
Place the transformation box on a feature and start transforming it.
setFeature: function( feature, initialParams )
Called when the feature is modified.
setFeatureState: function()
Update the filter for this strategy.
setFilter: function( filter )
Sets the source for the tile image
setImgSrc: function( url )
Sets the immediate property.
setImmediate: function( immediate )
setIsBaseLayer: function( isBaseLayer )
Set new label
setLabel: function ( label )
Toggle label visibility
setLabelVisibility: function ( visibility )
Attach a new layer to the control, overriding any existing layers.
setLayer: function( layers )
Attach a new layer to the control, overriding any existing layers.
setLayer: function( layers )
Set the editable layer.
setLayer: function( layer )
Called to set the layer property.
setLayer: function( layer )
Move the given layer to the specified (zero-based) index in the layer list, changing its z-index in the map display.
setLayerIndex: function ( layer, idx )
setLayerZIndex: function ( layer, zIdx )
Sets functions to be registered in the listeners object.
setListeners: function()
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control, and register map events.
setMap: function ( map )
Set the map property for the control and all handlers.
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control and all handlers.
setMap: function( map )
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control and all handlers.
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control and previous and next child controls.
setMap: function( map )
setMap: function( map )
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function( map )
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function( map )
Sets map and the geocoding layer to the map.
setMap: function( map )
setMap: function( map )
Attaches button click event here.
setMap: function( map )
setMap: function ( map )
setMap: function ( map )
Set the map property for the layer.
setMap: function( map )
The layer has been added to the map.
setMap: function ( map )
setMap: function( map )
Forces this layer having the same projection as the map.
setMap: function ( map )
setMap: function( map )
Retrieve and set the height and width properties from the map, register the moveend event so that layer will update, and draw the layer.
setMap: function( map )
setMap: function( map )
The layer has been added to the map.
setMap: function( map )
setMap: function ( map )
The layer has been added to the map.
setMap: function()
Forces this layer having the same projection as the map.
setMap: function( map )
setMap: function ( map )
Forces this layer having the same projection as the map.
setMap: function( map )
Forces this layer having the same projection as the map.
setMap: function( map )
The layer has been added to the map.
setMap: function( map )
Add the option control for each weather alerts layer.
setMap: function( map )
When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin (if we don’t have one.)
setMap: function( map )
When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin (if we don’t have one.)
setMap: function( map )
Sets location marker configuration properties.
setMarkerConfig: function( key, value )
Sets location marker icon style configuration properties.
setMarkerStyle: function( key, value )
Set the grid maxFeatures property and update the grid.
setMaxFeatures: function( maxFeatures )
Sets the new layer name for this layer.
setName: function( newName )
Set a namespace alias and URI for the format.
setNamespace: function( alias, uri )
Change the icon’s opacity
setOpacity: function( opacity )
Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
setOpacity: function( opacity )
Sets the opacity for all the markers.
setOpacity: function( opacity )
Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
setOpacity: function( opacity )
Change the opacity of the marker by changing the opacity of its icon
setOpacity: function( opacity )
Sets the opacity of the marker.
setOpacity:function( opacity )
Sets the opacity of the popup.
setOpacity:function( opacity )
setOpacity:function( opacity )
Sets the opacity of the popup.
setOpacity:function( opacity )
setOptions: function ( newOptions )
Change the map options
setOptions: function( options )
Set the grid origin property and update the grid.
setOrigin: function( origin )
Set the points used to draw the heat map.
setPoints: function( points )
Sets popup configuration properties.
setPopupConfig: function( key, value )
Set the grid ratio property and update the grid.
setRatio: function( ratio )
Set extent rectangle pixel bounds.
setRectPxBounds: function( pxBounds )
sets/changes region of the map
setRegion: function ( regionCode )
sets/changes region of the map
setRegion: function( regionCode )
Set the grid rotation property and update the grid.
setRotation: function( rotation )
Sets the style of the route handles by type or index.
setRouteHandle: function( routeId, stop, handleOptions )
Sets the visibility of all stop markers and the showHandles option of the route.
setRouteHandleVisibility: function( routeId, showHandles )
Sets the visibility of all stop markers and the showHandles option of the route.
setRouteHandleVisibility: function( routeId, showHandles )
Method for toggling the visibility of the lines and stops of a given route.
setRouteVisibility: function ( routeId, showRoute )
Method for toggling the visibility of the lines and handles of a given route.
setRouteVisibility: function ( routeId, showRoute )
Sets the satellite provider, and redraws layer and updates attribution if in the satellite style.
setSatelliteImageSource: function( imgSrc )
Updates search option.
setSearchOption: function( key, value )
Updates search option.
setSearchOption: function( key, value )
setSize: function( size )
Used to adjust the size of the marker.
setSize:function( contentSize )
setSize:function( contentSize )
Used to adjust the size of the popup.
setSize:function( contentSize )
setSize:function( contentSize )
setSize:function( contentSize )
Overridden here, because we need to update the blocks whenever the size of the popup has changed.
setSize:function( contentSize )
Set the source layer for edits layer.
setSource: function( layer )
Set the grid dx and dy properties and update the grid.
setSpacing: function( dx, dy )
sets/changes style of the map
setStyle: function ( styleName )
Set the targets for the snapping agent.
setTargets: function( targets )
Set the tile size based on the map size.
setTileSize: function( size )
Check if we are in singleTile mode and if so, set the size as a ratio of the map size (as specified by the layer’s ‘ratio’ property).
setTileSize: function( size )
setUrl: function( url )
setUrl: function( newUrl )
Change URL of the Icon Image.
setUrl: function( url )
Set the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show & redraw accordingly.
setVisibility: function( visibility )
Change layer visibility.
setVisibility: function( visibility )
Hide or show the legend control when the layer visibility is changed.
setVisibility: function( visibility )
Hide or show markers when the layer visibility is changed.
setVisibility: function( visibility )
Hide or show the option control(s) or the legend control when the layer visibility is changed.
setVisibility: function( visibility )
Hide or show marker.
setVisibility: function( visibility )
setZIndex: function ( zIndex )
Shift grid work in the other dimension
shiftColumn: function( prepend )
The number of records will be removed from the beginning of the array.
shiftRange: function ( count )
Shifty grid work
shiftRow:function( prepend )
Determine whether to include a feature in a given cluster.
shouldCluster: function( cluster, feature )
Determine whether to include a marker in a given cluster.
shouldCluster: function( cluster, marker )
Return whether or not the tile should actually be (re-)drawn.
shouldDraw: function()
Makes the marker visible.
show: function()
Overridden from Popup since user might hide popup and then show() it in a new location (meaning we might want to update the relative position on the show)
show: function()
Makes the popup visible.
show: function()
Overridden from Popup since user might hide popup and then show() it in a new location (meaning we might want to update the relative position on the show)
show: function()
Add or remove features when a checkbox is clicked.
showCheckedFeatures: function()
Hide/Show all LayerSwitcher controls depending on whether we are minimized or not
showControls: function( minimize )
showLoading: function( evt )
showMapLoadingIcon: function( id, imgURL, className )
Displays the context menu at the specified location.
showMenu: function( loc )
Hide/Show the toggle depending on whether the control is minimized
showToggle: function( minimize )
This function takes address object, returns address arrays with longitudes and latitudes.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.simpleGeocode = function ( inputs )
This function takes address object, returns address arrays with longitudes and latitudes.
simpleGeocode: function ( inputs )
This function will return a simplified LineString.
simplify: function( tolerance )
This function performs single search.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.singleSearch = function( inputs )
Gets states, countries and more.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.singleSearchGet = function( inputs )
Returns country abbreviations supported.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.singleSearchGetCountryTypes = function()
Returns regions are currently supported.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.singleSearchGetRegions = function()
Get the number of records in the queue.
size: function ()
Use this geometry (the source) to attempt to split a target geometry.
split: function( target, options )
Use this geometry (the source) to attempt to split a target geometry.
split: function( geometry, options )
Split this geometry (the target) with the given geometry (the source).
splitWith: function( geometry, options )
Split this geometry (the target) with the given geometry (the source).
splitWith: function( geometry, options )
Split this geometry with the given segment.
splitWithSegment: function( seg, options )
Start the refresh interval.
start: function()
startBox: function ( xy )
Test whether a string starts with another string.
startsWith: function( str, sub )
Gets state polygons.
services.statePolygons = function ( params )
Stops an event from propagating.
stop: function( event, allowDefault )
Cancels the refresh interval.
stop: function()
stopObserving: function( elementParam, name, observer, useCapture )
Given the id of an element to stop observing, cycle through the element’s cached observers, calling stopObserving on each one, skipping those entries which can no longer be removed.
stopObservingElement: function( elementParam )
success: function()