$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 safeScroll, ALKMaps.Map
 save, ALKMaps.Strategy.Save
 Save, ALKMaps.Strategy.Save.ALKMaps.Strategy
 saveState, ALKMaps.Control.Panel
 Scale, ALKMaps.Control.Scale.ALKMaps.Control
 ScaleLine, ALKMaps.Control.ScaleLine.ALKMaps.Control
 scales, ALKMaps.Layer
 Script, ALKMaps.Protocol.Script.ALKMaps.Protocol
 searchCompleted, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 searchFailed, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 searchOption, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch
 segmentsIntersect, ALKMaps.Geometry.ALKMaps.Geometry
 select, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 selectAlertFeatures, ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherAlerts
 selectBox, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 selectControl, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 selectedFeature, ALKMaps.Layer.Text
 selectedFeatures, ALKMaps.Layer.Vector
 selectFeature, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 SelectFeature, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature.ALKMaps.Control
 selectStyle, ALKMaps.Control.SelectFeature
 serialize, ALKMaps.Format.JSON
 setAlertFilters, ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherAlerts(Leaflet)
 setAttributeNS, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 setAttributes, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 setBaseLayer, ALKMaps.Map
 setCategoryVisibility, ALKMaps.Layer.POI
 setDataset, ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap(Leaflet)
 setDefaultStyle, ALKMaps.Style
 setDraggable, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 setEvent, ALKMaps.Handler
 setFeature, ALKMaps.Control.TransformFeature
 setFeatureState, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 setFilter, ALKMaps.Strategy.Filter
 setImgSrc, ALKMaps.Tile.Image
 setImmediate, ALKMaps.Control.Measure
 setIsBaseLayer, ALKMaps.Layer
 setLabel, ALKMaps.Marker
 setLabelVisibility, ALKMaps.Marker
 setLayerIndex, ALKMaps.Map
 setLayerZIndex, ALKMaps.Map
 setListeners, ALKMaps.Control.NavigationHistory
 setMarkerConfig, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch(Leaflet)
 setMarkerStyle, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch(Leaflet)
 setMaxFeatures, ALKMaps.Layer.PointGrid
 setName, ALKMaps.Layer
 setNamespace, ALKMaps.Format.XML
 setOrigin, ALKMaps.Layer.PointGrid
 setPoints, ALKMaps.Layer.HeatMap
 setPopupConfig, ALKMaps.Control.SingleSearch(Leaflet)
 setRatio, ALKMaps.Layer.PointGrid
 setRectPxBounds, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 setRotation, ALKMaps.Layer.PointGrid
 setRouteHandle, ALKMaps.Layer.Routing
 setSatelliteImageSource, ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap
 setSource, ALKMaps.Control.Split
 setSpacing, ALKMaps.Layer.PointGrid
 setStyle, ALKMaps.Layer.BaseMap(Leaflet)
 setTargets, ALKMaps.Control.Snapping
 setZIndex, ALKMaps.Layer
 shiftColumn, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 shiftRange, ALKMaps.Queue
 shiftRow, ALKMaps.Layer.Grid
 shouldDraw, ALKMaps.Tile
 showCheckedFeatures, ALKMaps.Control.WeatherAlertLegend
 showControls, ALKMaps.Control.LayerSwitcher
 showLoading, ALKMaps.Map
 showMapLoadingIcon, ALKMaps.Map
 showMenu, ALKMaps.Control.ContextMenu
 showToggle, ALKMaps.Control.OverviewMap
 sides, ALKMaps.Handler.RegularPolygon
 SimplePopup, ALKMaps.Popup.SimplePopup.ALKMaps.Popup
 simplify, ALKMaps.Geometry.LineString
 single, ALKMaps.Handler.Click
 singleSearch, ALKMaps.Geocoder
 singleSearchGet, ALKMaps.Geocoder
 singleSearchGetCountryTypes, ALKMaps.Geocoder
 singleSearchGetRegions, ALKMaps.Geocoder
 singleTouchPanMap, ALKMaps.Handler.Pinch
 Sites, ALKMaps.Layer.Sites.ALKMaps.Layer
 siteType, ALKMaps.Layer.Sites
 Size, ALKMaps.Size.ALKMaps
 sizeAdjustment, ALKMaps.Popup.SimplePopup
 sketchStyle, ALKMaps.Control.CircleMeasure
 slider, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 sliderEvents, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 snapAngle, ALKMaps.Handler.RegularPolygon
 Snapping, ALKMaps.Control.Snapping.ALKMaps.Control
 snapToggle, ALKMaps.Handler.RegularPolygon
 source, ALKMaps.Control.Split
 sourceFilter, ALKMaps.Control.Split
 sourceOptions, ALKMaps.Control.Split
 space, ALKMaps.Format.JSON
 Spatial, ALKMaps.Filter.Spatial.ALKMaps.Filter
 sphericalMecator, ALKMaps.Layer.XYZ
 Split, ALKMaps.Control.Split.ALKMaps.Control
 splitWithSegment, ALKMaps.Geometry.LineString
 standalone, ALKMaps.Control.ModifyFeature
 startBox, ALKMaps.Handler.Box
 startEvt, ALKMaps.Events.buttonclick
 startRegEx, ALKMaps.Events.buttonclick
 startsWith, ALKMaps.String
 state, ALKMaps.Feature.Vector
 statePolygons, ALKMaps.Services
 stopClick, ALKMaps.Handler.Feature
 stopDouble, ALKMaps.Handler.Click
 stopMove, ALKMaps.Handler.Hover
 stopObserving, ALKMaps.Event
 stopObservingElement, ALKMaps.Event
 stoppedDown, ALKMaps.Handler.Point
 stopSingle, ALKMaps.Handler.Click
 Strategy, ALKMaps.Strategy.ALKMaps
 string, ALKMaps.Format.JSON.serialize
 Style, ALKMaps.Style.ALKMaps
 Style2, ALKMaps.Style2.ALKMaps
 styleBaseUrl, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 StyleMap, ALKMaps.StyleMap.ALKMaps
 success, ALKMaps.Protocol.Response
 suffix, ALKMaps.Control.MousePosition
 symbolizer, ALKMaps.Rule
 Symbolizer, ALKMaps.Symbolizer.ALKMaps
 symbolizers, ALKMaps.Rule
safeScroll: function()
save: function(features)
Tell the layer protocol to commit unsaved features.
Create a new Save strategy.
{Boolean} If set to true, the active state of this panel’s controls will be stored on panel deactivation, and restored on reactivation.
scale: function(ratio,
Scales the bounds around a pixel or lonlat.
{Float} The scale of the feature, relative to the scale the time the feature was set.
Create a new scale line control.
{Array} An array of map scales in descending order.
{Object} The scope to use with the onBeforeSelect, onSelect, onUnselect callbacks.
{Object} Callback execution scope, read-only, set through the options passed to the constructor.
{Object} Optional ``this`` object for the callback.
A class for giving layers generic Script protocol.
searchCompleted: function(resp)
Default method for handling successful search.
searchFailed: function(resp)
Default method for handling failed search.
{Object} Search option.
ALKMaps.Geometry.segmentsIntersect = function(seg1,
Determine whether two line segments intersect.
select: function(feature)
Add feature to the layer’s selectedFeature array, render the feature as selected, and call the onSelect function.
selectAlertFeatures: function(feature,
Gets all weather alert features with the same event name.
selectBox: function(position)
Callback from the set up when box selection is true on.
selectFeature: function(feature)
Select a feature for modification in standalone mode.
Create a new control for selecting features.
{Object} Hash of styles
{String} String used to separate layers.
{String} String used to separate layers.
Object with properties corresponding to the serializable data types.
{Array(Number}} This property is documented in subclasses as an API property.
{Array} A list of all resolutions available on the server.
The ALKMaps services class
setAlertFilters: function(filter)
Updates all alert filter items at once.
setAttributeNS: function(node,
Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the given namespace and name.
setAttributes: function(node,
Set multiple attributes given key value pairs from an object.
Sets the background color of the marker.
Sets the background color of the popup.
setBaseLayer: function(newBaseLayer)
Allows user to specify one of the currently-loaded layers as the Map’s new base layer.
setBorder: function (color,
Allow the user to change the box’s color and border width
Sets the border style of the marker.
Sets the border style of the popup.
Always sets border to 0.
setBounds: function(bounds)
Set the bounds for this Geometry.
setBounds: function(bounds)
Sets the bounds on this instance
setCategoryVisibility: function (category,
Set visibility of all POI features from the layer that are in the given category.
setCenter: function()
As soon as a baseLayer has been loaded, we center and zoom ...and remove the handler.
setCenter: function(lonlat,
Set the map center (and optionally, the zoom level).
setContent: function (content)
Initialize drawergroups and then add map drawers.
setContent: function (content)
Initialize drawergroups and then add map drawers.
Allows the user to set the HTML content of the marker.
Allows the user to set the HTML content of the popup.
setDataset: function (dataset)
sets/changes dataset of the map
setDefaultStyle: function(style)
Sets the default style for this style object.
setDraggable: function(isDraggable)
Sets the layer’s ability to have routes be modified by dragging.
setEvent: function(evt)
With each registered browser event, the handler sets its own evt property.
setFeature: function(feature,
Place the transformation box on a feature and start transforming it.
setFeatureState: function()
Called when the feature is modified.
setFilter: function(filter)
Update the filter for this strategy.
setImgSrc: function(url)
Sets the source for the tile image
setImmediate: function(immediate)
Sets the immediate property.
setIsBaseLayer: function(isBaseLayer)
setLabel: function (label)
Set new label
setLabelVisibility: function (visibility)
Toggle label visibility
setLayer: function(layers)
Attach a new layer to the control, overriding any existing layers.
setLayer: function(layers)
Attach a new layer to the control, overriding any existing layers.
setLayer: function(layer)
Set the editable layer.
setLayer: function(layer)
Called to set the layer property.
setLayerIndex: function (layer,
Move the given layer to the specified (zero-based) index in the layer list, changing its z-index in the map display.
setLayerZIndex: function (layer,
setListeners: function()
Sets functions to be registered in the listeners object.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function (map)
Set the map property for the control, and register map events.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control and all handlers.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control and all handlers.
setMap: function(map)
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control and all handlers.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control and previous and next child controls.
setMap: function(map)
setMap: function(map)
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the control.
setMap: function(map)
Sets map and the geocoding layer to the map.
setMap: function(map)
setMap: function(map)
Attaches button click event here.
setMap: function (map)
setMap: function (map)
setMap: function(map)
Set the map property for the layer.
setMap: function (map)
The layer has been added to the map.
setMap: function(map)
setMap: function (map)
Forces this layer having the same projection as the map.
setMap: function(map)
setMap: function(map)
Retrieve and set the height and width properties from the map, register the moveend event so that layer will update, and draw the layer.
setMap: function(map)
setMap: function(map)
The layer has been added to the map.
setMap: function (map)
setMap: function()
The layer has been added to the map.
setMap: function(map)
Forces this layer having the same projection as the map.
setMap: function (map)
setMap: function(map)
Forces this layer having the same projection as the map.
setMap: function(map)
Forces this layer having the same projection as the map.
setMap: function(map)
The layer has been added to the map.
setMap: function(map)
Add the option control for each weather alerts layer.
setMap: function(map)
When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin (if we don’t have one.)
setMap: function(map)
When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin (if we don’t have one.)
setMarkerConfig: function(key,
Sets location marker configuration properties.
setMarkerStyle: function(key,
Sets location marker icon style configuration properties.
setMaxFeatures: function(maxFeatures)
Set the grid maxFeatures property and update the grid.
setName: function(newName)
Sets the new layer name for this layer.
setNamespace: function(alias,
Set a namespace alias and URI for the format.
setOpacity: function(opacity)
Change the icon’s opacity
setOpacity: function(opacity)
Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
setOpacity: function(opacity)
Sets the opacity for all the markers.
setOpacity: function(opacity)
Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
setOpacity: function(opacity)
Change the opacity of the marker by changing the opacity of its icon
Sets the opacity of the marker.
Sets the opacity of the popup.
Sets the opacity of the popup.
setOptions: function (newOptions)
setOptions: function(options)
Change the map options
setOrigin: function(origin)
Set the grid origin property and update the grid.
setPoints: function(points)
Set the points used to draw the heat map.
setPopupConfig: function(key,
Sets popup configuration properties.
setRatio: function(ratio)
Set the grid ratio property and update the grid.
setRectPxBounds: function(pxBounds)
Set extent rectangle pixel bounds.
setRegion: function (regionCode)
sets/changes region of the map
setRegion: function(regionCode)
sets/changes region of the map
setRotation: function(rotation)
Set the grid rotation property and update the grid.
setRouteHandle: function(routeId,
Sets the style of the route handles by type or index.
setRouteHandleVisibility: function(routeId,
Sets the visibility of all stop markers and the showHandles option of the route.
setRouteHandleVisibility: function(routeId,
Sets the visibility of all stop markers and the showHandles option of the route.
setRouteVisibility: function (routeId,
Method for toggling the visibility of the lines and stops of a given route.
setRouteVisibility: function (routeId,
Method for toggling the visibility of the lines and handles of a given route.
setSatelliteImageSource: function(imgSrc)
Sets the satellite provider, and redraws layer and updates attribution if in the satellite style.
setSearchOption: function(key,
Updates search option.
setSearchOption: function(key,
Updates search option.
setSize: function(size)
Used to adjust the size of the marker.
Used to adjust the size of the popup.
Overridden here, because we need to update the blocks whenever the size of the popup has changed.
setSource: function(layer)
Set the source layer for edits layer.
setSpacing: function(dx,
Set the grid dx and dy properties and update the grid.
setStyle: function (styleName)
sets/changes style of the map
setTargets: function(targets)
Set the targets for the snapping agent.
setTileSize: function(size)
Set the tile size based on the map size.
setTileSize: function(size)
Check if we are in singleTile mode and if so, set the size as a ratio of the map size (as specified by the layer’s ‘ratio’ property).
setUrl: function(url)
setUrl: function(newUrl)
setUrl: function(url)
Change URL of the Icon Image.
setVisibility: function(visibility)
Set the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show & redraw accordingly.
setVisibility: function(visibility)
Change layer visibility.
setVisibility: function(visibility)
Hide or show the legend control when the layer visibility is changed.
setVisibility: function(visibility)
Hide or show markers when the layer visibility is changed.
setVisibility: function(visibility)
Hide or show the option control(s) or the legend control when the layer visibility is changed.
setVisibility: function(visibility)
Hide or show marker.
setZIndex: function (zIndex)
shiftColumn: function(prepend)
Shift grid work in the other dimension
shiftRange: function (count)
The number of records will be removed from the beginning of the array.
Shifty grid work
shouldCluster: function(cluster,
Determine whether to include a feature in a given cluster.
shouldCluster: function(cluster,
Determine whether to include a marker in a given cluster.
shouldDraw: function()
Return whether or not the tile should actually be (re-)drawn.
show: function()
Makes the marker visible.
show: function()
Overridden from Popup since user might hide popup and then show() it in a new location (meaning we might want to update the relative position on the show)
show: function()
Makes the popup visible.
show: function()
Overridden from Popup since user might hide popup and then show() it in a new location (meaning we might want to update the relative position on the show)
showCheckedFeatures: function()
Add or remove features when a checkbox is clicked.
showControls: function(minimize)
Hide/Show all LayerSwitcher controls depending on whether we are minimized or not
showLoading: function(evt)
showMapLoadingIcon: function(id,
showMenu: function(loc)
Displays the context menu at the specified location.
showToggle: function(minimize)
Hide/Show the toggle depending on whether the control is minimized
{Integer} Number of sides for the regular polygon.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.simpleGeocode = function (inputs)
This function takes address object, returns address arrays with longitudes and latitudes.
simpleGeocode: function (inputs)
This function takes address object, returns address arrays with longitudes and latitudes.
simplify: function(tolerance)
This function will return a simplified LineString.
{Boolean} Handle single clicks.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.singleSearch = function(inputs)
This function performs single search.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.singleSearchGet = function(inputs)
Gets states, countries and more.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.singleSearchGetCountryTypes = function()
Returns country abbreviations supported.
ALKMaps.Geocoder.singleSearchGetRegions = function()
Returns regions are currently supported.
{Boolean} Use single tile for WeatherRadar image.
{Boolean} Use tiles for single image dynamic map.
{Boolean} Moves the layer into single-tile mode, meaning that one tile will be loaded.
{Boolean} Use single tile for Traffic image.
{Boolean} If true, single touch and move will pan the map.
Construct a layer for sites.
{ALKMaps.Size} The overvew map size in pixels.
{<ALKMaps.Size>|Object} An ALKMaps.Size or an object with a ‘w’ and ‘h’ properties.
{ALKMaps.Size} The image size in pixels
{ALKMaps.Size} Size of the main div (this.div)
{ALKMaps.Size} the width and height of the marker.
{ALKMaps.Size} the width and height of the popup.
size: function ()
Get the number of records in the queue.
{ALKMaps.Size} null
Create an instance of ALKMaps.Size
{ALKMaps.Size} Rendered content width and height adjustments.
Pixels to slide by.
{Integer} Number of pixels by which we’ll pan the map in any direction on clicking the arrow buttons, defaults to 50.
{Integer} Number of pixels by which we’ll pan the map in any direction on clicking the arrow buttons, defaults to 50.
{Integer} Number of pixels by which we’ll pan the map in any direction on clicking the arrow buttons.
{Number} The fraction of map width/height by which we’ll pan the map on clicking the arrow buttons.
{Number} The fraction of map width/height by which we’ll pan the map on clicking the arrow buttons.
{Number} The fraction of map width/height by which we’ll pan the map on clicking the arrow buttons.
{Float} If set to a non-zero value, the handler will snap the polygon rotation to multiples of the snapAngle.
Creates a new snapping control.
{String} If set, snapToggle is checked on mouse events and will set the snap mode to the opposite of what it currently is.
{ALKMaps.Layer.Vector} Optional source layer.
{ALKMaps.Filter} Optional filter that will be evaluated to determine if a feature from the source layer is eligible for splitting.
{Options} If a temporary sketch layer is created, these layer options will be applied.
{String} For “pretty” printing, the space string will be used after the “:” separating a name/value pair.
Creates a spatial filter.
The ALKMaps.Spherical namespace includes utility functions for calculations on the basis of a spherical earth (ignoring ellipsoidal effects), which is accurate enough for most purposes.
Whether the tile extents should be set to the defaults for spherical mercator.
{Boolean} Set this property to true for Spherical Mercator projection.
{Boolean} Traffic layer only has Spherical Mercator map.
split: function(target,
Use this geometry (the source) to attempt to split a target geometry.
split: function(geometry,
Use this geometry (the source) to attempt to split a target geometry.
Creates a new split control.
splitWith: function(geometry,
Split this geometry (the target) with the given geometry (the source).
splitWith: function(geometry,
Split this geometry (the target) with the given geometry (the source).
splitWithSegment: function(seg,
Split this geometry with the given segment.
{Boolean} Include the SRS identifier in BBOX query string parameter.
{Boolean} Include the SRS identifier in BBOX query string parameter.
{Boolean} Include the SRS identifier in BBOX query string parameter.
{Boolean} Set to true to create a control without SelectFeature capabilities.
{ALKMaps.Pixel} The first pixel location of the drag.
{Object} Object that store informations related to pinch touchstart.
start: function()
Start the refresh interval.
startBox: function (xy)
{Boolean} When a mousedown or touchstart event is received, we want to record it, but not set ‘dragging’ until the mouse moves after starting.
{Boolean} When a touchstart event is received, we want to record it, but not set ‘pinching’ until the touchmove get started after starting.
{Event} The event that started the click sequence
{RegExp} Regular expression to test Event.type for events that start a buttonclick sequence.
startsWith: function(str,
Test whether a string starts with another string.
services.statePolygons = function (params)
Gets state polygons.
stop: function(event,
Stops an event from propagating.
stop: function()
Cancels the refresh interval.
{Boolean} If stopClick is set to true, handled clicks do not propagate to other click listeners.
{Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of double-clicks.
{Boolean} Stop propagation of mousedown events from getting to listeners on the same element.
{Boolean} If stopDown is set to true, handled mousedowns do not propagate to other mousedown listeners.
{Boolean} Stop propagation of touchstart events from getting to listeners on the same element.
{Boolean} Stop event propagation on mousedown.
stopObserving: function(elementParam,
stopObservingElement: function(elementParam)
Given the id of an element to stop observing, cycle through the element’s cached observers, calling stopObserving on each one, skipping those entries which can no longer be removed.
{Boolean} Indicate whether the last mousedown stopped the event propagation.
{Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of clicks.
{Boolean} If stopUp is set to true, handled mouseups do not propagate to other mouseup listeners.
{Boolean} Stop event propagation on mouse.
{Array(ALKMaps.Strategy)} Optional list of strategies for the layer.
{Array(ALKMaps.Strategy})} Optional list of strategies for the layer.
Abstract class for vector strategies.
Transform a string into a JSON string.
{String} Color for line stroke.
{String} Color for line stroke.
{String} Color for line stroke.
{String} Stroke dash style according to the SLD spec.
{String} Stroke dash style according to the SLD spec.
{String} Stroke dash style according to the SLD spec.
{String} Stroke cap type (“butt”, “round”, or “square”).
{String} Stroke cap type (“butt”, “round”, or “square”).
{String} Stroke cap type (“butt”, “round”, or “square”).
{Number} Stroke opacity (0-1).
{Number} Stroke opacity (0-1).
{Number} Stroke opacity (0-1).
{Number} Pixel stroke width.
{Number} Pixel stroke width.
{Number} Pixel stroke width.
ALKMaps features can have a number of style attributes.
{String} map style
{Object} Default style for the layer
Creates a UserStyle.
Creates a style representing a collection of rendering rules.
Customize avoid/favor visual styles.
{Object} Storage of style objects
{Object} Hash of {ALKMaps.Style}, keyed by names of well known rendering intents (e.g.
success: function()
{Object} Symbolizer or hash of symbolizers for this rule.
Instances of this class are not useful.
{Array} prefixes of the sld symbolizers.
{Array} Collection of symbolizers associated with this rule.