$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 failure, ALKMaps.Control.BaseGeolocate
 False, ALKMaps.Function
 featureAdded, ALKMaps.Control.DrawFeature
 FeatureEvent, ALKMaps.Control.FeatureEvent.ALKMaps.Control
 FeatureId, ALKMaps.Filter.FeatureId.ALKMaps.Filter
 FeatureSlicer, ALKMaps.Control.FeatureSlicer.ALKMaps.Control
 featureunselected, ALKMaps.Layer.WeatherAlerts
 fetch, ALKMaps.Control.CacheRead
 fetched, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 fetchEvent, ALKMaps.Control.CacheRead
 fetchLink, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 fid, ALKMaps.Feature.Vector
 fids, ALKMaps.Filter.FeatureId
 filters, ALKMaps.Filter.Logical
 finalizeInteriorRing, ALKMaps.Handler.Polygon
 findElement, ALKMaps.Event
 findPropertyStyles, ALKMaps.Style
 finishSketch, ALKMaps.Control.DrawFeature
 finishStyle, ALKMaps.Control.CircleMeasure
 Fixed, ALKMaps.Strategy.Fixed.ALKMaps.Strategy
 fixedRadius, ALKMaps.Handler.RegularPolygon
 foldersDesc, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 foldersName, ALKMaps.Format.KML
 fontFamily, ALKMaps.Symbolizer.Text
 fontSize, ALKMaps.Symbolizer.Text
 fontStyle, ALKMaps.Symbolizer.Text
 fontWeight, ALKMaps.Symbolizer.Text
 force, ALKMaps.Strategy.Refresh
 forceFixedZoomLevel, ALKMaps.Control.PanZoomBar
 Format, ALKMaps.Format.ALKMaps
 formatOptions, ALKMaps.Layer.Text
 formatOutput, ALKMaps.Control.MousePosition
 fractionalZoom, ALKMaps.Map
 frame, ALKMaps.Tile.Image
 frameAvoidFavor, ALKMaps.Layer.AvoidFavor
 Framed, ALKMaps.Popup.Framed.ALKMaps.Popup
 FramedCloud, ALKMaps.Popup.FramedCloud.ALKMaps.Popup
 framePolygon, ALKMaps.Layer.DriveTime
 freehand, ALKMaps.Handler.Path
 freehandMode, ALKMaps.Handler.Path
 freehandToggle, ALKMaps.Handler.Path
 fromSize, ALKMaps.Bounds
 fromWKT, ALKMaps.Geometry.ALKMaps.Geometry
 Function, ALKMaps.Filter.Function.ALKMaps.Filter
 Functions and Properties
failure: function (error)
method called on browser’s geolocation failure
{Boolean} Should ALKMaps allow events on the map to fall through to other elements on the page, or should it swallow them? 
False : function()
A simple function to that just does “return false”.
{ALKMaps.Feature.Vector} Feature currently available for modification.
{ALKMaps.Feature.Vector} The current editable feature.
{ALKMaps.Feature.Vector} Feature currently available for transformation.
Return a partial GeoJSON object representing a single feature.
{ALKMaps.Feature.Vector} The last feature that was hovered.
{ALKMaps.Feature.Vector} The currently drawn polygon feature
Constructor for features.
{Function} Called after each feature is added
{Object} To restrict matching feature by comparing feature attributes.
{Object} To restrict matching feature by comparing feature attributes.
{Object} The functions that are sent to the feature handler for callback.
{Object} The functions that are sent to the feature handler for callback.
{Object} The functions that are sent to the feature handler for callback.
Create a new control for selecting features.
Creates an ogc:FeatureId rule.
{Array} Array of features
{Array({ALKMaps.Feature.Vector})} or {ALKMaps.Feature.Vector} The features returned in the response by the server.
{Array(ALKMaps.Feature.Vector)} Cached features.
{Array(ALKMaps.Feature.Vector)} Cached features.
Create a new control to create the line which can be moved, or stretched later.
featureunselected: function(e)
Event handler.
fetch: function(evt)
Listener to the fetchEvent event.
{Object} Storage of KML URLs that have been fetched before in order to prevent reloading them.
{String} The layer event to listen to for replacing remote resource tile URLs with cached data URIs.
fetchLink: function(href)
Fetches a URL and returns the result
{Array(String)} Feature Ids to evaluate this rule against.
{String} RGB hex fill color (e.g.
{String} RGB hex fill color (e.g.
{Number} Fill opacity (0-1).
{Number} Fill opacity (0-1).
filter: function(array,
Filter an array.
{ALKMaps.Filter} The filter set in this layer, a strategy launching read requests can combined this filter with its own filter.
{ALKMaps.Filter} Optional filter for the rule.
{ALKMaps.Filter} Filter for limiting features sent to the layer.
This class represents a generic filter.
Create a new filter strategy.
{Array(ALKMaps.Filter)} Child filters for this filter.
Optional method to translate an ALKMaps.Filter object into an object that can be serialized as request query string provided.
Optional method to translate an ALKMaps.Filter object into an object that can be serialized as request query string provided.
finalize: function(cancel)
Finish the geometry and call the “done” callback.
finalize: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “done” callback.
finalizeInteriorRing: function()
Enforces that new ring has some area and doesn’t contain vertices of any other rings.
findElement: function(event,
findPropertyStyles: function()
Looks into all rules for this style and the defaultStyle to collect all the style hash property names containing ${...}
finishGeometry: function()
Finish the geometry and send it back to the control.
finishGeometry: function()
Finish the geometry and send it back to the control.
finishSketch: function()
Finishes the sketch without including the currently drawn point.
{Object} When waiting for double clicks, this object will store information about the first click in a two click sequence.
first: function ()
Get the first record in the queue.
Create a new Fixed strategy.
{Boolean} The polygon has a fixed radius.
{Boolean} If true, marker postion will be fixed.
{Boolean} We want the framed popup to work dynamically placed relative to its anchor but also in just one fixed position.
{Boolean} The Framed Cloud popup works in just one fixed position.
fixPadding: function()
To be removed in 3.0, this function merely helps us to deal with the case where the user may have set an integer value for padding, instead of an ALKMaps.Bounds object.
fixPadding: function()
To be removed in 3.0, this function merely helps us to deal with the case where the user may have set an integer value for padding, instead of an ALKMaps.Bounds object.
{String} Description of the folders.
{String} Name of the folders.
{String} The font family for the label.
{String} The font size for the label.
{String} The font style for the label.
{String} The font weight for the label.
{Boolean} Force a refresh on the layer.
{Boolean} Force a fixed zoom level even though the map has fractionalZoom
format: function(num,
Formats a number for output.
{ALKMaps.Format} The format used by this protocol.
{ALKMaps.Format} Format for parsing features.
format: function(template,
Given a string with tokens in the form ${token}, return a string with tokens replaced with properties from the given context object.
Instances of this class are not useful.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
formatOutput: function(lonLat)
Override to provide custom display output
{Boolean} For a base layer that supports it, allow the map resolution to be set to a value between one of the values in the resolutions array.
{DOMElement} The image element is appended to the frame.
Zoom to newly added features if it sets to true.
{Boolean} Determines whether or not the map should zoom to the bounds of the most recently added polygon.
{Boolean} In freehand mode, the handler starts the path on mouse down, adds a point for every mouse move, and finishes the path on mouse up.
freehandMode: function(evt)
Determine whether to behave in freehand mode or not.
{String} If set, freehandToggle is checked on mouse events and will set the freehand mode to the opposite of this.freehand.
ALKMaps.Bounds.fromArray = function(bbox,
Alternative constructor that builds a new ALKMaps.Bounds from an array
ALKMaps.LonLat.fromArray = function(arr)
Alternative constructor that builds a new ALKMaps.LonLat from an array of two numbers that represent lon- and lat-values.
ALKMaps.Bounds.fromSize = function(size)
Alternative constructor that builds a new ALKMaps.Bounds from a size
ALKMaps.Bounds.fromString = function(str,
Alternative constructor that builds a new ALKMaps.Bounds from a parameter string
ALKMaps.LonLat.fromString = function(str)
Alternative constructor that builds a new ALKMaps.LonLat from a parameter string
ALKMaps.Geometry.fromWKT = function(wkt)
Generate a geometry given a Well-Known Text string.
Creates a filter function.